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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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following the posts in preparation for Jimbob's challenge which were discussing rigs, and being a sad old git who's main modification to his end tackle is 'how long and what's on the end'; I was wondering if we might not produce a section on the site of boat fishing rigs?

Looking around I haven't found any comprehensive sections on other sites - although a few show patternoster, flying collar and sliding ledger there is little beyond that.


Inclusion of more details on hooks would probably go down well right now given the sudden explosion in styles and shapes - it wasn't long ago I only had BLN261's(?) in the box from 6 - 8/0; now i have Gamahatsu Octopus Circles, Owner Livebaits, Eagleclaws..........and am now hearing about a new wonder hook for bream that I must rush out and buy before May 2005!




On one of the BFM last year they did a (fairly) comprehensive range of rigs, I'll see if I can dig it out. It was very interesting, some of them I haven't even heard off..... tongue.gif


Or maybe, guys, have you secret rigs you wanna share with the rest of us?


I think it is a very good idea Duncan. As we are a democratic organisation !! - I will put a poll as to whether this is a good idea or not.

tongue.gif OK Adam, Thanks for that. On December 6th we have an open night at WAS headquaters for the kids that want to learn knots, rigs etc. I have been asked to do a presentation on boat fishing. I intend to knock up a corkboard and pin the various rigs to that. I could photo that and download for you guys to look at. Any advice will be kindly accepted. Regards, BB cool.gif

Billy, as Adam says, we are planning to have a rig session at the next club meeting in Dec.


I have the dubious honour of showing how to tie a few basic rigs.


Your rig board would be an invaluable aid. If your not able to come to the meeting,

I'd be willing to come across and pick up your board.


I need as much help as I can get!! tongue.gif





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