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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Brownie points and gold stars......

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I find myself in the ridiculous situation where I already have enough points and stars to fish a couple of trips a months through the winter smile.gif

The weather forecasts have delivered the opportunity, and the continued frustration has somehow channelled itself into not just the odd ticked off item on the list but wholesale destruction of the list itself! The oldest job on the list was just over 5 years (widen the garden path) and Sunday saw 1.5 cubic m of 6:1 mixed and poured into workings preped bit by bit over the last month - job done.


Ok there will be a new list in time (probably by the time I get home tonight sad.gif ) but now all I need is some weather windows at weekends.......



Are others in the same position? I know at least one member who is making progress as a recent call got the response "I would rather not stop him now as he has just started the painting - please call back much much later!"


Yep - Know exactly what you mean! I have nearly completed the new patio - a huge job in itself, on top of that re-tiled the en-suite, and replaced the facia on the house! I could probably go fishing for a month and still have points to spare!!


Seriously, I cannot remember a worse year for fishing weather. Wind has dominated the whole summer and I can only think of 2 trips where the sea was glassy calm!


I was booked in for a corporate trip from Weymouth on Tiger Lily on Weds, but Online weather now gives storm Force 12's!....


Maybe November will be one of those winter high pressure months where the sea stays flat all day! rolleyes.gif


Wind has created another job ........... sweep up leaves !!


Planning to get out tomorrow ........ tiny weather window ....... hope swells aren't too bad ....... fingers crossed..... small tides recently might help.


Tight lines,




Yes Duncan I think we are all in the same boat. sad.gifsad.gif


Even the garage doors are painted so perhaps Wendy will pass me out the mobile next time it rings.


I hope to sneak out tomorrow as I have taken a week off and the rest of it looks very poor.


Everything is crossed, I will let you know how we get on


Charlie biggrin.gif


Great trip out today


and kept hold of the browny points, we took Wendy with us on a lovely day and kept the trip down to just 8 hours. then via the chippy on the way home so there is no cooking to be done. [she can cook the fish tomorrow]


Charlie biggrin.gif


Two hours filletting; 4 trays in the freezer; two bags given to friends, a big meal this evening with friends........ now I've got to get rid of a big bag of all the remains........a poly sac with about 50 - 60 lbs. of organic deris. The bin men came yesterday....... and she gets very twitchy if smells are left to develop for a week......... so I'll be looking for big bin tomorrow!!!!!


P.S. the colouration on the whiting is so like a cod....... the marbling of olive spots and flecks on that silvery white background........ just stretched through the mangle!


P.P.S. as a biologist, it was interesting to see the varied condition of the fish [ and boy did we have a big sample to compare !], most were fat and firm , several were soft and pasty, a few were thin and wasted; some were stuffed with food [ fish, crabs, shells] others completely empty; most in good finned condition but several were ragged [ fighting/ competition/ pecking order ??]. All adds interest to the day. I wonder how big the population might be; could be a good year; lots of tiddlers, to grow for the next few years too?


P.P.S. Shoreham reg. trawler steamed straight past us ....... with no effect; if the fish were where it was , it must have been bursting at the seams/ overflowing ........... but it carried on , round the Ledge and beyond.




Alun, its interesting to note the difference in catch, possibly from the same shoal. Another point of interest is the fact that far fewer sun spots have been seen this late summer, indicating that we are in for a harder than usual winter.......appaerntly. If the fish in the channel know this, we are in for a few months of feeding frenzy before the cold snap arrives. I know from the hedgrows over this way, that there is a very good crop of berry this season, another indicator of harder weather to come????



tongue.gif Hi Rich, Good crops of berries, loads of Sloe Gin mate. Is it rich pickings up there Rich for the big black juicy ones. Still haven,t heard about the 6th yet but will keep you informed. I was watching a programme on Discovery and it seems as thouigh the bravest fish(On the outside of the shoals ) are the fattest. They get the most food. The fish that stay in the middle get very little . Maybe its true but it sounds logical. BB cool.gif

Billy...is your moby back on yet mate?? Ive got a demi-john of wild plum gin...will bring you some over...its ready this winter..six years old now, and a bottle of six year old sloe gin....well tasty.


As for the 6th, I have left the date s open so if we can fish, I'm up for it ok????



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