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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With such an aweful year weather wise it was doubful whether this trip would even go a head. Having cancelled the first date due to wind we were mega keen to get a trip to Cherbourg before the summer wrecking fizzled out, and with a perfect forecast seeming to hold last week hopes were high - however the usual pattern played out and Friday afternoon saw dozens of phone calls zooming around between skippers and crew - can we / cant we etc! However a late call on Friday at 7pm proved to be the right decision as the weather improved marginally enough to make the trip safe and it was agreed - Bon Voyage!!


As is custom on these trips, a silly early start was agreed and at 5am on Sat JV with me and Alun steamed over the chains with Wight Magic with Dave, Mick (skipper of Marichelle) and Kev (skipper of Yelo) alongside us. The wind was fresh F4 but from the NW so it gave us a push south and made for a speedy trip, albeit, the sea got larger the further offshore we went.


The first target wreck was some 35 miles from Poole and hopes were high, but alas all this produced were small 3-5lb pollok - not what we came for - so off another 7 miles or so to the next rusty hulk. This one has produced well for us in previous years but it was hard going with only a few fish, so again for to look at more wrecks.


We spent most of the morning fishing and finding new wrecks on the french side of the channel with fairly slow results and with a target of getting back into Cherbourg to have a bit of and explore and see the culture... (Ok mountains of food and lashings of beer and wine!!) we needed to get away mid afternoon so time was pressing on.


It all came good on the last 2 wrecks some 50 miles from Poole, when the flood tide kicked in. Some of the best wrecking Ive had - not just for numbers of fish but also size and variety. Both boats landed some super cod, massive pollok and quality ling. The tactic of the day was good old-school pirks, which seemed to work for all species.

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The best fish on JV were an 16lb cod, 16lb ling and a 13lb 8oz pollok. The suprise catches were a 3lb tub gurnard to me and the fish of the trip was a 4lb 6oz Black Bream which I took as the tide fell away.

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We also returned alot of fish and found that a steady slow retreave had the fish in much better shape to be returned. I think we put back around 20 pollok over the 2 days.

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So at 3pm, fish boxes full, the wind now down to a F2 and the sea slight, the sun was out and we cracked open a cold beer and pushed on south and into new territiores for both boats - France!

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New areas are always a little daunting but with plenty of help and advice from friends and local charter skippers we found the whole experiance easy and enjoyable. Chantereyne Marina was very busy and easy to work out and we were guided to raft alongside a 35' Sealine from Portsmouth for the night.

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Into the Captiniere's office and paid our 15/20 euros, got mugged on the fuel berth at 1.45E for Gazoil (diesel) and then left the crew to depart all of 500 yds to the hotel whilst dave and I used the marina facilities.


Time was creaping on and after stocking up on a few boxes of wine from the Carrefore we finally found ourselves slumped in a little resturant alongside the marina with aching backs, leg and arms where several pints of cold larger, crisp Muscadet and plates of Moules Frites, Poission Soup, and Steak au Piovre were devoured whilst we compared notes from the days fishing. As you might have guess we all slept like the dead that night!

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Sunday morning greeted us bright and calm so a lovely lazy start, bacon rolls and coffee on the boat for Dave and I, and we met the crew and pushed of at around 9am. The forecast was for F4 15knots Westerly and as the sun slipped under a heavy blanket of cloud less than 3 miles out of the harbour shorts and shades were replaced by boots and jackets.


Day 2 was harder going - possibly as we were a little tired from the day before, the sea was sloppy and progress a little slower but again we all managed some qualiity fish. I choose to fish a little more targetted to avoid loading up with unwanted pollok and managed a cracking ling on a drifted mackeral flapper. Kev on Wight Magic had a super cod at 19lb.

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Before we knew, it was 3pm and we had 35 miles to run home so a slow but steady 14 knots saw us coming back up the harbour and tied up by 5pm. What a memorable trip. Alwasy great to buddy with Dave as many of us know, and we stayed together and fished the wrecks as a buddy pair for the whole trip. It's really great to know you have assistance if required - 50 miles from Poole in the middle of the channel can be a lonely place!


Throughly recommend the trip and it will definatly figure in my line up for 2012!




Well done Adam..........great report, super pics and excellent skippering!


Agreed on 2012........let's just pick a nice smooth couple of days...[for a change!!].


Really enjoyed the fishing.... the company .. and general banter.


I thought the marina \ location \ facilities made the trip hassle-free and convenient ...just a few paces from the centre of Cherbourg.




PS....judging by how I feel today, I know why it's called 'Wrecking' !!



Well done chaps! How were the Kenzakis and Avets on a proper wrecking trip? I assume you used the 12/20s!




Sounds great mate


I am sure that calmer seas would have made it easier with less effort involved,

it was lumpy enough where we were yesterday morning.


Look forward to joining you in 2012. and to hearing which lumps you fished


Nice pictures mate and good fishing

Biggest bream of the year I believe wink.gif

Is the gurnard off to be smoked?




@ Rob - yes 12lb Kenzaki's used for 90% of the fishing. Avets performed flawelessly - between us both we now have enough to full JV's rod rack! I found the 12lb Kenzaki great for playing fish but a little lacking when I really had to lift a fish hard out of the wrecks, and a couple of times I was simply out-gunned and we lost a few quality fish back into the wreck. On comparison my 12lb conolons would lift a tank, but lack the finesse so it's swings and see-saws...


@ James - well I'd love to tell you I skillfully angled the monster bream on a delicate rig loaded with squid dropped with precision behind the wreck but alas the beast had eyes biggeer than it's belly and slammed a 300gm pirk!! tongue.gif


Good report Adam

It did seem as if we were not going to be able to get this trip in

but i am glad we did

Having wanting to fish one of those wrecks for the last 4 years

It was good to find it and for it to fish so well

are best fish of the trip was a19lb cod that Kev caught

& a16lb pollack to me we also had quite few cod in the 12 to 13 lb range

Thanks to my crew Kev and Mick also Adam and Alun for making it a

good trip


Cheers Dave biggrin.gif




by my maths, your pollack was a better fish than Kev's cod !!



Well done on both !!


You've shown me the way with those pirks !! I found them easier to use over the wrecks than the jellies.




At last ......... Ive stopped aching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But what a trip, the fishing was awesome, and the company was good too.

Many thanks to Dave for the trip and putting us on the fish, mind you,I took a lot of stick from both Kev and Dave, all in good fun?????


Thanks again Dave and Kev for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes.


I know Kev wanted a rope to hang me with, not sure why though ????????????


Good to meet you Adam and Alun, thanks for the translation etc. Alun.





Just a quick thanks to the skipper Dave the pirk for putting us on the fish maybe next time he will find us the magic 20lb er

what a great weekend good food fantastic fishing not a bunch of blokes

in the mad rush forgot to take my camera so no pics shame as there were some crackers

thanks again for a great weekend


ps Rob to kick me in the hip boy they will have to be quick to catch me


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