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It seems like a lot of the different organisations are coming together, so particular topics are discussed. There is A LOT going on!


“Many of the stories and information that I pass on comes from various ‘channels’ on the internet.  I use Twitter, Facebook, several news sites and have signed up for a few email distribution lists.

To see who I am following on Twitter, look me up at @charlieannear”


Some of this month’s hot topics:

  • Climate change
  • Ocean acidification
  • Ocean Warming
  • Sharks and Rays


- Please see the other threads to see the first and second newsletters, plus the separate thread on their new byelaw prohibiting bottom trawling in certain areas. Hopefully more of these to follow!


CITES (http://cites.org/):

- CITES is getting ready for sharks and rays. EU approves 1.2 million euro project to ensure effective implementation - http://ow.ly/oRE5m 


CFP Reform Watch (http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/):

-  Infographics on EU fisheries subsidies by @Ocean2012EU: http://assets.ocean2012.eu/content_files/files/638/original/10-OCEAN2012-infographic-sliding-scales-web.jpg  #EMFF

- Discussion on EU-Morocco agreement is on the draft agenda for the EP fisheries committee meeting on Thursday 3 Oct: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/10/fisheries-committee-meeting-3-october/ 

- Looking for the Council general approach on the #EMFF from July? Here it is: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/CSL-EMFF-general-approach-22-July-2013-st15458-re01.en12.pdf  #CFPreform

- State of EU fish stocks: no improvement in the Mediterranean, but some good news in the North Sea. http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/09/state-of-eu-fish-stocks-no-improvement-in-the-mediterranean-but-some-good-news-in-the-north-sea/ 


The Shark Trust: Advancing the worldwide conservation of sharks through science, education, influence and action. (sharktrust.org)

- Scientists are working to establish whether #shark antibodies could help fight against breast cancer @TheScotsman http://bit.ly/19IM67b

- New species of walking #shark boosts #conservation hope in Indonesia @webwire http://bit.ly/18Jod0l  - includes great footage!

- Australian research has found that a decline in #shark populations can damage coral reefs - http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2013/s3851888.htm 

- Find out more about the latest #shark campaign 'No Limits?' mentioned on @BBCRadio4's Costing the Earth - http://www.sharktrust.org/nolimits


CEFAS: The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - the UK's most diverse applied marine science centre and source of expert evidence and advice. (cefas.defra.gov.uk )

- @CefasGovUK on Britain’s Big Wildlife Revival prog this Sun. Tagging eels to track migration & protect numbers. http://ow.ly/oW6vH

- Why the size structure of marine communities can require decades to recover from fishing. #CefasScience http://ow.ly/pe8ku 

- @CefasGovUK Chief Fisheries Scientist supplied detailed info for 2012 UK Sea Fisheries Stats, published by MMO today http://ow.ly/perxg

- Range of tools to tackle cormorant-fish conflicts, says Ian Russell @CefasGovUK co-author of major Euro-wide study http://ow.ly/pbGri

- Global investigation reveals true scale of ocean warming @MccipOrgUK #climatechange http://ow.ly/ojnm0

- Scottish skippers being taught how to sample and measure catches can supplement incomes with paid research work @scotgov #fisheries

- @CefasGovUK in today’s Costing the Earth’s prog on sharks: how we can reduce pressure on these enigmatic creatures? http://ow.ly/oW5Sr

- Acidification has -ve effect on corals, crustaceans, molluscs, vertebraes & echinoderms @MccipOrgUK #climatechange http://ow.ly/ojlQ2

- Marine debris acting as plastic “microbial reefs” supporting ecological communities @AmerChemSociety http://ow.ly/ojpqX  #marinelitter

- How to bring ecosystem services into economic decision-making #CefasScience http://ow.ly/oA1pG  @uniofeastanglia @ueaenv

- Ocean acidification increases global warming @MccipOrgUK #climatechange http://ow.ly/ojokE

- #climatechange pushing marine life towards the poles at rate of 4.4 miles per year @MccipOrgUK http://ow.ly/ojlQ2


DEFRA (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs):

- Scientists discover how marine mamals store enough oxygen to hold their breath for up to 1 hour! http://ow.ly/ppJS7  #WildFactWednesday


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):

- Ocean warming speeding up. Read my blog on the latest IPCC climate report: http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/damanaki/ocean-warming-speeding-up/ 

- Revolution in #fisheries is possible with #co-management. Watch the example of Catalan Sandeel Fishery #cfpreform https://vimeo.com/65467667

- #Invasive alien #species are a threat to biodiversity, human health and economy. Read my blog: http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/damanaki/preventing-and-managing-invasive-alien-species/#respond 

- #Herring Heavily disappointed that the #Faroes did not come up with concrete proposal in London meeting. Read my blog http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/damanaki/


Angling Trust (http://www.anglingtrust.net/):

- No Sea updates


B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):

- http://www.ukbass.com/bass-stocks-plummet-in-channel-island-waters-2/

- http://www.ukbass.com/save-our-saltwater-sportfish/


Hugh’s Fishfight (http://www.fishfight.net/):

- Cool project turning discarded fishing nets from Philippines into office carpet tiles http://youtu.be/Tu6wzHp7aEk  with help of @ZSLconservation


Marine Management Organisation (MMO) (http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/index.htm):

- Greece had the largest number of commercial fishing vessels in the EU in 2012, around 16000. The UK was 6th with 6000 http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- UK fish imports in 2012 included £500m of prawns, £395m of cod and £292m of freshwater salmon http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- The UK imported 754000 tonnes of fish worth over £2.5bn in 2012, most commonly cod, tuna, prawns and salmon http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- The busiest fishing port in the UK in 2012 was Peterhead where UK vessels landed 105700 tonnes of fish worth £113.5m http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- Plymouth was the busiest fishing port in England in 2012 in terms of volume of fish landed by UK vessels(15700 tonnes)http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- UK vessels landed £27 million of fish into Brixham in 2012, the highest total catch value of all ports in England http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- Newlyn was the busiest UK administration port for fishing vessels in 2012 (610 vessels) http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- 6,944 fishermen were employed in England and Wales in 2012 http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- 60% of UK fishing vessels were built before 1991 http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- In 2012 over 78% of the UK fishing fleet were vessels under 10 metres in length (5,032) http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- In 2012 the most common and valuable species landed into England by UK fishing vessels was scallops http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- 69% of fish landed by the UK fleet in 2012 was caught by vessels over 24m long, 4% of the total number of UK vessels http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- The most valuable species landed abroad by UK vessels in 2012 were mackerel (£91m) and plaice (£20m) http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- In 2012 UK vessels landed 393,000 tonnes of fish into the UK worth £567 million http://bit.ly/19HOjzK

- Skipper of fishing vessel which ran aground on Lizard Penninsula on 28 August ordered to pay £11,000 http://bit.ly/164NYco  (via @MCA_media)


Lyme Bay. Working to reconcile the needs of the environment and local fishing industry by establishing a new blueprint for sustainable conservation. (http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/):

- Conference a success


Dorset Wildlife Trust (http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/):

- Living Seas http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/living-seas.html


MCS (Marine Conservation Society) (http://www.mcsuk.org/):

- Divers from Seasearch discover closure to scallop dredging = recovery in reef life in Firth of Lorn http://bit.ly/15EjvS7 .

- Temperate marine ecosystems have been under-appreciated according to a new report > - http://bbc.in/15W4jkb  ...cont

- We did it! Plastic bag charge to be introduced in England > http://bbc.in/18echBp  @CPRE @KeepBritainTidy @sascampaigns #BreakTheBagHabit


MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition) (http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/):

- Scientists warn of ocean conservation in wrong areas. Published in Nature today http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v501/n7468/full/nature12529.html  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-24274683  @NatureNews

- Lib Dems & Conservatives also committed to fully implement Marine Act & MCZs before last Gen Election. Let’s hope they deliver this term!

- Mussel power: the fight to save Strangford's rare reef http://bbc.in/18TsZqG  @ZSLMarine


FishSec. The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH) is a non-profit organisation working towards sustainable fisheries in Europe and worldwide. (fishsec.org ):

- The EU provides the Danish fishing industry with €307 million/year....they land fish worth €360 million/year @MereteH http://assets.ocean2012.eu/content_files/files/631/original/03-OCEAN2012-infographic-subsidy-compared-to-value-fish-landed-web.jpg 

- The EU subsidises the Danish fishing industry more heavily than any other Member State @MetteGjerskov @IdaAuken - http://assets.ocean2012.eu/content_files/files/631/original/03-OCEAN2012-infographic-subsidy-compared-to-value-fish-landed-web.jpg 

- A series of graphics on EU fisheries subsidies have been produced by @OCEAN2012EU #EMFF @Fjellner - http://assets.ocean2012.eu/content_files/files/638/original/10-OCEAN2012-infographic-sliding-scales-web.jpg 

- Achim Steiner from @UNEP provides some interesting thoughts on how the #EMFF needs to be realigned - http://euobserver.com/opinion/120819

- For science in fisheries you can find the latest @ICES_ASC newsletters here - http://www.ices.dk/news-and-events/news-archive/newsletters/Pages/default.aspx 

- Taxpayer subsidies for the fishing industry amount to €28 billion/year. Or 600% more than the Eur Space Agency budget #EMFF @AlainCadec

- Taxpayer subsidies for the fishing industry amount to €28 billion/year. Or 180% more than the Olympics #EMFF @ChrisDaviesMEP @juliegirling

- How much is spent subsidising the fishing industry? @OCEAN2012EU has a nice infographic - http://assets.ocean2012.eu/content_files/files/630/original/02-OCEAN2012-infographic-how-much-is-spent-annual-fishing-subsidy-web.jpg 

- Spending €1.6 billion to build up to 20,000 new fishing vessels will fuel overfishing #EMFF - See more at: http://ocean2012.eu/press_releases/127-the-european-parliament-s-fisheries-committee#sthash.vZAeh4F9.dpuf 

- An article from the Economist on fish becoming more expensive #EMFF - http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21583296-fish-are-getting-more-expensive-they-do-not-all-move-same?fsrc=scn/tw_ec/different_scales 

- Research by @ICIJorg shows that the Spanish fishing industry has received close to €6 billion in subsidies since 2000 http://www.icij.org/project/looting-seas-ii/nearly-eu6-billion-subsidies-fuel-spains-ravenous-fleet 

- As the EU CFP subsidy package is under reform, learn more about fisheries subsidies here #EMFF - http://www.ocean2012.eu/publications/85-fisheries-subsidies 

- From this budget, just over €1 million will be spent on developing more selective fishing gears - http://rod.se/95-miljoner-extra-till-havet-i-budgeten 

- Next year Sweden will increase their budget for marine protection by over €10 million...although this follows a cut of €27 million for 2013.

- Swedish fishermen organisation: "discard ban - yes we can!". Fish for the market. Under 40 cm cod has no value, fillets too small.


NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) (http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/):

- Back in the Black: Black #Sea #Bass Stock Rebuilt http://1.usa.gov/16MH4c5  via @NOAAFish_SERO Photo: NOAA @TeacherAtSea pic.twitter.com/z1V3Kt8O4t

- This #turtle was saved by a TED. What's that? @NOAAFisheries explains: http://on.fb.me/15ap64R  #innovations reduce #bycatch

- Promoting sustainable fisheries & combating illegal, unreported & unregulated (IUU) fishing globally—a world-wide job—http://1.usa.gov/185fKGg

- #Ocean acidification could disrupt marine life on unfathomable scale: http://bit.ly/15YGZ1e  via @NOAAFish_NWFSC @seattletimes

- When fishermen illegally catch & sell protected #fish, #turtles, & #marine #mammals @NOAAFisheries is on the case—http://1.usa.gov/Ydnqzc


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation) (http://www.fishconserve.org/):

- What determines fish species dispersal in the oceans? Some surprising new findings. MT @DianeN56: http://bit.ly/15RenuA

- Rutgers Univ. long-term fish surveys show effects of climate change. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/new_jersey/20130922_Southern_ocean_fish_now_being_found_in_N_J_.html#ZxlFFEPPk0pSMW9h.99 

- RT @DianeN56: Algae and bacteria in sea ice are important for the carbon budgets of frozen oceans http://bit.ly/1gfm2nI

- Seagrass is a huge carbon store, but will government value it?#bluecarbon http://bit.ly/17yVwDS

- RT @SteveAuscavitch: Just the Facts: Deep-sea trawling must be banned. http://www.nature.com/news/deep-sea-trawling-must-be-banned-1.13656 


Fish2Fork (http://www.fish2fork.com/home/news-index.aspx):

-  Protecting the ocean is more important than the economy, says Prince Albert II of Monaco #blueoceanfilmfest http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Protecting-oceans-is-more-important-than-the-economy-says-Prince.aspx 

- Oceans suffering under climate change raise food security fears #ipcc #ocean #climatechange http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Food-security-under-threat-as-oceans-suffer-under-climate-change.aspx#.UkYY-ajaZ0o.twitter 

- More sustainable fish to go in fish fingers as Russian pollock fishery is certified #ocean #msc #birdseye http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Impact-of-vast-Russian-MSC-fishery-to-be-felt-across-Europe.aspx#.UkRONEaxJ04.twitter 

- Start choosing seafood that isn't one of the big five, diners urged #plymouth #ocean #rockfish http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Marine-expert-urges-diners-to-reconnect-with-seafood.aspx#.Uj2hyzI0bj4.twitter 

- Scientists call for huge cuts in sea bass catches as stocks plummet to lowest in 20 years! http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Fears%20for%20wild%20sea%20bass%20as%20scientists%20urge%20huge%20cuts%20in%20catches.aspx  #MPAConf2013

- Fishing industry faces a huge challenge implementing discard rules #ocean @FishFight @Realfishfight #cfp http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Discard-rules-still-a-huge-challenge-for-industry-despite-CFP-reforms.aspx#.UjGG0gQHXCw.twitter 

- Is there hope of bringing peace to the 'mackerel war'? Iceland hosts summit seeking quota deal #eu #ocean #fishfight http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Iceland-hopeful-of-avoiding-sanctions-at-mackerel-war-summit.aspx#.UimUlcdzBuE.twitter 

- Marine scientist challenges deep sea fishing industry over 'bunk' information #mep #ocean #eu http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Justification-of-deep-sea-trawling-is-bunk-MEPs-told.aspx#.UijAyijBgOQ.twitter 


GOC (Global Ocean Commission) (http://www.globaloceancommission.org/):

- #Oceans are shielding humanity from #climatechange impacts http://goo.gl/pT32eR  via @MotherNatureNet

- Deep sea mining: coming soon to an #ocean near you http://goo.gl/bWxNLB  @duarteoceans in @SBSNews

- #Ocean absorbs 1/4 of CO2 emissions, causing seawater to acidify at fastest rate in 300 million yrs  http://goo.gl/8csLVV

- #Ocean holds more than 90% of extra heat from humanity's #ghg emissions. The atmosphere only 1%  http://goo.gl/8csLVV

- ‘Communities would act like "shareholders", ensuring stocks were protected and not depleted’ http://bbc.in/1b1a14Q  @BBCWorld #overfishing

- Tracking of fishing vessels in the Pacific, for better compliance & enforcement http://goo.gl/WJXgJe  @GOceanC suggests same for #highseas

- Ghana creates a new body to combat #IUU fishing: "more than enforcement" http://goo.gl/O2wZRd

- Marine species migration on @latimes http://goo.gl/f0WtnJ

- Ocean acidification is a reality. Videos via @seattletimes http://goo.gl/cHGqTb

- First time INTERPOL’s network is used to combat illegal fishing http://goo.gl/Nz8ewm

- Climate change, overfishing, subsidies – how can the ocean’s future be secured?http://www.globaloceancommission.org/news/righting-the-ocean-wrongs/ 

- Can Technology End Pirate Fishing? http://on.natgeo.com/17NIdCe  via @NatGeoNewsWatch. @GOceanC says yes http://goo.gl/LWWA0Z


The Black Fish (The Black Fish is a fast growing movement of ordinary people working to end illegal overfishing of the oceans.) (http://www.theblackfish.org):

-  The White Gold of Jihad - How #wildlifecrime is funding terrorism http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/10/01/opinion/the-white-gold-of-jihad.html?smid=tw-share& 

- The Bottom Line: Some Promising News for Bluefin Tuna? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lee-crockett/the-bottom-line-some-prom_b_3874919.html 


Oceana (Working hard to protect our oceans. Fighting against offshore oil & destructive fishing. Fighting for clean energy, sharks, & turtles.) (http://oceana.org/en/eu/home):

- "Farmed salmon is a terrible choice for our oceans." -- Ted Danson and Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless: http://ow.ly/phlKh  @washingtonpost

- Centuries' old corals, sponges, and sea anemones are being crushed by bottom trawling. Sign/share to protect them: http://ow.ly/phkuP

- The @washingtonpost ran an article declaring farmed salmon a good choice. We’re here to set the record straight: http://ow.ly/peFWv

- "We believe that, if sited correctly, offshore wind could be the ocean-based part of the solution to climate change." http://ow.ly/paU3x

- Will the world adopt sustainable #longline fishing practices? @audubonmagazine examines: http://ow.ly/p8ptF  #bycatch

- .@SherylCrow and Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless Declare A Win for Whales: http://ow.ly/p82QE  #seismicairguns @HuffPostGreen

- .@ConservationMag asked 10 marine activists how to save the ocean. Their answers: http://conservationmagazine.org/2008/07/10-solutions-to-save-the-ocean/  via @whysharksmatter

- Coral reefs suffer as relentless hunt for #shark fins takes its toll: http://ow.ly/p3njH  #stopsharkfinning

- Octopus's amazing camouflage makes scientist scream bloody murder: http://ow.ly/oZIBd

- Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto: Fleet of gliding #robots collect #ocean data: http://ow.ly/oXaKL

- Artists & scientists examine problem of ocean plastic in @nytimes video "Into the Gyre": http://ow.ly/oKAzq  @carlsafina

- OceanElder and @virgin founder @richardbranson narrates "Mission: Save the Oceans" series http://ow.ly/oKgGt


Pew Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewenvironment.org/):

- "Difficult to generalize the specific response of corals to overall #climate change." #PewMarineFellow Peter Mumby http://ow.ly/pl2Nb

- GRAPHIC: Climate change is reshaping our fisheries, say scientists. Fish moving to cooler waters near poles. http://ow.ly/pl2mO  #IPCC

- Watch: @RichardBranson “Sadly we are losing marine ecosystems more quickly than most people probably realize.” http://ow.ly/pl2g9

- Fins up! Help Sherman and his friends protect bluefin tuna from wasteful fishing gear. http://ow.ly/phuxP  http://ow.ly/i/3gEhK

- Countries gather in Micronesia to develop tighter rules around world’s biggest #tuna fishery. http://ow.ly/phubB  #WCPFC

- The Sargasso Sea is a nursery to many marine species including sea turtles and sharks. Learn more: http://ow.ly/pgO7W

- Fisheries stressed by overfishing, pollution may get worse with #climatechange -#PewMarineFellow Rashid Sumalia http://ow.ly/pgNDT  #IPCC

- “Caught in the middle” – a new study in @PLOSONE discusses the combined impact of #shark removal and coral loss. http://ow.ly/pgNAQ

- More proof oceans need #sharks. They help create coral reef stability in the face of climate change. http://ow.ly/pex3T  (via @PLOSONE)

- Back in black: US S. Atlantic stock of black sea bass has been rebuilt. Annual catch limits will now more than double http://ow.ly/paDTm

- .@figuerescr: The ocean is 99 percent of the living space on the planet if you look at it three dimensionally. @OceanElders

- .@OceanElders support large-scale marine conservation. Read their 2012 letter on the #CoralSea marine reserve. http://ow.ly/p8AB9

- Because #mantarays are migratory & don’t stay in protected waters, more conservation areas are needed. http://ow.ly/p3jdG

- #Mantarays vulnerable to #overfishing: they mature late& have low birth rates, long lives; & isolated populations. http://ow.ly/oWApM

- The Pacific’s perilous turn: how ocean acidification threatens marine life as we know it. http://ow.ly/oWAbm  (via @seattletimes)

- We congratulate the Hong Kong government for taking a leadership role to protect #sharks and bluefin #tuna. http://ow.ly/oWA6d

- A step forward for #foragefish. @PacificCouncil votes to bring unmanaged species into existing #fishery mgmt. plans. http://ow.ly/i/3aWLb

- .@DalhousieU report in @PLOSONE that #mantarays are protected in about 17% of the areas where they are found. http://ow.ly/oWA17

- .@nytimes on #Antarctic marine reserves: Conservation of Southern Ocean important to future of #fisheries. http://ow.ly/oXjvh  @CCAMLR1

- The @PacificCouncil can act this week to protect #foragefish. Learn why these little fish are a big deal: http://ow.ly/oUCpk

- Just like people, fish need space to live, hangout & reproduce. Protected ocean areas would help fish thrive. http://ow.ly/oGYvM  @SAFMC


BBC News:

- Blobfish is ugliest creature: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24040130

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/24023571

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24057397

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-24100811

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-24130709

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24209950

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-24228469

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24230765

 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24271594

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24292615

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24369244


The Daily Echo:



The Guardian:

-  Sea bass joins list of threatened fish http://gu.com/p/3tpqp/tf



- http://www.libertyglobe.com/2013/09/09/teenagers-invention-could-clean-oceans-of-garbage-within-5-years/



Nice one Charlie, as always report full of mind boggling statistics !


Under the MMO section -


The most valuable species landed overseas by UK vessels in 2012 mackerel £91 million (yes million pounds !) and plaice £20 million !


Staggering and unsustainable figures which will probably increase this year..... Don't know the tonnage. But that's an awful lot of live baits and flatties !


Thanks again Charlie,



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