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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi lads, I have only had my boat in the muddiford mooring for a month when another boat snapped off its mooring and smashed mine to bits. Never mind, its on the mend slowley but surely.


The query is though, when i eventually take it out from muddiford i have been told to head for Xray!!!! can anyone shed any light on where i can locate this area??


P.S How much is membership


Hi Dan,


Sorry to hear about your boat. I hope the damage wasn't too bad, though smashed to bits sounds pretty serious.


What have you got left to do on her?


What is the size of your boat?


X-ray is a mark a couple of miles west of the ledge, but I wouldn't advise the mark if you just have a very small open boat. It can be quite choppy coming back over the ledge when the tide is against wind.


As Ken says, membership to PBSBAC is




Dan is a registered member of the forum. if you click on any member of the forum there details will pop up rolleyes.gif Anyone can register and use the forum foc.


He is not however a member of pbsbac yet but it looks like he might be thinking of joining? go on Dan you know it makes sense smile.gif




Hi Dan,


Its funny really - Xray seems to now have somewhat a 'cult' following!....it is nothing more than a slight depression in the seabed, about 2 NM SSW of Hengistbury Head, although it is an obvious feature in miles of otherwise pretty featureless bottom.


James and I discovered the mark about 2 years ago, and have had numerous big bass, rays, conger etc....


I would also hasten to add that Im pretty sure that if you fished anywhere in the vicinity for a length of time, catches would also be good - I think it is more a case of a concerted effort in one place makes it seem like a super mark!




Hail the X-Ray biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif - Helen got her thornback there. Personally, I have had more luck on the ledge. Interestingly X-Ray is marked on my GPS as Y-Ray as I couldnt be bothered to change the typo !


Dan, we often ( most times) go out from Christchurch, so when you are looking to go out, post a message on the forum and you are more than welcome to tag along ( although I have to warn you that following James and Adam out can be perilous at times ! )


Also, I only live down the road from you, so you could cadge a lift to the monthly meeting if you wish. Let me know.


cheers Paul


Mad Mike,


You are having a "senior moment". biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Dan is not yet a member of PBSBAC, and I'm sure he'd know if he wasn't or not.


Nice to know it not just me who has senior moments. smile.gif


BF (PBSBAC Membership Secretary)


Thanks for your help Adam F. Well Bob F, the boat i have is a 23footer that would prob fish 5. I havnt even taken it out yet as it was smashed up just after its mooring.

The boat was going down when i reached it, but its on the mend now as the splits and holes are done, now working on the seals and have a bit of work to do on the engine. Hopefully have it back in the water just after xmas.


I think the club sounds a pretty good idea, i will pm you with an address for a pack but will join just after xmas.





Quote.......... now working on the seals and have a bit of work to do


They can be right obstinate little buggers too. If they don't want to balance that bloody ball on their noses you can get through a whole bucket of mackerel bits before they do it right.


Mad Mike

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