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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Tuesday Shambles!.......But better than work

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A plan was hatched to try the shambles with Ben and Mal even though reports were patchy.

So after only 3 hours sleep due to a dentist having a battle removing my molar we met at the boat at 5.45.

It was a bit foggy like me,but we made good time after the initial harbour radar navigation and were fishing sometime before eight.After 5 hours and only one bite which produced a small eyed we headed off and anchored a wreck.The ground was tackle hungry but managed a conger and set off at 3pm to worsening conditions .

Here's hoping it all picks up soon,well done to those that have found the flatties



I saw the forecast and I was dreaming of the shambles today at work! But got no holiday left to book, :( shame the flats didn't show, any sign of the launce yet? Maybe the fishing will be better when they turn up! I bet you thought that ray was going to be a big flat :)




Interesting day yesterday....cold foggy drive down.  Had to wait 30 mins
for crew Terry to arrive but set off into lifting mist and calm sea in
full winter togs !

Only a couple of boats on the banks, one was
Nige and another was True Blue ......all quiet on first 4 drifts, then
Terry gets a turbo [ about 4 lbs]......tide starts to die  and  Nige is
bored, so they go off. We had worms, so went to mussel beds and a crack
at the plaice.  Still too much tide there....so back to bottom banks for
30mins [blank!].....then another go for plaice.......now tide was
coming good....and as soon as it went slack we both got plaice...2
each......all good size [2 to 3 lbs] and a jumbo one of 5 - 8  for Terry
!! Obviously his day !!....as tide started, we went back to finish
wiith another hour
on the banks and Terry got another turbo.

So Gastro tally for the day..... 4 plaice and 3 turbot.


Tried with feathers but no fresh bait....where are the launce??


Thank you for the day, Alun, best day for a long time; in fact, the only day for a long time. My big plaice was weighed on the boat at 5lb 8oz but I weighed it again on dry land with the same scales and it went 5lb 10oz, a good fish in anyone's book. Weather was fine if a little chilly at the start and finish but, what do you expect in March.


Sorry about the delayed start, this was due to a cattle trailer overturning just north of Blandford. This blocked the road for a long time and deposited cattle which had to be contained. I decided to back track and work my way across to the west of Blandford and come in from that direction. Good plan except when going through a totty village called, I believe Tarrant something which basically has a single track road through it, there was an artic with low loader trying to decant a bulldozer thus blocking the whole road. Once again, everything backed up but in this case, we had nowhere to go as all the extra traffic caused a massive hiatus. Eventually, he pulled over onto the pavement and we just managed to squeeze past and, fortunately, I was at the head of the queue so made good my escape before it all became tricksy. When I eventually got to the end of the original road in Blanford, it was still blocked by the police so I think I did pretty well under the circumstances.




The 'totty' little place was Tarrant Gunville, they didn't know what had hit them.


Alun, the AA originally said the expected arrival of their operative would be in about 2 hours. I said this is  not good enough and totally different to the claims they make in their ads and sort it out as it's only a flat battery. 10 minutes later I had a text telling me that, to avoid delay, they were using a local garage in Weymouth who would be there by 19.15 (it being 18.40 at the time). They turned up at 20.00 and I was on the road almost immediately and back home by 22.40, not too bad. This is the trouble with cars that do everything for you, I'm not used to having to put lights on but, due to the fog, I had to do this manually to over ride they system that thought it was daytime. Obviously, I forgot to switch them off again when I arrived in a rush and side lights were on all day.



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