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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Any tackle tarts out here - new rod decision

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I'm minded to get myself a nice 12-20 class rod. The three I've been looking at, on the net, are the Diawa Team Z, the MTI 15-20 and the Islander 12-20. At present, I'm leaning towards the MTI as it is the longest rod and I like long rods, also the cheapest, which is good.


Has anybody got any of the above and are there any others in this class I should be looking at?





Posted (edited)

Try and get your hands on a 12-20 braid ugly stik. They are a long, light, thin blank with a great deal of strength to give those cod and ling some teddy but still very sensitive in the tip. They were supposed to retail at

Edited by Wedger

Thanks for the thought, as it happens I already have that Ugly Stick, great rod but I was looking for something light to hold most of the day.




Chris I have the MTI 20-40 in my opinion great rod not as powerful as labeled,modified mine with duplon on grip above reel seat as it was a bare blank and too small for my hands,I can bring to next meet for you to borrow as I wont be using it for some time.

Out of my collection,ugly,alba,daiwa its my favourite allround rod

Just let me know



get yourself a new abu suveran evo 12lb class.

you'll like it that much you'll soon buy the 20lb as well.

by the winter you'll be after the 30lb for those needles cod.



it happened to me!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif



have a word with Mark at Alderney Angling and ask one of the guys visiting to bring it back for you.


Thanks all for your thoughts.


Nigel, unfortunately back at work as from next week, based in Wales, club meets will be out for a bit. Interesting observation on the power of the rod tho' and best of luck with your engine.


Dicky, as it happens I'm over to Alderney in June with Chris Caines, so will look in shop, although I suspect that money will have burnt hole in pocket before then.


Keep the thoughts coming.




i have recently [past two years] really taken to the Diawa Kensaki braid rods


I now have them all and always use the 12-20 when drift fishing for pollack/cod


nice light rod to hold all day, very good action even though its in two equal parts


and although the retail price is


Ive always been a fan of the Abu Conolon / Suveran - in fact I've got 11 of them and counting!


Until recently... Ive just bought a pair of Kenzaki's - would recommend then highly - if you want a lightweight rod to hold all day then these are the kiddies. Worth a look.


BTW - Alderney Angling is the place to get them -


i have to admit that the thought of a 12-20 kenzaki from alderney makes a nice reward to myself for getting there, not an economic way of saving the postage tho but it would be a lot more rewarding, fingers crossed

Posted (edited)

by the winter you'll be after the 30lb for those needles cod.




Blimey ........ blink.gif


I used 12 & 12-20 ugly for the 20 lbers last winter and easily coped. When we were fishing for the 6-12 lbders 2 years ago the 6lb ugly was in play.



Edited by Wedger



I got myself a 50lb rated Kensaki and just love it. Intend to get the 12/20 one when in Alderney ( funds permitting ).


Best price on mainland I could find is


Thanks all, I'll add the Kenzaki on to my list.


I had on one of the earlier versions and found it v light but managed to smash the tip after a couple of seasons, perhaps I'll fare better with the new version.




I bought the Kanzaki 6-12 lb braid special late last year.....yet to christen it as the boat is still on my drive. mad.gif


Was tempted by the Ugly 12lb too ....... and the 12-20.... but have a few in that range already. rolleyes.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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