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Dolphins  - - - - Good.



Killer Whales - - - - - - Nah - Not so good.          The clue's in the name.

I know they were only babies but I'd have been very worried in me little Tiddler ! !





not killer whales (stupid nickname)     orca is what they are.       i hope they enjoyed having fun with the speed boat as much as i enjoyed watching,   their obvious high intelligence never stops amazing me.........derek,,(killer mammal)


Charlie, the calming down works on tope and a lot of doggies, and bullhuss etc too!

We have put them back in the water curled up looking asleep, they turn when they are in the water and swim off, its great when it happens. :)


Haven't tried it on a conger though!!!! :o


Don't try it with a Spurdog


They don't settle down


They get more vigorous with their movements and eventually rip a hole in your arm


The voice of experience!


Keep gaffa tape handy to mend the hole and save having to come home early



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