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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Up at 5:15am sorted the last bits for the boat and loaded the grub and tea making equipment into the van then trundled on down to Baiter for 6:25 blink.gif


Some early birds already there waiting to launch (are all boat anglers mad)wacko.gif Bob H and I Set up the stall. Veronica and Helen got the bacon rolls and tea on the go (early reports suggest that this was the most welcome bit of the day). I then frantically phoned around making sure no one had forgotten their promise of help then before you could wink a shed load of willing helpers appeared (thank goodness for that). In fact we had so many helpers I could take it a little easy this year, which was nice. It gave me a chance to get a little feedback from competitors. Same in the afternoon really in fact I did very little at the weigh in, just watched the smiling faces of fairly happy anglers returning with their hard won catch and chatted again to anglers who had nothing but good comments for the way the comp is run, very satisfying!


We then went to the Mariner Club for the presentation. The busy bees were once again doing their jobs. Counting monies and sorting out who won what, nice to watch. I then presented the prizes to those smiling faces that were very appreciative of the excellent prize table. Prizes were largely donated bye local businesses who were willing to put a little back. A big thank you to them, and may I suggest that when your making future puchases you support them, they really do deserve our support. The best bit for me though was presenting the junior prizes, they are angling


Hi All


I would like to second all of Martins Comments above and thank all those that helped organise this Years Open Competition.


Special Thanks go to all of the sponsors and those Members who helped to arrange sponsorship for this event.


It was great to see so many Non-Fishing Members who were willing to get up early with the rest of us to run the registration/breakfast and came back later to help with the weigh in.

This means that the Committee Members who want to compete can get a little more time afloat, which is appreciated.




This Year the boys and I were invited to fish on Gary's Boat "Prodigy" she is a lovely machine and able to get about at twice the speed of Great White.

Thanks Gary we all had a really good day, the Boys were really taken with the boat and especially when the sea state allowed her to run at top speed.


Our day started out on the banks

where we all had a few dogs and whiting.


after 90 mins we decided that dispite the weather we would stick to plan A and still go for one of the small inshore wrecks to the west at slack water. The wreck came up on the sounder, but the wind was increasing and then decreasing so much we could not hold position even close to it.

Two attempts at anchoring, saw us with one pout.


Then the still increasing wind saw us opt for Plan B, A high speed [Very considering the weather] back to the harbour to try for flatties.

As with Martin this was not good, we did not get a single bite in 3 hours.


With 20/20 Hindsite and a good look at the results, I can now see that we should have stayed on the banks or moved to the rougher ground just outside, where the wind would have had less effect when it pushed us off the mark.


allthough we were not out there for long and I am sure those that were would have liked calmer seas.


The boys still managed a prize each, and really enjoyed their day out on Prodigy, so we will all be back again next year.


I hope all the other competitors enjoyed the day, despite [the only thing that we the organisers can not arrange] the weather.


A full results list will be added as soon as I have a bit of time to type it up.





I too would like to add my thanks to all those whose efforts made the Competition so enjoyable for us competitors smile.gif

Outwith arrangements our comp on Phaeton started in earnest at 1930h in the Marina Club - pouring Stella down the necks of any charter skipper that would 'talk' ph34r.gif ; the following morning we had vague recollections that we had been succeful but couldn't remember a damm thing about the marks! sad.gif

Despite the tooing and froing around an anchor for Kam it was duly handed over at 0714h at Cobbs and a rush back to get the boat ready saw us leave the pontoon at 0740 heading for the only thing in the plotter - the bit of ground shown in the post 'how would you fish this?'

Baits down at 0831 and a nice whiting on board by 0840 - going to be a good day?

Things quietened down a bit until Dave hooked into what seemed a good fish - bit of puffing and panting produced a very nice whiting of around 2 - 21/2lb but with 2 leads and 2 hooks in it's mouth - and they wern't both Dave's blink.gif Given the previous post on the matter I decided it wasn't getting weighed in to avoid any 'issues'!

Whilst watching a rod tip behave a little out of character a seagull decided to practice bombing and hit me good and proper - that's good luck pipes up Dave (with a smirk).

Sure enough the rodd trembles a touch and a minute later a fish is on - and going the other way slowly but surely. A protracted fight (30lb pike wire snood and tiny swivel) saw a blond to the net - which it didn't fit so off it went again whilst a gaff was dug out of the bowels of the boat.......... (fish took a 2 inch cuttle strip on a 2/0 circle hook)

At slack water a long squall set in and we had jsut moved anchor when, with nothing doing on the rods and everyone else seeming to have moved in, we hauled anchor and set off in. Approaching old harry we saw it was a little calmer 'west' so head off to find mirror calm seas! Zipped over to the eddy off Avil/Durlston for a wrasse we had met before, but he was out. A mate of under 3lb came to say hello, dressed in colours to die for (but he didn't and swam happily away).

Quick zip down to a mark off dancing ledge saw a lot of tide but no fish so we pulled anchor at 1415 and tied up at Rockley at 1455 for an early bath.


Thanks again to the sponsors and committee for their contributions

tongue.giftongue.gif Thanks to Mark and Paul for a good day out, not much fish to show but good day all the same. Well done to all the lads and lasses who helped out and all who organized the comp. Last but not least well done to all the prize winners, especially the kids, on a cold and windy day it needed perseverance. Sorry I couldnt stay any longer at the presentation but I had to be back for 7pm. Looking forward to the flounder comp now, is this an open or a club comp? Regards, BB cool.gif

Billy this is a club comp for members only. There will be a small hamper up for grabs. Only problem for you is this is the only club comp (I think? Charlie will verify details) where we have a weigh in and thats at baiter slip. You may need to find a boat to crew for




tongue.gif Thank you Martin, I do believe Mark and Paul are going to fish it so hopefully I can fish with them (Good for the bacon and sausage sarnies) Regards, BB cool.gif

PS Do we have to bring all the fish back or is it best specimen?


Blue Warrior's Day:


I too awoke at a stupidly early hour - 4.30? to load the car and leave in time to get to the slip to help out. As Martin said, many hands made light work this year, and very quickly people were signing in and departing.


As the forecast was for winds to increase to F6 later and I had to be back to help with the scales the plan was to head offshore in search of eels, that I felt would give us the best chance of a specimen round and heaviest fish. A good run out at nearly flat out saw us anchored and fishing by 9.00am. A big tide meant at least 2lb was needed to hold. No doggies was encouraging...I soon had 2 fat pout onboard at 2lb apiece. James that had an eels take, but his line parted upon striking (thought the National Boat Champ would have known better! rolleyes.gif ) It was then my turn, and the nod nod fight had me convinced Mr Cod was to blame - no such luck as a small double strap came aboard. It was then an hour or so before Golden Balls hooks his winning fish - a cracking 38lb eel. We sacked it and tethered it to the boat for the rest of the day - but as he caught it at about 10am - it was a little too long, and unfortunatly it didnt survive.


So apart from the 1 big eel, we had only 5 bites between ourselves all day - pretty poor. The 6 mile run back to Old Harry wasnt fun into the teeth of a F6 - struggled to make 6 knots all the way.


Well done to all involved - personally I was knackered afterwards and getting up at 4.30am this morning for work was even harder!!


Roll on next year! biggrin.gif


Fully enjoyed the competition and many thanks to all who organised it and to the sponsors for their generosity.


Our day started off early - we were supposed to be at Baiter for 7:00 AM but someone ( ie. me ) forgot to tunr the alarm clock on. Fortunatley I was woken up by something outside and had a minor panic when I looked at the clock which was showing 6:30. Rushed downsatirs and set off at 6:45.


Not having fished from Poole I was short of marks but Martin kindly got Dean to write some down for me. I then left these in the car ( sorry Dean ).


So we set off - last boat but one from the slip and headed for a mark to the east of the spoil grounds. Dropped anchor and I wondered why the weather was so much better than forecast. Within 10 minutes we were getting bites which I kept missing. Had an average size whiting and then Helen had a real rod bending fish which founght well in the current and was beginning to convince me she had a cod. As the fish neared the boat we realised it was in fact two whiting one on each hook of the pennel rig.


I then had a crunching take on the mackeral strip I was fishing. This was a much better fight and after a few minutes I boated a 2 lb 7oz Whiting.


Helen caught a dogfish which she returned ( In retrospect I think it would have been large enough to win a prize ).


The tide then started to turn and the wind picked up and the sea was chopping up. I heard Adam mention they were considering returning ( which definitely means it is time to go back smile.gif ). The trip back was fun as we plodded through the tide near Old Harry.


Tried some drifts from Brownsea Castle and I lost a good fish ( at least a hard fighting fish ) - suspect it was a Wrasse - or possibly a bass if they are still around.

As I had a bite we continued drifting for another 1/2 hour until the tide was ebbing fast so decided to return to the slip ( for Helen to warm up ).


All in all a fun day, despite the weather.


PS: I am glad I did not take a certain person's advice that the whiting was not worth the effort weighing smile.gifsmile.gif



My first Open ...almost!!


On arrival at the slip, and after all boats wee launched......good old Coddy dave came to my rescue when Martin came up with the bright idea of me coming along for the ride........chesties on, scoff, waterproofs, flask and spare jumper under arm, I walked out to Maverick, eager to see the lads haul flatties.


"Rich, theres a spare rod here if u want to fish", .....says martin, a kind gesture, i thought. " No thanks, I'm happy to watch u lot have fun...hehehehe", came the reply.


After a lot of pontification, I was pleased to keep to my original idea of not to fish.....Ive only blanked here once says Dean..I dont want to do it today!


Well.............youve read the report, but it was great to be involved in the club open, and yes lads....I'll be up for crewing on the flattie comp, hands are healed, stitches out on thursday, fishing a species comp with BB on friday, codding back of needles next tuesday.....way to go!!!


Cheers for an excellent day martin, thanks to all teh hard work for this my first PBSBAC open.




and Rich, many thanks for the help retrieving. I hope you didnt hurt your wrist all that winding the winch.

Your'e welcome to fish on Neo any time you want.





You nearly left yourself open to a few cheap shots there Martin.





Not that we would do that to our Chairman of course wink.gif






















Well go on then,
















isn't two blanks on the same boat enough,














going for the hat trick next year??????????????































Who hasn't caught a cod for years and can not even catch a flounder himself


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