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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Paul J and I both had holiday today, so at 6.30am we launched BW from Muddiford for a change - 2 mins later we are out across the bay!


When Paul and I left home not a leaf was moving...on arriving at the slip a slight SW breeze was evident but it was still pretty calm. After we crossed the bar en-route to the Cod grounds a lazy rolling swell made its way from the SW - crossing the ledge into the deeper water and out past the lea of Swanage it was pretty lumpy!!


The cod didnt show - but boy the whiting did!! We only fished half heartedly for them - but took a bucket of about 20 good 1lb+ fish for the table and returned as many!! biggrin.gif


We called it a day at 12.30 as unusually for me I was feeling a little queezy?? sick.gif


Not a bad day, a few fish, a bit of sun - much better than stuck at home - roll on sunday! cool.gif


Stugeron is the stuff, Kam. You can buy it over the counter at the chemist.


Martin's magic formula is to take one tablet the night before, to get it in your system. And then two tablets in the morning a couple of hrs before you launch.


I remember someone saying that a Dr friend of there's said that Stugeron is the only medicine that really combats sea sickness.




Best stuff is ginger!


Get some ginger nuts (biscuits) and munch away! rolleyes.gif


Even raw ginger works for sea sickness!


You don't feel sleepy afterwards either!





There is an acupuncture point on the underside of ones wrist about 2cm below the heel of the hand. If this is pressed it stops sea sickness in about 80% of people. Another acupuncture point that works on sickness and head aches is pinching an earlobe.


Mad Mike


...or what about the old recipe...strawberry sandwiches...they don't stop you being sick  sick.gif , but it tastes much better when you bring it up.  laugh.gif  laugh.gif


The old ones are the best!  tongue.gif

Don't matter what you eat, there's always carrots........ sick.gif


I found out the best cure is a fish cool.gif

I was throwing up on tuesday as the swell was getting larger, until I hooked into that conger and I was fine after that. smile.gif


Daniel usually suffers a bit on GW


We were given the advice about ginger a few weeks ago since then even though we are only using ginger nuts he has been much better.


Although Sam eats more of the "Cure" than Daniel does, its going to cost more in biscuits than bait at this rate.



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