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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Have been in there recently and spoke with Simon and his son. I understand that they are downsizing, going back to the single frontage they had a few years ago, and closing half of the premises. Simon was assembling new shelving units near the 'old' door and they've moved the tills there too. Understand they've had a bad year but hope to keep going.

Didn't stop me from quickly spending all the vouchers from kind family members - a top of the range headlight...


Have been in there recently and spoke with Simon and his son. I understand that they are downsizing, going back to the single frontage they had a few years ago, and closing half of the premises. Simon was assembling new shelving units near the 'old' door and they've moved the tills there too. Understand they've had a bad year but hope to keep going.

Didn't stop me from quickly spending all the vouchers from kind family members - a top of the range headlight...


Exactly the same was told to me by the guys in the shop.


Went past today and the move into the right hand half of the shop (if you are outside) is very nearly complete.


Hope they have a better year this year. I love the rag they get in there. Only beaten by ones you have dug yourself IMHO.


The problem with the tackle shop is 2 fold.

First they always have competition from web based outlet, who usually can do it cheaper, but more importantly, everyone can do it on a dark windy day where fishing is not possible and surf thru hundreds of pages tackles.

Secondly, the economy is far from certain, there are definitely far less ppl fishing on any given day (just ask the skippers) less ppl fishing, less lost tackles, and therefore less ppl buying replacement tackles.


Whilst I agree many people buy on line for their major tackle purchases many only use the "shop" for smaller and cheaper bits.


Many in the tackle trade also have an online shop to keep up with the competition and unless business move into these sort of marketing areas, most retail shops will struggle. I see no reason why they could not produce their own range of end tackle sold slightly cheaper than the branded names.


These days any sale which makes a profit is better than none.





Have used Wessex since it first opened and have been disappointed with it since I moved down here a year and a half ago. I like to support local tackle shops if I can, but many of the basics were missing for example almost no selection of shock leader, no braid lines of the right breaking strain, no swivels, no mustad hook selection etc etc. I have gone in on more than one occasion wth three figures to spend and been fobbed of with "we can't get it" or "its on back order" and more recently with "It's stuck in the snow up North". When spending on new heavier rods and reels this year they were my first port of call (talking three rods and decent lever drag reels over



Neil at Bournemouth Fishing Lodge is very helpful.


Charlie A and I paid him a vist a few weeks ago as CA wanted some light spinning rods. He bought 2 which were amazing value and wanted a third slightly heavier one in 8ft. Neil had nothing quite suitable, due to a recommendation from a friend we asked if he could get a specific rod.


He was more than happy to help with no need for a deposit and we could have taken or left it. In teh end he ordered a selection on our recommendation (no pressure then!). We returned a week later and there on display was the 8ft and 9ft version of the choosen rod. 10 mins later Charlie had his 3rd spinning rod and a spool of line - watch out Mr Spikey!!!


Great service and a can do \ can help attitude. I feel that you should't buy a rod that you havent seen \ tried with you own eyes. So unless you have tried one before, the tackle shops are the way forward.


(I had seen \ heard of an Abu Diamond Crest spinning rod, found one in a shop (not local) absolutly awful, bad rings, bad action nothing like the ones Charlie bought and for the same money!)




There are websites out there where tackle is reviewed on the beach side when it comes to quality reels and casting, especially beach fishing. From what I can see reviews on the boat side are limited. At one time, there were only 5 or 6 names to consider now there are so many new names and even the old trusted ones eg Abu and Penn are often not made where people think. Recommendation is often the name of the game, I wanted a duplicate rod and reel from a local shop, he showed me what it cost him for a one off and suggested I look at reviews and the new ones were not as good as the ones I had.I phoned a mate up at Veals Mail Order who confirmed the same and suggested an alternative which the local shop price matched. Like yourself Rob, you feel they have treated you as an individual and will go back there and spend again. Will look at the shop you mention in the not too distant future as one of the main places I use for bits and bobs and possibly for some reels in the future is only open at weekends. rolleyes.gif



Its Sad that a good shop is struggling so much.


Dixie told me a couple of weeks ago about the downsizing, so I hope that will free up some money to restock the shop.


Its hard if there is no cash flow to maintain stock , but without stock all the additional bits sold when people pop in for bait etc can not be bought.


I like others would love to continue to support the shop, but it has to have thiings on the shelves


Charlie biggrin.gif

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