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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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As we are getting redesigned - thought I would tidy up a bit.

Let me know what you think and ideas for how you would want it laid out.




Pictures that's what we like, also maybe an area for club news ie competitions press releases and anything else that could be used to promote the club.  If others have access and the know how to update it can both give our members information and promote us to our visitors oh and of course do our rating good with mr google, not that we do badly there anyhow.


Much improved already Paul.


Photo's are good on the front page, short clear information in text leading to more detailed information on other pages.


easy access and posting from iphone / ipad would be good

also ability to resize pictures as uploaded






 What is the issue with access from the Ipad ? 

I am talking front page of the web site here - updating this is never going to be an easy/viable option using an Iphone :)


Agree the size problem with large images uploaded to the gallery is an issue.


Using Tapatalk upoads etc. are quite painless I think.


For what it's worth i think the front page looks good it keeps you up to date and invites you in for more 




Looking great Paul


Is there a link to the competition and social dates for the year?




Yes - you can get to these using the Calender tab.


However, I have added a block on the right hand side as well now which will show the next 10 forthcoming events in the calendar as well. This to me looks much better and is a big improvement, just wish I had thought of this before. 



Hi Paul


Front page is looking good, just an observation on my Samsumg tablet the catch report overlaps the latest posts on the righthand side.

All looks like its in a mucking fuddle!!


It may be something I've done and I haven't looked on PC yet.


Well done on the update.


Looks good Paul


On my tablet , everything in that right hand block that I click on comes up as happening today

Bream comp next meeting etc


No criticism intended mate




No problem. 

I suspect it will be something to do with the way pages are cached in the browser.


What browser are you using on your tablet ?  - Safari ? Chrome ? Firefox ?


On a galaxy s5 everything looks okay except

The % specimen tab overlaps the right hand column eg recent posts,

There is a grey bar at the bottom of the page it is overlapping the recent gallery photo slide show a little. This problem also occurs on Firefox on my laptop.


Yes get same issue with the grey bar on the Gallery Screen.  I was trying to get this to display correctly by tweaking the template but havent worked out out yet.

I can remove the bar altogether ( it shows the image title ).

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