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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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a good handheld will get the coastguard in the club waters up to around 15 miles off - but that's more money than a fixed unit I am afraid. It won't keep you in contact with other club boats over the same range though.

I regularily see SH units around 50 - 70 but again the gap to new isn't much sad.gif

I know it's easy to say but a radio is pretty valuable out there - even more so with the club being as active as it is 'cos youmight even get to hear about some fish when you're blanking rolleyes.gif



Don't forget my old ( tatty but works ) radio is all yours. Just needs the power lead connection sorting out.

Paul I HAD forgoten thank you for reminding me. If you will put a price on it I will pay and collect it (next club meet?).


As it's an older one I assume it only transmits and receives in black and white not in colour. Or will I need a colour licence for it?


Mad Mike

Don't forget you can get an adaptor so that a hand held unit can use a normal VHF ariel on the boat.


This will of course give you more distance




I have tried that Coddy, but the long aerial made the hand held so top heavy I couldn't hold it to my ear.


Mad Mike


I was after something a little newer and waterproof - thanx for the offer though - I had a little serach on google and one website was selling the same unit for


However, may not be CE approved, ie, imported.


Then again, as long as you have you licence and the main unit on display, no one is going to do a detail search of your boat for illegal h/h.

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