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Now standard issue on BW.


Especially as night, no option all crew and skipper must wear jackets. Bad weather - same applies...all other situations, jackets at all times unless common sense says otherwise, i.e 26c degs, hot sunny July day.


A decision I made after the other week. Funnily enough, Rach got in the car to come home with hers still on...she forget she was wearing it! So a standing testimomy to wearing one on a small boat.




Hi Adam


Some nice fish however, I prefer the warmer weather clothing on the last posting biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Well done to Rach is getting some good fish.


I am just green with envy that I am unable to get out just yet. sick.gifsick.gif


Well done to you both









Not X-Ray by any chance ?? smile.gif


The sea state looks somewhat smoother than it was on Sunday, I have to say. There was no way I was going to fish X-Ray after around lunchtime yesterday ( but I am beginning to wish I had gone there earlier having seen the catch pics. ).


Nice fish Rach,


Now just get Adam to fill out your membership form and pay your Subs and I can start adding them to the book.


I am sure Helen would welcome some more female competition, although I am not so sure that the rest of us will.

You girls always seem to get amongst the fish



Well done




PS nice to see that you have adopted the lifejacket rule.

I have started taking two of mine home now so I have them for the tender as well as GW.

Next step is to start wearing them more often.

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