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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all

Im at present looking for a raider 16, as my new boat. Ive got a quote coming for a brand new one biggrin.gif . but if any one see's one advertised please let me know.

I check boats and outboards pretty regularly but cant find many for sale sad.gif





Where is the quote coming from James?


Their have been a few for sale recently, but these are all with engines - you very rarely see any of the small fishing boats for sale as a hull only - I think you will have to go for a new package.


A Warrior 165 as a comparision would be about 5k for a bare hull and cuddy and a trailer.


Interesting to see what the Raider 16 price would be?


I think the Raider 16 starts at 5K bare for the open top one, but works out to be around 10k for the basic neccessities (s/s hand rails, rod holder, seat, bait well,....... the list goes on and on) without an engine.


If you build in some custom storage that open layout has a hell of a lot going for it on a 16 ft boat. If you are competent with wood & fiberglass you can create a fantastic fishing machine! A huge proportion of the costs on a boat are around man hours - now I know James has a good use for most of his (fishing) but if you are keeping the boat at home the sky's the limit - including a removable SS frame for rods, antenae and that custom camper canvas for all night summer sessions...... biggrin.gif



The quote was comeing from highway marine, they deal with new packages and they said they would let me know a price monday.

But since then Mike baxter phoned me back from raider boats, and the rumor is true,they no longer make raiders mad.gifmad.gifweep.gifweep.gif

But he did say they have still got the moulds, and were hopeing to get production up and running again in the new year biggrin.gif

So ill see if any boats at the boat show can sway my choice cool.gif




Hi Dave,


A report is also in this months BFM by Pill Williams.


Will it take Jimbob's new 75hp 4 stroke on the back?

The report seems to suggest it is rated to 60hp only.


Looks a good boat however.






Hi Coddy , it is rated as you say for 60hp so the 75hp will be too much donkey , she does 37mph with a 60hp !!


HOwever 75 engines secondhansd make decent money , probably enough to buy a good 60hp !!


All the best Dave

Errr.... it's a brand spanking new 75 won by James as the NATIONAL BOAT CHAMPION


Admin upload found in guest book


Martin.I have tried to reply to JIMBOB in the Forum area,but as Im not a member yet I cant.

He is apparantly looking at buying a Raider 16.

Please tell him that Raider went into receivership about 2.5 months ago.

He will have problems with warranty etc etc should he need it.

Shame is they are quite a good boat.

I have contact details of previous Raider company owner who is looking to buy back all the moulds and tooling!from the guys who went bust.


James if you want more info contact Pete Johnson sales@poolemarine.co.uk

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