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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have a 17' boat (photo in: IS THIS A NORMAN) and am now looking for an anchor. I am told that the best to go for is a Bruce around 5 Kg to 7,5Kg What do you think?


Then how long a chain? I seem to remember a friend had 3' of heavy then 3' a little lighter and 3' of light or it might have been 2' x 2' and 2' I cannot remember.


Then there is the rope it's self how long?

What type of rope there are some real good soft ropes that don't seem to tangle?

There are cheap polly ropes but they seem to float I an told but does that matter?


How thick 1/2"? Thinner and it might cut into your hands a bit.


Hows that for a can of worms lol.


AJ  :ph34r:





I use 8mm chain 2 times the length of your boat and 200 feet of 12mm rope, the rope is all down to how deep the water is where you fish






buy the way i find the bruce anchor good for me


Minimum length of chain would be the boats length, but if it is lighter [thinner] then add more length.


I would say the rope that Martin has at 10mm would be sufficient, we only use 12mm on Alfresco.

agree with others that 200m would be adequate, unless you are going to deep areas..


10mm is perfect! You need to ensure the chain weighs more than your anchor if you intend to use an alderney ring.


Go 7.5kg too on your rig.


Don't forget the spare anchor too!!!




10mm is perfect! You need to ensure the chain weighs more than your anchor if you intend to use an alderney ring.


Go 7.5kg too on your rig.


Don't forget the spare anchor too!!!



Lots of good advice here, also crimp (wrap a bit of wire) around the shackles on the anchor/chain so they dont work loose


Secondly ensure your anchor line is longer than the depth! ( yes i did once connect a brand new anchor to 20ft of roap in 100 meters doh!)


I have a  bid on a 7.5 Bruce anchor and it looks like it will go cheap. There is a little snag it is in Carlisle! But all is not lost as I will be going up to Scotland to work soon (doing up a 200 year old farm house. 0w, I need a plasterer if you wont to come?)

so I will pick up  Bruce on the way as long as it stays cheap that is.


I was surprised at how much chain cost. So I bit on and got a Danforth (26" long x 20" wide) style anchor with 20' of chain.

I don't know if the anchor is to big or l not but the chain is what I need. If the anchor is to big for me anyone wont an anchor? lol.


So it is the rope or is it warp? What type Polly Hemp Nylon or some thing different again? length is around 4 times the depth you intend to fish I get that bit. This will be up to 12 miles out around Poole mostley (this I will work up to), so a look at a chart should give me a some thing to go on.me thinks.


AJ :ph34r: .


Bruce anchors are favoured by me and I think fishermen in general because they work quite well on all bottoms, Danforth  don't work well on rocks as they can easily snag up. I rig up a trip for my bruce when on rocks (attached at the rear and just tied with thin rope at the normal attachment point), to be 100% accurate I have a smaller bruce already rigged, I used to use cable ties (6!) but I've found thin rope less prone to unwanted trips on retrieve.


Personally I used 22 metres of chain as my old boat came with that and I just let out 3 times depth, a good length of chain is very helpful to stop the anchor dragging. If I was to buy new chain I'd go for 2 times the boat length. And as mentioned before ensure your chain is heavier than your anchor so an Alderney ring will work, even for boats with a windlass a split Alderney ring is a good backup.



Regarding the type of warp (a name for rope with a particular use) I use multiplaid as it fold ups really well and tidy, and does not easily tangle like 3 core but it is more expensive. If you have a huge anchor locker then 3 ply should be ok.




"I was surprised at how much chain cost" - this is boating, difficult to do it right and safe on the cheap.


Spend wisely and correctly to keep you and your crew safe.





Secondly ensure your anchor line is longer than the depth! ( yes i did once connect a brand new anchor to 20ft of roap in 100 meters doh!)




I remember being invited out by a kind club member on his brand new boat 2 years back with the plan to fish the needles car park. Anyway, he found 85feet of water then to my shock I watched as he tried to anchor with 80 feet of warp, no chain and a 2.5kg fold up anchor. Needless to say it didn't even reach the bottom. Lol. He doesn't use the forum these days so I can post this without embarrassment. Lol


Well, I have just won a 7.5 Kg Bruce for £8.55 sounds cheap Hmm, well I do have to go up to Carlisle to pick it up Just under £100 each way??  Mind I am on my way up to Ayr Scotland any way in a few weeks so not so much a problem.


I also won an anchor and 20' of chain in Poole that  will pick up on Sunday.


If any one has any old scaffold pole I will cut it up and run off some grappling. 18" or 24" long with 12mm stud for grapples 


As long as you cover the cost of the stud nuts  and any linkage just tell me how long you wont it and I will run it up for you.


AJ  :ph34r:

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