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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif I have got to warn you Paul J that your record is under severe pressure. We had a wrasse comp today, after a bit of bassing, and we had 3 fish over the club record on our boat. The other boat had two. Biggest went 6lb. the winner was the combined weight of their three biggest fish, Ivan had nearly 16lb. Unfortunately it was charter boat but we were less than 50 yds from the shore near Church Ope, well within the clubs boundaries. Cannot wait to get there in Hands Off, maybe this weekend if possible. My biggest only went 4.5 but we ran out of hermits and had to use worm, not good for the lunkers. I lost three fish that felt huge but will never know. Every fish went back so they are there for the taking. As a by product while we waited for the tide to ease we went shadding for bass. I had three fish, 8lb, 7lb and 5lb. Not bad for an hours fishing. I have some pics so I will try to post them. Regards, BB cool.gif

Billy....wel done mate, sorry I couldnt fish, I still have work to troll through before the op this saturday...its a nightmare!!


I'd like to nip out with you some time, I cant really fish, but would enjoy a day out, as the prospect of three months not working is already killing me...let alone three months not fishing!!!!


Tight lines...be cautious of the little billyboy...hes gonna steal ya thunder!!!!



tongue.gif Don,t believe a word of it lads, he will lull you into a false sense of security then boooooff. I fished with him for a week and after talking to Rich realised he certainly knows a thing or two, Like a sponge our Rich, Asking and soaking it all up. His day will come. Wrassing is dead easy Rich, its getting the buggers in that is the hard bit. Good luck with the plastic surgery mate (Ooops, let the cat out of the bag mate) and looking forward to having you back fishing.. BB cool.gif

I still remember Chris Caines telling me I should be fishing with a launce fillet ( after I had put a whole one on ) but not to worry as there will always be the chanced of a bass...... standing next to Rich who within 30 secs of him saying this, just so happened to catch a 13lb bass and who also was using whole launce - spooky or what !! ohmy.gif



Paul...my thoughts on this one were this......You dont see too many fillets floating across the sea bed, but dead launce in that area must abound, hence my reason for putting the whole thing on as oppossed to a fillet, that time it worked......but who didnt catch a flattie???? Moi!!!!


I reckon its horses for courses paul, and i prefer using whole sandeels/launce for bass skate and rays, although my fave ray bait is mackeral fillet halved, purely as all of my bigger skate in Poole bay area have fallen to this. South of the needles, Atherfield area, my choice is Sandeel......purely as Ive caught more big rays on that bait. Results tend to sway me, although fishing the YYS, I learned that no bites.......change baits/tactics, and that works. I learn each time I fish, and after 35 years behind a rod but or net handle...its great to still learn, but my most satisfying thoughts from this year are not my PB bass, PB pollack, PB ling, PB small eyed, PB Black bream, PB Blonde, its the fact that joining this club has brought me not just better fish......but new friends, and so much fresh knowledge, whuich in this field, I thirst for!!


Regards to all, Rich


Bloody Hell Rich


I only just managed to get to the bucket in time then mate wink.gif


What a gent and a superb advert for the Club you are. biggrin.gif


when you can drive and you get stir crazy and need a trip call me we can arrange something


CHARLIE biggrin.gif


Hi Rich


I know what you mean wink.gif


I have just said my farewells to my first, and only Fishing Club. weep.gif


I started at the club in 1996 and still very much lerning the trade so to speak.


So watch out PBSBC I am like a sponge willing to soak up as much info as I can get! wink.gifwink.gif


Move date tomorrow, Thursday! Move in day Friday! ph34r.gifph34r.gif


Broadstone will not know what has hit them!


Oh! my daughter as agreed to come to the Xmas do so please make me x3 tickets please rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif





Welcome to Broadstone


If we can be of any help give me a call/PM


My kids go to Corfe Hills/ Broadstone Middle

and we have lived in Broadstone for 17 years so if you need advice, directions ask



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