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Still a bit to do on this due to technical difficulties and the vagaries of work... will complete ASAP!


Topical blurb to follow!


Disclaimer: Apologies if I’ve doubled up on any stories/articles. No prizes for spotting if I have!


“Many of the stories and information that I pass on comes from various ‘channels’ on the internet.  I use Twitter, Facebook, several news sites and have signed up for a few email distribution lists.

To see who I am following on Twitter, look me up at @charlieannear”


Some of this year’s hot topics (in no particular order):

  • Species interdependency
  • Ecosystem imbalance
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • MCZ’s
  • Sharks and Rays (vs Australia)
  • Overfishing
  • Illegal Fishing
  • Ocean warming, acidification and pollution (including plastics and microplastics)
  • Economic value of recreational use of fish stocks (and catch and release)

(RT) = Re-Tweet. This means the information was originally posted by someone else.


Leon Roskilly:

- A story that resonates with the way Recreational Sea Angling is managed in Europe http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2014/04/protecting_recreational_fishin.html 

- Is ICES advice being followed? http://www.thefishsite.com/fishnews/23054/analysis-of-eu-fishing-tacs-for-2014-shows-31-stocks-do-not-follow-ices-advice 

- Shark Tust Angler Recording Project - http://www.sharktrust.org/en/anglers_recording_project 

- How is your IFCA performing? https://consult.defra.gov.uk/marine/ifca-report 

- NOAA going for recreational fishing policy - http://www.science20.com/news_articles/noaa_commits_to_developing_a_national_recreational_fishing_policy-134574 

- The real threat to coastal fishing - http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/conservationist/2014/04/real-threat-coastal-fishing 


Blue Marine Foundation

- A report commissioned by the Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) has found its way on to the front page of The... http://fb.me/3xAPC4W3o


SIFCA (Southern Inshore Conservation Authority) (www.southern-ifca.gov.uk):
- Early morning in #poole harbour patrolling the bird sensitive closed areas at #dawn @PooleHarbourC #compliance

- Newton Bay, one of Poole Harbour's bird sensitive areas, is closed to disturbing fishing techniques @DorsetWildlife

- Have your say on how your IFCA is performing, Defra are seeking information for the four year report to Parliament. https://consult.defra.gov.uk/marine/ifca-report 

- One of our officers checking the size of #lobsters....min carapace length 87mm @LymeBayReserve @GtDorsetSeafood

- Officers checking #Whelk landings in #PooleHarbour this evening! #MLS #45mm #compliance

- #Natura2000 - 2014 newsletter http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/nat2000newsl/nat35_en.pdf  #europe #conservation

- The next @SouthernIFCA Technical Advisory Committee meeting will be held at 13.00 on Thursday 15th May in #Poole, interesting & busy agenda!


Dorset Wildlife Trust (http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/):

- Really great work done by volunteers at today's beach clean. 70+ bags of litter removed from #ChesilBeach! pic.twitter.com/DVl4yqSJFE

- RT @DWTMarine: DWTJulie said: Effects of storms on Kimmeridge seabed VIDEO 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=688wVPfKx1c&sns=tw 

- JulieDWT said: 100 shark/ray eggcases found on hunt at Kimmeridge today! Thanks everyone who came. http://twitter.com/Jazeyfantazy/status/457186944921780225/photo/1pic.twitter.com/eoGmm0e26c

- JulieDWT said: Beautiful view from marine centre at #Kimmeridge http://twitter.com/Jazeyfantazy/status/455986229004091392/photo/1pic.twitter.com/B2IROPVs0K

- JulieDWT said: Stalked jellyfish at Kimmeridge Bay http://twitter.com/Jazeyfantazy/status/455038026624688128/photo/1pic.twitter.com/X389cA9vSg

- #WOW RT @MeganShersby: Snakelocks anemone, out of water, at #Kimmeridge #Dorset pic.twitter.com/GZvOdJjqKr @DWTMarine


DEFRA Nature (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs):

- Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have approximately 80 to 100 cone-shaped teeth! #WildFactWednesday

- The deepest recorded Cuvier's beaked whale dive was to 2,992m; the longest lasting was 137.5 minutes (2/2) #WildFactWednesday


DEFRA Fisheries:

- Final agreement to EMFF in European Parliament today ends 3 yrs of EU negotiations on the #CFPreform package. Now have to implement it.

- New study looks at the benefits of helping fish move freely between waterways http://ow.ly/vQG8i  #fisheries






- No marine updates

CITES (http://cites.org/):

- Shark fin trade from Hong Kong to mainland China drops almost 90 per cent in one year: http://goo.gl/pIU8IE


CEFAS: The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - the UK's most diverse applied marine science centre and source of expert evidence and advice. (cefas.defra.gov.uk )

- Sea Angling 2012: 900,000 sea anglers supporting 13,000 jobs. The data will help inform fishery policy #CefasBlog http://ow.ly/vcUQG

- Incentivising selective fishing under a policy to ban discards; lessons from EU and global fisheries. http://ow.ly/vvBgH  #CefasScience

- New blog: How bad is marine litter? We explain its impact on the seas and how research influences policy #CefasBlog http://ow.ly/vcV87

- Incentivising selective fishing under a policy to ban discards; lessons from EU and global fisheries. http://ow.ly/vvBgH  #CefasScience

- Calling all skippers and owners of commercial fishing vessels. Fisheries Science Partnership 2014-2015 http://ow.ly/vFUes


The Shark Trust (sharktrust.org):

- (RT Bill Gates) Hey @SharkWeek, sharks are cool, but they’re not even close to being the deadliest animal: http://b-gat.es/1itPGLY 

- Researchers prove citizen science delivers better quality data on #sharks than conventional acoustic tagging methods http://ab.co/1fJTymm

- MT "@SaltwaterlifeUK Baby skate gets photobombed by catshark pup pic.twitter.com/PTaWLQSF1c"

- 805lb mako catch may not be a record after all, as ILSFA now only accept records from #sharks that have been released http://bit.ly/QArgon

- (RT) Critically Endangered "Common Skate" caught & released off UK entered in Fish of the Month contest http://blog.fishingmegastore.com/2014/04/april-2014-fish-of-month-entry-common.html  @BatoidAdvocates

- (RT) We're very sad to inform you that 200lb 9ft #BlueShark Beamer was captured & is in #CostaRica: http://bit.ly/1dNCUnr 

- (RT) @mrdavidpickup @SharkTrustUK @SharkDevocean Big picture: US mako catch is limited. EU commercial fishers take many many more under no limits

- (RT) .@OCEARCH @Seasaver Especially when countries that lead in mako & blue shark landings (Spain & Portugal) don't set limits @SharkTrustUK

- Video explains findings of study examining stress & survival of 5 #shark species following catch & release @rj_dunlap http://bit.ly/P7jAbL

- With increasing numbers of fishing regulations requiring the release of threatened or protected sharks,... http://fb.me/2iPvzSZIT

- Study suggests escalating CO2 could cause fish to lose fear of predators, potentially damaging the marine food chain http://bit.ly/1qxNFiK

- Western Australia has applied to extend the shark cull for three years. The catch-and-kill policy, which allows... http://fb.me/3MNUvSVbK

- Biggest White Shark ever tagged in Australia off coast of WA - the tagging of a huge five-metre shark in King... http://fb.me/30tznEjm8

- Read our #BaskingShark Project spring update at http://bit.ly/1isXgCK  - sign up at http://www.sharktrust.org/signup 


Lyme Bay. Working to reconcile the needs of the environment and local fishing industry by establishing a new blueprint for sustainable conservation. (http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/):

- Ever wondered what the reefs of #LymeBay look like? Here's a glimpse… more this way! http://on.fb.me/1bruUGO  #marineconservation #MPA

- From @AnglingTrust member - more Red Gurnards now being caught by #seaanglers in #LymeBay thanks to @LymeBayReserve.

- Keep your feet dry & head over to our Facebook for amazing underwater footage of #marinelife in #LymeBay #devonhour http://bitly.com/13Dovrj

- Sustainability, Traceability & Quality - all key elements to provenance and quality-assured #LymeBay seafood with the help of @seafishuk

- Checking the size of fish on a #WestBay netting vessel....name the species of ray? @LymeBayReserve @GtDorsetSeafood

- We're currently working on a Voluntary Code of Conduct with @AnglingTrust for Recreational Sea #Anglers fishing in @LymeBayReserve #Dorset

- Proof is in the pudding! Year on year there has been an improvement in fish stocks & marine life in general within the @LymeBayReserve.


Fish2Fork (http://www.fish2fork.com/home/news-index.aspx):

- European hake recovers from slump to earn sustainable accolade @mscuk #ocean #sustainable http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/European-hake-recovers-from-slump-to-earn-sustainable-accolade.aspx#.U1kvTC1od_s.twitter 

- Satellite images used to track down illegal fisheries and overfishing @ubcnews #iran #bahrain #fishing http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Spy-in-the-sky-tracks-overfishing.aspx#.U1f1yYiRfaM.twitter 

- It's now up to you, EU members told as fisheries reform gets sign-off #cfp #reform #emff @pewenvironment http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Its-now-up-to-you-EU-members-told-as-fisheries-reform-gets-sign-off.aspx#.U1ZDsC6Y17A.twitter 

- Increase in overfishing feared among tuna stocks #ocean #mcs http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Increase-in-overfishing-feared-among-tuna-stocks.aspx#.U0wcHH5NlJs.twitter 

- Fisheries minister promises to spend tens of millions on developing selective fishing nets #discards #fishfight #cfp http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/UK-to-spend-millions-on-more-selective-nets.aspx 

- Massive eel restocking programme launched ~seg #parrett #severn #somersetlevels http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2014/Fishermen-aim-to-catch-a-million-eel-in-a-night.aspx#.UzkdCGL6m1s.twitter 


** UPDATED- BBC News and Daily Echo**


Part 2:

The Black Fish (http://www.theblackfish.org):

- Absolutely true: we need a global conservation agreement for the high seas. And we need it soon http://bit.ly/1roUdRh  #oceans #overfishing

- Infographic showing migration route and target spots for #bluefin #tuna. No wonder they have been wiped out for 96% pic.twitter.com/cvNuk5fM5n

- Ever heard of the dusky #shark? Its population in the Gulf of Mexico has plummeted 70-98% due to #overfishing http://bit.ly/Pr3oT9

- Yaaay, some good news! A 1.1 million square marine park in the Cook Islands will be established in 2015 http://bit.ly/1hclgfw

- Only one glance at this infographic tells how massively destructive pelagic longlines are pic.twitter.com/AIlMbulbSD

- (RT) Shrimp catch banned in Santa Cruz waters http://ow.ly/3jLBUP  #oceans #shrimp #overfishing

- Latest assessment tells us what we already know: the Pacific #bluefn #tuna population remains at 4% of historic level http://bit.ly/1mzd8cA

- In June of this year John Kerry will host an #ocean conference on #overfishing and other ocean threats http://wapo.st/1nEgQ1T

- Only a very logical result: research shows fishing affects coral reef recovery http://bit.ly/1nzuRxW  pic.twitter.com/LUtFHPlNs6

- This MacNeill+Macintosh infographic shows the ways #bluefin #tuna are overfished in illegal and unregulated ways. http://www.mac-art.us/49/

- #Sharkcull program in WA is to be officially assessed. Hopefully it will be officially announced to be a big mistake http://bit.ly/1kZI9E7

- A reminder of what other than your freshly bought fish could end up on your plate http://bit.ly/1j9GjiB  #bycatch pic.twitter.com/mbLTOxiJE8

- Scotland is failing to recognize the threat posed by farmed salmon http://bit.ly/1toDEa1  pic.twitter.com/VF0Dey8Z18

- More than pollution, climate change or invasive species the biggest threat for Mediterranean remains #overfishing http://bit.ly/1k0nQp9

- An uplifting story to start your weekend: 'a humpback showing appreciation after being freed from net' http://bit.ly/1iw0Uy4

- Pacific nations fisheries can’t make a living out of #tuna fishing anymore http://bit.ly/1iyVHWn  #overfishing pic.twitter.comnsqz2ClN2e

- Shocking #bycatch images obtained by @Oceana have done the job; driftnet era in California could be coming to an end http://bit.ly/1jMmVs7

- The previous link didn't work: incredibly beautiful short film by @tompeschak shows us how the #oceans should be https://vimeo.com/89482875

- @GreenLibDems gone. Overfishing together with acidification will be a deadly combination for the oceans if we don't act now. Thanks!

- Do we need to add something to it? pic.twitter.com/7q7jKx7Ivd #overfishing

- ‘Bottom trawling is like clearing an ancient forest to catch a few deer’ #overfishing #BeringSea @Greenpeace http://bit.ly/1kHyUbz

- @gloombat Hi Emily, ufortunately farmed fish is not any better...If you are interested in more info, read this: http://bit.ly/1pnak4k

- Seafood fraud isn't only about #overfishing, it's also about mislabelling the fish you think you're buying http://fxn.ws/1iIlBV3

- ‘Overfishing destroys genetic diversity of fish’ pic.twitter.com/QHNCSLIW2a

- Everything about the destructive impact of #overfishing accompanied by some shocking pictures http://bit.ly/1eqExKN  pic.twitter.com/GeBrLvIE95

- Can we stop #overfishing before it is too late? Infographic via @triplepundit pic.twitter.com/oWOz0x3KdO

- The Mediterranean is the most dangerous sea for #turtles according to this #bycatch study http://bit.ly/1pesC2h  pic.twitter.com/FfBPhOdTWs


Oceana (http://oceana.org/en/eu/home):

- Viewpoints: Protect majestic #dolphins by banning drift gillnets. http://ow.ly/wktT7  by @GeoffShester

- Over 30 fish stocks in Europe are #overfished, instead of according to scientific advice http://bit.ly/1m5v4HW

- Over 1300 species live in the Atlantic #deepsea. Please sign our petition to help protect them http://bit.ly/1ptqxF0 

- 10 things you may not know about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): http://ow.ly/w7QeL  via @Oceana_Europe

- EU Parliament commits to sustainable #fishing http://bit.ly/Qdu7n4  #subsidies #EMFF

- A few details on why we're afraid for marine #wildlife in the face of seismic airgun testing. http://ow.ly/vN1eV 

- Major #oil spills are taking on our coasts, one by one. When will we break the cycle? http://ow.ly/vN1eV 

- Entire marine food chain at risk from rising CO2 levels in water http://bit.ly/1n4HPWY

- In case you missed it - 10 facts you may not know about #deepsea fisheries http://bit.ly/1k7XGkP 

- Restoring #coastal ecosystems creates more jobs than offshore #oil development, report finds: http://ow.ly/vE5QR

- Tell Spain (with the largest EU #deepsea fisheries) that it must protect these vulnerable species. Sign our petition! http://ow.ly/vxYGh

- Southeast snapper-grouper longline fishery discarded 400,000+ #sharks in 2010. Find out more: http://ow.ly/v3btF 

- Despite fishing harder, Spanish fisheries catching less than 60 years ago: http://ow.ly/vkRyw  via @Oceana_Europe

- 650K whales, dolphins & seals killed around the world in 90s bc of bycatch. Find out why it’s still a big problem: http://ow.ly/viK2A

- Over 1300 species live in the Atlantic #deepsea. Please sign our petition to help protect them http://bit.ly/1ptqxF0  pic.twitter.com/Br5AJsUtNZ


CFP Reform Watch (http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/):

- New agreement opens up for progress on multiannual fisheries plans in the EU. http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2014/04/new-agreement-opens-up-for-progress-on-multiannual-fisheries-plans/  #CFPreform


FishSec. The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH). (fishsec.org ):

-  No marine updates


Marine Management Organisation (MMO) (http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/index.htm):

- #marineplanning will take full account of #marineprotectedareas, recognising the wealth of species and habitats in our seas.

- MMO Chair Sir Bill Callaghan launches Marine Development blog following #marineplanning announcement http://bit.ly/1lmRaGD

- A first for #marineplanning in England as MMO publishes first ever marine plans for our seas http://bit.ly/1krtRKt

- @SharkTrustUK @jadefoxe there's some guidance on our website about Porbeagle specifically for the fishing industry - http://bit.ly/1eroCGJ

- #marineplanning supports the government’s vision for clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas.

- #marineplanning will take full account of #marineprotectedareas, recognising the wealth of species and habitats in our seas.


Hugh’s Fishfight (http://www.fishfight.net/):

- No updates


NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) (http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/):

- Exactly Who Calls an Oyster Reef "Home"? Find out here! #HabitatMonth http://ow.ly/vMv0u

- To manage #fish populations, scientists study an entire #ecosystem. New story on ecosystem-based #fishery management: http://1.usa.gov/1g8O3Ba

- Scientists study how #environmental conditions affect #fish in earliest stages of their lives: http://1.usa.gov/1g8O3Ba 


GOC (Global Ocean Commission) (http://www.globaloceancommission.org/):

- Today @GOceanC Co-chair T. Manuel met His Holiness Pope Francis @Pontifex to discuss the future of the global #ocean http://bit.ly/1hebmq5

- #deepsea longline #fishing as an alternative to bottom trawling? That is what scientists suggest http://goo.gl/5MhCHb  via @NatureNews

- Seafood industry concerned at seabed mining proposal http://goo.gl/7lLeb8

- Care about sustainable #fishing? You need to care about #climatechange too http://gu.com/p/3zmfb  via @GuardianSustBiz

- 1% of the global #ocean is closed to #fishing. Is that a good thing? http://goo.gl/MAqWKf  Good overview of #MPA science via @TheAtlantic

- With 80% of #ocean rubbish coming from land, governments must act http://bit.ly/RXvPtW  via @the_ecologist

- Good overview @TheAtlantic: what science says on marine biodiversity protection http://goo.gl/MAqWKf  #ocean #MPA #highseas

- We need a global conservation agreement for the #highseas http://goo.gl/g6LpeD  via @ConversationEDU

- Info-graphic: This is how your #plastic bag ends up in massive #ocean garbage patches http://goo.gl/tw2oYL  via @HuffPostGreen #pollution

- ‘Policymakers should base their decisions on how to save the seas on the best available science’ http://goo.gl/NHTlhl  @ForeignAffairs

- 'What ends up in the #ocean is nearly impossible to clean up' http://goo.gl/LmLlyh  via @NatGeo

- #Ocean #acidification proves to have domino effect http://goo.gl/5OciQ5  via @FISinfo

- Small change in pH with a big impact on #fish http://gu.com/p/3zbm2  via @guardianeco #ocean #acidification

- Infofilm: What's causing acidity in the #oceans? http://goo.gl/RR1lKm

- #ocean debris rarely seen as a waste issue http://goo.gl/4d3JAG  via @ConversationUK

- Climate Change Impacting on Seafloor Ecosystems http://goo.gl/OCn315  via @thefishsite


Pew Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewenvironment.org/):

- Good news for ocean! http://ow.ly/w7BMO  New Caledonia moves ahead w/grand marine park plan pic.twitter.com/NxxqYM0gii

- Forage fish:"ocean's little heroes" http://ow.ly/wiwpN  Key to survival of ecosystems—via @NatGeo pic.twitter.com/Q3uJRDJibb

- 70 percent of king salmon’s diet made up of tiny forage fish—they need protection too http://ow.ly/wivEL

- "We have the science. Now we need the policies" to protect tiny fish that big fish depend on http://ow.ly/wiwfc

- "Jumble of conflicting state & federal policies on forage fish conservation should not continue" http://ow.ly/wivPG

- If anglers, chefs & diners want to keep catching, cooking & eating fish, we need to change policies: http://ow.ly/w5W8x

- 76% of Bermudians support creation of a fully protected marine reserve in their waters. http://ow.ly/waNuk  #Bermuda

- How to stop large-scale illegal fishing: Start w/transparency, from sea to plate: http://bit.ly/1gRHDDq  by @richardconniff

- Every minute, more than 108,000 pounds of fish are stolen from the #oceans. #EarthDay pic.twitter.com/IrGPEpcso0

- Our incredible #ocean spans 75% of the globe, produces more than half the oxygen we breathe. #EarthDay pic.twitter.com/q7lxpngwb5

- We’ve helped safeguard 676,000 sq miles of #oceans–that's nearly the size of Mexico! #EarthDay http://ow.ly/w0AcA

- The science is in: BP oil spill hurt & killed bluefin tuna larvae. @NOAA can help them recover http://ow.ly/vYlny  pic.twitter.com/JGsspI41VT

- 1M-view video puts overfishing in perspective: http://ow.ly/vS2eF  EU just took big step to fight waste: http://ow.ly/vS2cC


Angling Trust (http://www.anglingtrust.net/):

- To follow!


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation) (http://www.fishconserve.org/):

- To follow!


MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition) (http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/):

- To follow!


MCS (Marine Conservation Society) (http://www.mcsuk.org/):

- To follow!


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):

- http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/damanaki/headlines/press-releases/2011/04/20110412_en.htm



B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):

- http://www.ukbass.com/crime-does-pay/


Wessex Angling Trust:

- To follow!


BBC News:

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-26816104
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26937924
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27020401
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-27132482
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-27122344
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-27158883


The Daily Echo:

- http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/11161319.Row_breaks_out_over_wind_farm_noise/


The Guardian:

- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/apr/10/greenpeace-tv-chef-celebrate-tuna-producer-agrees-change

- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/apr/14/entire-marine-food-chain-at-risk-from-rising-co2-levels-in-water?CMP=twt_fd


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