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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Saturday quiet at work so going wishin for Mr Nod,try for a biggy wink.gif

I`ll be on ch6,i expect the ones that can will be out that way good luck to you all and hope you get youre strings pulled good an proper



Hi Nige,


I am also plannign a trip tomorrow morning but looking closely at the weather.


Metoffice inshore saying force 4 or 5 increasing 6 later where as the Poole forecast is for 8mph all day?!?!?!?


Fingers crossed for low wind and some Cod!




Have been talked into a trip [How easy was that LOL]


Hope to head out but weather will dictate how far, Nige you may get a call later.


at the moment I have a space, anyone interested you know where I am

07887 794716




Hilda Maud will be there providing the good day weather scenario plays out, although the forecasts are not consistent and Hurst Castle wind is currently a tad shy of 20knots from the SSE. I'm expecting a fair swell, there's about 3-5' at present but it is forecast to go down as the day goes on.

Hope to be out there somewhere wink.gif

doing a 12 til 8pm to see if they feed better in the dark ohmy.gif


Mike (goingtoneedatorch!)


Make sure you put your radar reflector up and anchor light on!


Popped out and it was a cracking day weather and sea state wise.

Dropped the hook in the carpark and Alfresco was behind us and Neal was inland of our position,the weather made up for the slow fishing.First a couple of congers to me then I had a cod about 8lb.

Then it was very slow while the tide went slack apart from another conger to me,my crew Peter was having his annual November trip out with me struggled with dogs,pout and small whiting.

After fishing the start of the ebb the red weed was being a pain so I called lines in about 1.30pm to go in early when my number two rod started to take line and a nice empty bellied 19.6lb cod hit the deck....result.

Not the best of tides to fish for cod but it was a lovely sunny day to be out


P.S thanks for the bacon odours Charlie made my sandwiches seem very dull tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif


Well done, Nigel. We were about 100m inshore of you and fed the pout for the day.


For those of us that came out of The Solent The Bridge was an interesting challenge....


I hope that you do as well in Open next week.




Chris I am rubbish at boat I.D Charlie and Neal even had to point out that they were close to me, useless powers of observation........and I forgot to mention the bridge was interesting.

Also forgot to mention that these two cod did fall to my new rig but on the top hook!



Fabulous weather for a days winter cod fishing - Nigel even threatened to remove his trousers at one point! or had I mis-heard, and definately not happy with the wafting bacon!!


Fishing slow with dogs and pout attacking the baits - until I dropped a pout head and guts down - then all hell broke loose with congers attacking everything for about half an hour!


I single cod about 6lb and a nice whiting....weed became a bit of a menace for a while but weather looked like it was changing for the worse so ambled back early to look for the Harbour Herring!




Well done all....great to know there's a few around.


Missed out today, but here's hoping for next weekend! Think the car park will take too long for me, so will stick with Plan A and try for some pan-sized whiting within 5-6 miles of Poole entrance...and hope for a bonus lunker!


If anyone could suggest such a spot I would be grateful.




We also headed out to the car park to look for our first Cod this year and also to get Bobi her first Cod. Fishing was slow only Dogs and Pout. As the tide eased off I had a nice bite and had quite a tussle with something larger than a Pout or Dog. Bobi was ready with net as the leader came into view and there it was Cod. I got really excited cos this was a big fish Bobi did a great job with the net but it was touch and go that it would fit in. I had to put the rod down to help her lift it out, a fine fish of 26lb but this fish was like Nigle's empty and showing it's ribs. We came round on the tide getting bites from LSD's and more Pout. I had another bite developing and as it took line I lifted into another better fish. Bobi was there again with the net and this went straight in a nice plump 13lb 4oz Cod. Just as it hit the deck the anchor tripped and as it was getting close to 1400hrs we decided to haul in a head for home.


Poor Bobi still hasn't had a Cod but they will still taste the same who ever caught them.



Posted (edited)

Great cod and good read Col. Nigel's Saturday cod isn't to be sniffed at either. wink.gif

Due to commitments it's going to be at least a week before we can get out there. Frustrating or what?

Edited by Stuie

a nice empty bellied 19.6lb cod hit the deck....result.


a fine fish of 26lb but this fish was like Nigle's empty and showing it's ribs.


a nice plump 13lb 4oz Cod.


Very nice fish gents- well done, shame theres no photos?




What a nice break in the weather biggrin.gif


Craig called me and easily talked me into a run out.


0715 saw us laving the Marina anchor was going down at 0815

By the time we settled down more and more boats were arriving, several were Club boats over from Poole for a spot of Poaching to the East of Club waters.


It started oK with several bites as we got used to fishing amongst the red weed again, a small Cod was followed by a pou that had its whole stomach section removed by a Conger that missed both hooks.


We got a fiesty conger to the boat that proved a little tricky to T bar wink.gif


In the easing tide more pout , Lsd and a few whiting and shed loads of weed kept us interested/busy. [i am so glad we do not get that weed neerer to home]


To be honest fishing was slow, but at least that gave me time to fry the bacon and keep the teapot hot.

Nigel you deserve that smell on the breeze, for the text picture you sent me on Tuesday laugh.giflaugh.gif


A few more fish would have been nice, but other boats including charters were having a slow time so we persisted. 1600 and time for home with just 1 small Cod and a few whiting.


It was a nice day to be out

Craig and his son Ashley were great company, we will try again soon.




What a great warm sunny november day.


Made the trip across the bay,fishing was a bit slow to start with pout and dogs

and string fulls of red weed

when the tide slowed we had bigger tugs first to me maybe a conger bit me off

then a nod nod mr cod 17 lb five mins later nod nod again bigger this time

21 lb 8 oz

I had anther big hit this time an eel 35 plus hard fight with weed and now strong tide

then it was crew man micks turn big hit nearly pulling rod in a quick fight and bang gone

bait back down rod goes over again this time fish on !!! then bang gone again

never mind mick better luck next time

we had a good day, plenty of club boats over there






Well done to all that caught cod!

I was out with kevin(tenfour) on his mf805

i had work in morn so we didn't get hook down till 12ish weep.gif

started with dog and pout, around one kev says this feels better

and reels in a 17lb cod, not long after i get a different bite and

hey up comes a very plump 2lb+ plaice ohmy.gif

Saw Nige heading in as we weren't at carpark wink.gif

around 3 kev says this aint no doggy and sure it wasn't when

a 4.5lb turbot comes aboard biggrin.gif (he was well happy now!)

We planned to stay til 7.30 and so we did but tide picked up

and weed but kev gets a small conger and i get a sml eyed ray.

Back to his tuckton mooring at 8.30.


Mike (beoutagainrealsoon wink.gif )


Well Done, some nice cod there! and flattys Mike!!

I hope to be back out this week, fingers crossed for the weather, ive got the week off biggrin.gif




As Charlie has stated it was a poor day on Alfresco on the fishing front with only one small targeted fish but it was not for the want of trying my son and I left Bristol 4.30am and got back at 8.00pm even though no fish for us except the Whiting Charlie gave me for our tea, it was a glorious day out weather wise and its always great to be on Alfresco with Charlie.


Thanks Charlie


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