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Hello Everyone,

I'm Peter Le Duc and I have just joined.

I confess to being a total novice at sea fishing and do not as yet have anything bigger than a 10ft dinghy which I use in Christchurch harbour. I still live up in the smoke but have a caravan in Christchurch which we stay in for most of the summer. Hope to move to Christchurch before too long and then, maybe, get a proper boat. In the meantime I would like to learn as much as possible about sea fishing and maybe have a few trips out.

I am good friends with Tomo and Paul D, and know PJ and Charlie, but please don't hold this against me. I have also been to some of your social events and hope to get along to a few meetings.

Well, that's me, hope to meet up with a few more of you in the future.




Welcome to the Club Peter.


Nothing wrong with " Fluff Chucking " PJ does very nicely at it !


Have you heard of the " New member " rule ? ? ? you have to buy beer & cakes at your first club meeting - - - - - - for anyone called JIM wink.giflaugh.gif






Welcome to the club Peter


They are a good bunch of lads who will do anything for you except tell you where they catch fish


Seriously though come to a club meeting, the first Thursday of the month at the Parkstone Trades and Labour Club, on Ashley Road


Get pushy and get invited out on the guys boats and you will learn a lot



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