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Yes, you've probably guessed by now that I'm a tackle tart, here's another website if you are interested in the real breaking strains and thicknesses of braid.  They've tested most of the braids on sale in the UK and elsewhere




I can vouch for their own braid Tasline, which is super thin and supple, not to everyone's taste I'm sure but I now use it exclusively in 12 and 20lb strain for black bream and bass respectively.



Interesting, though their 30lb is still somewhere between 2 and 3 times as tick as Whiplash pro, of which I favour.

Wasn't she on the Kenny Everett show ?


Whiplash pro ? ? ? ? :D  :D





Interesting, though their 30lb is still somewhere between 2 and 3 times as tick as Whiplash pro, of which I favour.

That's interesting as the 20lb tasline is thinner than 20lb whiplash pro !


Interesting, though their 30lb is still somewhere between 2 and 3 times as tick as Whiplash pro, of which I favour.


That's interesting as the 20lb tasline is thinner than 20lb whiplash pro !

I would question their measuring, as they show the 20lb WP as half the diameter of the 100lb! I have had 60lb, 30 & 20 and the 20 is time compared to 60lb!


I have just been having a closer look at this sight and it gives some interesting data


I used to use fireline, but it is a bit bulky and I heard that it tests very high, so I changed to a thinner braid (whiplash pro)

From this site it looks like 30lb braid is about a third of the diameter of fire line and line tests show it breaking just over the stated line strength not about 50% over like the fireline.


Glad that I changed, just need to be confident that I am using the best mono to braid knot.


I believe that the one I use is the double grinner knot, but it could be a double uni knot.

The grinner/grinner gets a good test result and I believe the uni/uni less so.


I changed from a knotless knot a couple of years ago after it failed a couple of times, I started to suspect that I was not tying it well enough, when I needed to replace a leader while fishing.

Confidence in tge knot had gone, so I changed.


What knots do others use?

And who knows the differance between a grinner/grinner and a uni/uni




Rob I seem to remember that you ran some tests on knot strengths, what did they show regarding the various mono and braid joining knots??


Yes I did Charlie on the tenseometer at my old work place, many of them slipped and undid, rather than broke!


Maybe a braid to leader session on Thursday along with your chat?





Regardless of various lab tests I find power pro best suited to my fishing,it doesn't dig in to the spool as round profile,tangles are easy to sort,joining to mono is easy and doesn't slip or cut into mono.

I'll bring a spool and mono Thursday



I use 20lb mono as a leader when using 20lb braid and 30lb mono leader for 30lb braid. Others I know use stronger leader than the braid. I find that usually when I snag i manage to get the leader back. I try to step down breaking strains for rigs which also helps this.

I'd be interested to compare braid to leader knots too.


Thanks guys


Would be good to see what others use


Especially when attaching thin braid to much thicker nylon leaders


We tend to find equal strengths do not work to well tight to the wrecks, we step up from 30lb braid to 60lb leader when congering



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