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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Launched this morning at Southbourne to calm sea but cold northerly

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Taking advice from Alun decided the tide and north wind would be too much to get 3-4 miles along the ledge so stayed around Southbourne .

Pinned to bits but also had this small flatty

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Is it a small flounder or a dab?

Even though the fishing was poor it was great to be out today

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It was a rough all over. I checked because I've been told that flounders are rough behind the head so I checked but it was uniformly sandpapery( new word), hence the post for my species list

Cheers for all input



Hi Lofty.......definitely a Dab........great eating !!


Had you made it down the Ledge, using the tide, you would have found it a bit lumpy around the turn of the tide, with a stiff NE breeze for a bit. It did ease as the tide started to run..........but the tide did get up to 2.5 knots by 2 pm.


Fishing is a funny old game isn't it Lofty. The anticipation during the build up. the planning, the preparation and then the event. Often the event doesnt come near to the expectations or hopes but we still love it and we still keep going back for more.


It's a little bit like the lottery in the early days.


Well done on the dab tho' smile.gif

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