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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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So the sun shone, the wind was settled, and the turnout for the Ocean Kayak Classic was at record numbers.

All manner of rigs were tied and baits bought for the 5 hour species competition in Swanage bay.

A safety briefing took place on the morning on the green and everyone signed in .

David Morris, aka Starvin marvin, who owns Anglers Afloat has been organising this event for years, and it has grown year on year.

Two years ago the company who organised a support rib were going to charge close to £1000 for there services.

This is where PBSBAC came to the rescue, and by providing support vessels ,indirectly put that expense straight into the charity coffers, in this case Swanage RNLI.

HOW were also on the green selling raffle tickets, and had two injured servicemen participating in the event, using Drysuits supplied by PBSBAC.

The safety brief and gathering

A round of applause in remembrance of Cam Clearie followed a touching tribute speech.










At 10 am, with AWOL and Court Jester on station, the competitors took to the bay

It's quite a site to see and soon the bay was full of kayakers at anchor






I was one of the " naughty" boys that fished the boundary but was advised to go haul and go inside the fishing area , a line between the end of the pier and Ballard.

Not a problem.

It was well policed and I was very impressed by Neals stern talking toos that he gave some reckless gin palace drivers.

I'm sure if he had canon he would have fired across the now. Good man

On a personal note I had, dogs, black bream , corkwing, and my best fish was a beautiful undulate , around 10-12lb.

I should have changed tactics but after the ray I kept ray fishing until it was time to head in.


Back on the green for the presentation and the sun was out. The results were in

The Mayor presented the winners and our own Brian Chapman( Geordie ) won a rod/ reel combo for best photo. A conger.




The organisers




The winners and the mayor




The results from the day




The final results for the day are:


OK Classic 2014 - Final Results


Competitor and Number of Species


1 William Chellingworth 8 - Winner of Ocean Kayak Big Game II

2 Mark Radcliffe 7 - Winner of Garmin Virb Action Cam

3 Raymond Cole 7 - Winner of Humminbird Fish Finder

4 Ryan Turner 6

5 Andrew Tracy 6

6 Michael Harpur 5

7 Amos Mak 5

8 Jonathon Large 5

9 John Gilling 5

10 Richard Cooper 5

11 Mark Crame 5

12 Mark Leake 5

13 Bill Scott 5

14 Douglas Lea Hamlen 5

15 Martin Colison 5

16 Steven Tibbenham 4

17 Keith Ward 4

18 Richard Chapman 4

19 Clive Joyner 4

20 Martin Payne 4

21 Stephen Hill 4

22 Steve Loftus 4

23 Colin Smith 4

24 Terry Tucker 4

25 David Harrison 4

26 Cormac Meeneham 4

27 Patrick Banks 4

28 Philip Green 3

29 Alistair Cole 3

30 Christopher James 3

31 Rosa Tuffney 3

32 Ian Harris 3

33 Brian Chapman 3

34 Simon Adams 3

35 Dane Wood 3

36 Jason Stanbridge 3

37 Gavin Deegan 2

38 Michael Horton 2

39 Mike Roberts 2

40 James Gammon 2

41 Andrew Kelly 2

42 Julian Byait 2

43 Marcus Ward 2

44 Dan Richards 2

45 Ben Welfare 2

46 Adrian Saunders 2

47 Charles Tones 2

48 Thomas Probyn 2

49 David Anstey 2

50 Ian Brown 2

51 Andrew Parry 2

52 Kev Lewis 2

53 Terry Wright 2

54 Paul Newman 2

55 Leon Evans 1

56 Arthur Whiting 1

57 Colin Chick 1

58 Dean Collier 1

59 Grant Spencer 1

60 Christopher Arnell 1

61 Wayne Shipp 1

62 Steven Heath 1

63 Andrew Board 1

64 Richard Bateman 1

65 Ian Pickering 1

66 John Elsdon 1

67 Matthew Torington 1

68 Stephen Crook 1

69 Tom Wilson 1

70 David Neil 1


First Junior (Sponsored by Mike and Gill at Swanage Angling Centre) - Matthew Torrington


Best Fish (Sponsored by SPRO Performance Professionals) - Brian Chapman




Thanks for reading







Sad news about Cam. Will never forget the time he got caught fly fishing without a rod licence and he gave the bailiff my name and address cos he knew I always had me licence. I got a visit from the bailiffs and I think they were confused that I was a good foot taller and at least ( at that time) two stone lighter than the bloke they had caught at the trout lake. Any way he got away with it RIP my old mate.


A great day out for me and Stuie - and more than happy to provide the service on behalf of PBSBAC


With what we caught on the boat that day - we would have been in the top 10!


Might enter next year but don't fancy trying to paddle Court Jester - is their a size limit????



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