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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After hours and hours of trouble and head scratching I have solved my photo problems and can now fully endorse tapatalk as it was my photobucket.


In my settings there was a button checked.I swear on  a stack of upside down,backwards,braille,Chinese bibles with pages missing that it wasnt me guvnor.


I even installed a new photobucket and it must have done this automatically


Im glad to have finally solved this problem


do not check this box



from research i now know its attached itself to ios6 . its some sort of embedded code that cant be removed.

Glad it's all sorted. I was wondering how you researched this as it certainly does NOT attach itself to iOS 6 and it is definitely not some sort of embedded code. Still, got there in the end.


When posting images, im sure it will help the traffic on this site, if we all host the pictures on Tapatalk's servers..

It gives you a option..

Jamie, I missed this. We have no problem with hosting the images on here. In fact, looking to upgrade the server to a VPS so we will have even more storage. By hosting on here we get to be able to control access to the pics etc. as opposed to being at the mercy of tapatalk etc.

from research i now know its attached itself to ios6 . its some sort of embedded code that cant be removed.


Glad it's all sorted. I was wondering how you researched this as it certainly does NOT attach itself to iOS 6 and it is definitely not some sort of embedded code. Still, got there in the end.





Jamie, I missed this. We have no problem with hosting the images on here. In fact, looking to upgrade the server to a VPS so we will have even more storage. By hosting on here we get to be able to control access to the pics etc. as opposed to being at the mercy of tapatalk etc.

Ah, i will change that setting ;-)..


Once everyone gets used to it, catch reports will be so simple now..


Fantastic work...


I am now trying to setup "Push notifications".

You can disable / enable these on the IPhone within the Settings -> Notifications area and under the Tapatalk application.


Hopefully the one I am about to send from their website will reach everyone.


NOTE: I will also be disabling Guest access to the forum using Tapatalk.

Access will be possible for Registered forum users and club members for the time being and may be restricted to club members only.


Just received a Tapatalk notification that JimBob has "liked" one of my posts, so notifications working.


If they are too intrusive you can disable them in the tapatalk settings

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