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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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One for Paul D I suspect.


I haven't been around as much as I used to be for sometime and so the new forum layout is provig a little challenging for me.


I used to live by the scrolling bar that told of new posts on the old site.  I'd pop in, see what was current and comment if need be.


Is there anything like that on the new site as now I struggle to view the very latest posts?


Sorry for being thick.






Like you I used to pop in and see if any of the recent posts interested me.


Nearest I can see to the old latest posts scrolling window is to click on "view new content" - top right of the page.


There's also a static list of recent posts on home and forum pages.


Hope that helps.






The best way to see posts left since your last visit is the "View New Content" button top right of the page, this will show all posts you have missed.  There is also a box on the right hand side of the page entitled Recent Topics, this give the last 5 entries.


Personally I find the View content button most useful and did with the old site.






On the same theme as martin - I use the 'view new content' tab and find it very useful.

However - and this may be geriatric me - after viewing the first 'new content' I click the return arrow in the top LH corner of the screen to return to the list of 'new content'.

I'd like to be able to go to the next 'new content' without having to go back to the list. Is it me?


Posted (edited)

It's you :-))............ I want the smilies back :-((


Nigel they are available look at the mesage tool bar when your posting click the round smiley face and all the old options come up :rolleyes:  :wub:  :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:  :ph34r:  :lol:

Edited by Maverick
Just cause I can :-)

On the same theme as martin - I use the 'view new content' tab and find it very useful.

However - and this may be geriatric me - after viewing the first 'new content' I click the return arrow in the top LH corner of the screen to return to the list of 'new content'.

I'd like to be able to go to the next 'new content' without having to go back to the list. Is it me?


Unfortunately Stu you either have to click the back button as you do or click the view new content button again.  If the thread you are looking at is more than one page you would have to click the back button several times depending on how many pages you have viewed so getting into the habit of clicking the view new content button might be a good idea




Have struggled for days trying to get post replies to go on, I think this one will



Is it possible to put an idiots guide [For me] to a few pointers for using the New one on the home page please.


also the minutes of the Feb meeting I posted on here, make it look like the page width is set very narrow, or margins to wide. {they view better on the old forum]


On my iPad I don't have a message tool bar,when doing this reply I scrolled whole page.........nothing?

Perhaps you have it Martin because you're admin?.............more confused.com :-))

Also I'm unable to scroll through other people's galleries, I can look at individual pics from the top of the page but when I click arrow on their album goes blank?


Have struggled for days trying to get post replies to go on, I think this one will



Is it possible to put an idiots guide [For me] to a few pointers for using the New one on the home page please.


also the minutes of the Feb meeting I posted on here, make it look like the page width is set very narrow, or margins to wide. {they view better on the old forum]

Charlie I have edited your minutes post. After copy and pasting you need to format the post same as we did in the old forum




On my iPad I don't have a message tool bar,when doing this reply I scrolled whole page.........nothing?

Perhaps you have it Martin because you're admin?.............more confused.com :-))

I will log out later and come back in as a guest and see if its the same for me (no time at mo as peeps have come around)


One feature I found on the view new content list is on each item there is a little arrow in middle of each one. Press this and it will show the first and last pst.


Like you all I am still learning the features on this latest version.


Using iPad too and puzzled where this ears sage toolbar is. I think it is because the advanced editor only works on a pc ?


Seems to work fine on the PC here. Pressed the smiley icon and a row of smiley faces appears.

:)  ;)  :P  :D  :lol:  :(  :angry:  :mellow:  ^_^  :o  B)  :rolleyes:  -_-  <_<  :wub:  :wacko:  :blink:  :ph34r:


Can you see these ?


Biggest tip I got from Paul was to make sure you have logged out of the old forum.


Don't know why it works for me but I can see and post, edit and see smileys :)  ;)  :P  :D  :lol:  :(  :angry:  :huh:  :wub:


Trust me took me a few weeks of spending hours updating the website only to find that the cause of the problem I had with the gallery was because I needed to log out of the old forum.

It is all to do with the cookies.

I might try tweaking them a bit, but then this is bound to break more !


Can we also have a 'mark all content as read' button like we had before?

We kind of already have that.  If you go to the forum home page and look at the headings you will see to the left a feint set of quotes.  Headings with new content in have bolder quotes  If you click on bolder quotes logo it marks the memory as read.  You do however have to do it for each heading.


I like to click on the view new content button, read what intrests me and then click mark as read - otherwise each time I visit Ive got to trawl through unread threads to get to the new stuff?


Can we have this linky back pretty please? x


At the bottom of the page there is a link called "Mark Community Read"

This does what you want.


I will see if I can put it in a more prominent position at some time.

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