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I've got a couple of Abu Lever Drag reels that need the clutch serviing. They are starting to stick. 6500 and a 7000.


Any tips of serving lever Drag clutches? How do you clean them and is there anything you can put on to make the clutch operation smoother?


I've had the reels from new, but the clutches have never run as smoothly as my second-hand Penn Lever Drag. This reel has an uprated clutch on it and it is really smooth to use.


Also, the 6500 has a spool release thumb bar which is forever sticking and leaving the spool in free flow. I read recently that this is usually due to lack of lubrication on the lever mechanism when new. But what lubricant should I use, an oil or grease?? I guess a grease would be best since it has infrequent operation. What type of grease can I use?








Hi Bob


All of my lever drags are Shimano's so I can not give you exact info, but when the drag action starts to get jerky/sticky it is usually due to the large fibre drag washer being wet inside the reel, caused by soaking the reel in salt spray or excessive washing down.


I have also had problems with the release once or twice due to a sticking release spring on the spool shaft.


Both of the above need a complete strip of the reel, clean off all the components, especially the springs on the shaft. Put them in the airing cupboard to get fully dry then put the reel back together slightly greasing the spool shaft.


It works for my reels so I presume ABU and Penn would be the same or similar


Hope that helps



bit dodgy useing grease as it solidifys a bit with age always use oil i kmow of a few of those little abu lever drags that have never been right from new it seems that you either get a good one or a s**t one for serviceing try reel value there is a link on the deepsea site they are good and sensible money to




I am having the same with my 975LD - it obviously got a little wet and didn't like it.

Can't strip the damm thing as I can't remove the plastic plate shielding the drag plates on the spool sad.gif Am sure the release spring isn't right either.


Looks like it's going to have to go back to the Penn service guy pretty early in it's life mad.gif why can't it be like the 25GLS which seems happy to be abused and simply washed off after the trip and left to dry.


I agree Duncan it can be a pain to have to be so carefull with these reels,


but worth the effort to keep the Clutches working 100%, which is why we bought lever drag reels in the first place.


While my ABU,s get a soak in a bucket and then cleaned off I would not do the same for the lever drags.


They get a wash off and scrub down with soapy water and a gentle rinse off, all with the drag done up tight.

The drag is then released the reel left out to dry and the whole thing sprayed with WD40 or simular.


I try and avoid stripping them very often as they are held together with self tapping screws.


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Serviced the Abu 6600LD last night.


The drag is now working smoothly, and the thumb bar spool release seems to be behaving itself now. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Only trouble is that the spool isn't spinning very freely. Slackened off the spool adjust knob, etc, but still doesn't feel very smooth. Reckon I didn't oil the bearings adequately, so will redo this.




I have an older ( Black Max) abu 6600w star drag with a thumb bar.

This does not like re engaging after freespool on occasion which is really irritating.

A quick thump on top clicks it back in, one of these days it's going to loose me a good fish.

I've had it fixed once but it's starting to happen again. There is a cog which needs bend slightly but it's a real fine adjustment and a complete hassle.

tongue.giftongue.gif Only my personal opinion lads, But Abu do not make a decent lever drag boat reel as far as I am concerned. I have seen loads of them sheer the gears. The worst one seems to be the new one, returns to WAC for a pastime. I will stick with Penn and Shimano, also their after sales is second to none. Back to the drag, take them out in the order they are in, wipe them clean, dry them with a hair dryer then re-assemble in the correct order. Smooth as silk. I do this every February before the season starts. Best wishes to you all, BB cool.gif

Sounds like a combination of luck and maintenance........


I've got two Abu 6600 LD s and love them .... the quick thumb release, easy casting and the ability to set the drag in gear with the 'clicker' on for those screaming bites ............... then just push the lever up to stick into that big one!!


......... worked a treat with the 25 lb cod yesterday....... even with light trace line of 18 lb test.


I was them down with the boat after each trip [ just hose them over ] and a few spots of oil on the outside [ levelwind and handle] ........ and an internal clean and oil once a year.


Similarly with my 7000 LD and Shimano TLD10 ....... though both of these had got a bit sticky..... through UNDERUSE........ an extra 'annual' clean and a few extra sessions at sea has them both back in top form.


Get fishing more !!!!!!!!


Christmas cheers,






I was going to go out tomorrow....I mentioned it to her this morning.....funny, for some reason I got a really dirty look!...maybe I wont go then!


Lads..............a small trick I've learned is to utilise that old Cricket Box. I know I hung on to it for a good reason!!!


When are we all out then?? I need to try out my new floatation suit that apparently mustnt be used till 01.01.05!!!! I think not Debbs!




Fingers crossed for a few good days


But not tomorrow its Wendy's Birthday and definatly NOT a fishing day.


Tight lines all only 6 Days left to get a fish in the Book for 2004.




Did a spot of Trout fishing in the morning, very pleasant and my mate and i had the whole fishery to ourselves, caught a few and let'm go


Lovely day, looked like a good Cod Day

  • 4 weeks later...

The reel I'm on about is a V small ABU Ambassadeur five, loaded with 18lb mono, topped with 175 yds of 15 Spider wire stealth.


The reel will be used in shallow water for Bass/Pollock/Bream etc, and trolling for Pike on Rivers.



tongue.gif Rich, set the drag for around a third of the breaking strain for braid, so about 5-6lb would be good. This will also depend on the rod, for braid they are not as stiff as others to compensate for the lack of stretch in braid. Err on the side of safety mate. You dont really need the spool brake for sea fishing but if you want to set it up. attach the relevant lure, weight etc and adjust the brake until it drops at a steady rate from the rod tip. The spool brake is a casting aid mate, rather dodgy with braid on a multiplier coz if it birds nests you can kiss it goodbye. There is no problem using a fixed spool for this type of fishing Rich. That could be a way to go, especially if you use a bait runner. Regards, BB cool.gif

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