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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The boat is ashore for her annual maintenance


Yesterday the boys joined me, while I cleaned her topsides and cabin tops, Sam scrubbed and rubbed down the antifouling (not a nice job)

Dan used his experiance from Purbeck marine to remove the stern drive, as he is the best out of the three of us at getting the DPH drive off it did not tke him long


Will joined me today to get the polish out for the rails and topsides


Thanks for all of your help guys, we achieved a lot in two days and she was shining in the sunlight when I left.


In all that wind, maintenance was about all we could have done this weekend


Got to get her looking smart before Daves new offshore arrives in Poole





I,ve spent the weekend doing the same Charlie, I, ve now got a boat that looks like something out of scrapheap challenge theres so many bits off it.


Spent the day polishing today so at least its looks a bit better and has a nice shine!


Now hand deep into the pockets to pay for some new bits and pieces!!


For some reason no newbies have turned up to get some polishing practice in that I was willing to share! :( :(


Had lots of company and chit chat from Jacob the last couple of days. :)


Nice when it all starts to go back on Chris


I am hoping the locker for my capstan will arrive soon


But while I wait there are a list of annual and one off jobs to crack on with.


I quite enjoy working on the boat, but would rather be fishing,


Its thoughts of great trips like last years Cherbourg trip, two good days fishing in calm weather, that keep us going during March maintenance.


Glad to here it, I've been doing the same got the polishing done and the old black gear underneath.


Lots of things to do. A big thanks to Chris for his help and advice.


O and keeping Jacob occupied while I crack on


And he's doing the rounds keeping an eye on Mick as well, all good fun.


Cheers Kev


You lucky lot.......I,m stuck next to a BLACK STEEL yacht ( I call it the BLACK PEARL.... among other things !!!!!!  :angry:  :angry: )


They have been sanding the wood and everything is getting covered in black sh!t . :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


Last week he decided to take an ANGLE GRINDER to the hull   ??????????   What a clever man !!!!!


Told today that I am being moved.........but to where ???? It's full up !!!!!!!!!!





I had a rare hour free today to pop down to JV, didn't think I had much to do, but still managed to come away with a long list, albeit smallish jobs.


The main one is replacing the deck lockers which I didn't make properly when I built it... They are survived ok until now, but need cutting out and some proper jobs moulding. It's a job I can do, but ideally I'll need the boat at home.... So might have to wait until next winter.


I had a rare hour free today to pop down to JV, didn't think I had much to do, but still managed to come away with a long list, albeit smallish jobs.

The main one is replacing the deck lockers which I didn't make properly when I built it... They are survived ok until now, but need cutting out and some proper jobs moulding. It's a job I can do, but ideally I'll need the boat at home.... So might have to wait until next winter.

Hi Adam

I too need a locker for the new capstan, I could make it up myself but after a visit to the guys building Daves new boat I have ordered one from them.

May be an option for you too mate.

I am sure your time is very tight with the new job and all.




Nearly ready to launch at last, L day is Friday, really happy about it :)


This is the first time the boat has been on the hard proper since buying the boat aside from a short stint when I first bought it to make the legs work properly before launch down here, there was a long long list of jobs, there still is quite a long list...


Aside from the usual engine, stern drive service and anti fouling jobs I've fitted a new windlass, new steering ram, new manual fuel pump on one engine, full polish of the gelcoat, repairs and varnish recoat (and redone as ruined by unexpected rain :angry: ), rewiring of the starboard engine trim relays (they have given trouble all year), curtains made and fitted, gelcoat repairs, varnish removal of the grills on the bathing platform, I've gone to bare teak, new VHF radio properly fitted, TV properly wired in and other stuff I can't remember.


Here the thing, I bought Tigerfish for a good price but it had not been looked after very well for 2 or 3 years, everything was basically sound but just starting to deteriorate, I knew this when I bought it, a lot of TLC has been required to get it to an order where everything works properly and everything that should have varnish on it has and the rust has been treated etc etc. It takes a lot of time and the bigger the boat and more kit is has the longer it takes, well duh, but only really appreciated by me at least when doing the jobs.


I've assured Diane that I won't have to spend so many weekends working on the boat next season, I hope thats true.... she hasn't seen the remains of the to do list and I've another year to add items....


Lloyd has spent quite a bit of his time helping me with the jobs, including some of the not so nice ones, much appreciated, thanks Son.




Every year I go down around Feb and expect to do just a few odd jobs and always come away with a notebook full!


I quite like it in a way though, esp. While the fishing is slow in Feb and March, and it's a nice feeling hitting the water in the spring all ship shape.


I'm about 60% complete!


I was going to strip and re paint the leg, but I've decided to rub back and go for a new coat of trilux instead. Cheaper and quicker. I don't need it as I'm out of the water but a complete repaint is a major job.


A few bits of grp work, replace a few broken bits a full deep clean and polish and I'm there!


Charlie, thanks for the heads up on Breaksea. It's a good shout, although I'd suspect they would need the boat as they would have to be moulded to fit. It's one of the reasons I haven't done them this year as I haven't had the time to get the boat back home. I should have moulded them from grp when I built them instead of using ply and gel washing over it. They have lasted well for 5 seasons but are starting to look a bit tired now.


Hi adam


I am having a locker and door made that will be a little larger than I need so I can cut it down to fit the hull shape


Glad your work is goong so well, seems strange not to have been out since mid Jan




I don't know Charlie! havent been out and don't know anyone that has (discussions in the marina have been confimed to antifouling and how crap the weather has been)


I reckon that water would be too coloured to be any good though




I am on Flamer IV email listing and Colin posted this state of play yesterday



During March the anchored fishing on the Reefs and Banks was excellent with good catches of Blonde and Undulate Rays along with plenty of Congers,Bull Huss,Smooth Hounds,Spurdogs and the usual Dogs and Whiting. The flatty fishing has been hard going as yet due to the stirred up and poor water clarity as a result of all the winter storms. How ever the signs are there that the flatty fishing is improving at last and should continue to improve during April.The wreck fishing for Pollack etc has also been a casualty of the winter storms and poor water clarity but as we get some settled weather and improving water clarity I am sure the Pollack ,Ling etc will be there to be caught. Flamer IV Fish of the Month for March was awarded to Trevor Lockyer for his Personal Best 16Ib 8oz Undulate Ray.( 14 different species have been caught on Flamer IV so far in 2014.


I tried the water for fish this evening. Decided on a rocky patch. Everything was good except the sea is still the colour of weak milkly tea. Result 1 LSD, 1 crab, 1 lost fish.  If you're not going out at the moment you are not missing much, inshore at least. Makes me feel better about heading off to China tomorrow.



  • 2 weeks later...

Boat back in today


The locker arrived on friday evening


Its been cut to shape, bits of the boat cut off so it fits, glassed in anf flowcoated


The capstan has been fitted and wired up today

And we are off to test it all inshore tomorrow


Nice one Charlie, hope all goes well tomorrow.


Thanks for the freezer, pints all round in Alderney for the Chapmans for it.


Tight lines.

Did I ever mention my middle name is chapman? Thanks Chris! :)

Boat back in today


The locker arrived on friday evening


Its been cut to shape, bits of the boat cut off so it fits, glassed in anf flowcoated


The capstan has been fitted and wired up today

And we are off to test it all inshore tomorrow


Saw Alfresco go past us yesterday evening while we were on the mooring looking very smart Charlie, well done.


Thanks guys

Great to be out fishing in the sunshine


Capstan seemed to work well, jury is still out on where the foot switch will finally go, it is currently on a board so we can try a few positions

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