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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I am looking at a trip out next Sunday....anyone fancy tagging along?


Weather dependant it will either be for Cod out of Weymouth / Christchurch / Needles or if the weather is exeptionial - out of Weymouth for the Bass if they are still around.....


Anyone fancy it?




OK - Ill keep an eye on the weather and we can make a decision nearer the time.


Funny, not a breath of wind all day today, yet the forecast was for F4-5????


Id like to give Weymouth a go, fingers crossed for the weather.


Anyone know if they are still getting the Bass??


Will be availabubble for crew for definate on this one guys, and Ive relocated my sack of stormies from the states, so if its Bass, I have loads of 3" and 5" wildeyes, plus the remnants of the Stormy Sandeels that were catching last time.


Give me a bell Adam, as to what the plans are, and who needs crew. Cheers chap, congarts on engagement...a word derived form military battle hehehehe, Happy New year all.


Regards, Rich




Checked the weather and it looks a little blowy dry.gif


16 - 21 mph NW Winds suggested wave heights 3.5mtrs sick.gif


Me thinks we might need to find some shelter if we go out





I agree, looks like 4-6 WSW all day.


Any ideas? Weymouth is out unless we can get hold of some inshore marks out of the wind..could have our own species hunt??


Poole, would mean flatties in the harbour?? wink.gifsad.gifph34r.gif


Christchurch would mean staying in the lea of Hengistbury, and the Solent is SW facing....?


I am going to go regardless as staying at home for almost 2 weeks and not fishing is driving me mad!!




Great start to the New Year!


I will be giving tomorrow a miss. weep.gif


4-6 WSW is not my idea of fun, and don't fancy sitting in the harbour.


Besides, I've got a lot of stuff at home I should finish.


Happy New Year.




Yes, forecast is not good. If we do go it will be the harbour for flatties methinks.


Anyone still up for it? Coddy? Rich? Paul J?


If a few people want to go out, Ill go for it just to get a bit of fresh air.




Just been down the town to drop the FPO off.


Looked down at Baiter ........................ uck sad.gif


If it is like this I too will give it a miss.


Not worth getting tossed around and wet, not what I call fun sick.gif





Adam......if you and Paul would like to have a flick along the river for some Pike, we can give that a go....see what you think for Monday??? I think Paul goes under the knife on wednesday, so it would be good to get him fishing before he is on crutches!!!


Regards,..............Happy New Year all, Rich


Were off up the river then, should make for an adventure


see you both in the Morning.


Manic, i'll have to take a rain check on the trip out in yours, hopefully we'll do it soon




Paul J

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