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Has anyone any experience of using smart tabs - do thye produce any noticeable improvement in rid or fuel efficiency? With the lantern cabin to one side Free Boys tends to slighly list to port in a sea is it likely thye would help with this




Big subject... no simple answer.


Yes Ive used them - on my Warrior 165 I used to have. They were good but had limitations. The main one being that you cant adjust them underway like electric / hydraulic tabs.


Most boats will lean or heel in a beam on sea to an extent, trim tabs wont solve this.


If you have a perminant list to one side then these could be useful - for example if you have an offset wheelhouse, however I'd be very surpirised if a mainstream boat builder let a boat out that had a design fault list. If it's down to kit and weight distribution then have a play around - move a bucket of leads etc.


I'd say that on a 6m boat with wheelhouse youre at the top end of the boat size these simple little tabs will work on. My advice would be to swallow the extra expense and go for a fully adjustable set for a boat like yours - they will be worth the extra in the long run.





I've got Bennets hydraulic sport tabs on my Orkney, fitted them 4 years ago and not had any problems whatsoever, and virtually maintenance free (except antifouling / anodes)


They will easily correct a port or starb, list for example when someone steps across the deck or if the fishbox / gear are placed on one side. But I would question why fit tabs to correct a problem which shouldnt exist ? as the outlay is quite high.


Having said that, they have other advantages in being able to trim your boats bow down (mine rides high and can strike the chop harshly unless you lower the nose a bit) and when the boat is carrying loads of gear at the back.


Good Luck sorting it out!




I've also got Bennets hydraulic tabs on my Ryds 600ac.


Can't do without them as I cant see where I'm going without them ohmy.gif


The bow tends to ride high in the air and with the steering position towards the midship/aft area I can't see over it when I'm seated ..... or standing up(due to a shortage in the length of leg department) rolleyes.gif


They're a great advantage to trimming a boat and on mine have an incredible effect on boat angle heel and fore and aft trim.


Been on since 2006 no problems

Thoroughly reccommended



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