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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all

Ive been out off the needles for the last 2 days on tara, Yesterday steamed out from wick at 6am and halfway there before it got light!

Got there for the last of the ebb and was playing a skate by 7am biggrin.gif

The sea was like a mill pool all day and we had a few fish on . Is was also the same days as this years lymington cod comp and we got a good comentry on the vhf.

lots of cod caught probably about 15 or so the biggist I heard of was a 23lber and a 29lb lump. we had 1 on tara to Mark a good cod of 17lbs ,I had 2 skate in the end 1 small blonde and a spotted, and malc had a small conger with shed loads of whiting to 2 1/2 lbs and a good day had by all biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Today however couldnt have been more different, no whiting, no cod ,no rays just 1 small conger, the charter boats did badly as well with just 2 cod taken when we left .It just goes to show how different the same mark can fish on 2 different days.

Roll on sunday.




Heres marks 17lber biggrin.gif



We were out at the Spoils Wednesday Eve on Loyal Royal.


Gorgious conditions but no fish


a few whiting, doggies, Pout and a 20lb conger.


All quiet on the Western front, then Marks rod went completly over and snappped at the butt while in the rod holder!


Mark quickly grabbed the rod and bravely fought the thing with only 3 inches of Butt left past the reel! biggrin.gif

It went off like a rocket and It just kept taking line and more line.

Mark finally stopped it and started getting some line back when the beast let go sad.gif

Would have liked to have seen it dry.gif As James says"The Beast is down there"


I spoke to Humphrey at the weekend on Saturday he hooked into an unstopable fish on a mark just outside the spoils.


He said that he burnt his fingers on the line when trying to slow it down as it took line against the clutch. it stripped the reel before the line parted


I think there are still a few beasties about that are feeding on the whiting


Maybe its a good job we are not counting sharks as one or two may be around, would love to get one for the camera though.


Tight lines on Sunday everyone



Its about time we heard from the weather guru's isnt it





Hmmmm might be tempted to stick a live 1lb whiting on a set of 10/0 circles under a balloon.....I too would LOVE to take a shark on my own boat!


Weather: Online gives 3-4 NW from Sat 1800 to Sunday 1800 at the moment. As do the other sites.....


You'll know if you've caught "The Beastie". It'll have half a dozen hooks in it's mouth and towing 1000yds of various types of braid and mono. huh.gif


Come on!! Who's got the balls to real this one in?? cool.gif




well you just know it won't go near my whiting rod - Berkley Firestick 50lb/Formula 15kg 2 speed/ Fireline XDS 50lb..............


this sounds as though it may have been the source of Dave's 'fun' a few weeks back too.


anyone betting on the beastie? Thresher?


You live in hope paul


When her indoors wants a bigger boat a bigger boat you will have. wink.gifwink.gif



Duncan I think a thresher or even a porgie may be out there at the moment.


I may have to take the heavy gear and the serious shark traces just in case.


Charlie biggrin.gif



Sticking a side of a cow on the end of the anchor sounds more appropriate!! blink.gif


I ain't going out there till someone chases it away. sad.gif



In that case, I will get out first and dunk Mike into the water, that should do the trick cool.gif

Sticking a side of a cow on the end of the anchor sounds more appropriate!!  blink.gif


I ain't going out there till someone chases it away.  sad.gif



In that case, I will get out first and dunk Mike into the water, that should do the trick cool.gif

Well that IS nice I must say! weep.gif


What happened to venerating the old then young man? Eh! Eh ! Answer me that then Eh!!! mad.gif


I'll tell you one false move on Sunday and I'll scratch yer eyes out!!


Mad (and a little sinister) Mike




Fished a wreck several miles off the Needles on Sat, as James said "as flat as a mill pool"

Fished from around 8,30 till 14.00 between the 4 of us we had 7 Congers to 28.5 lbs lost 3 all came to squid bait ,well we were hoping for Cod as well, but alas none

Nice to all have a bend in the rod and prove a theory right

We came We saw We Congered laugh.gif


Hi Dave,


I took a quick trip down to West Bexington last night to use up the left overs of the wrag and squid I found at the back of the boat when I cleared her out this morning.


Fishing was dire, mate. Just ultra small whiting and a few silver eels.


Think I'll stick to Abbotsbury.



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