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Hi guys... new kid on the block!


I've fished from a Wilson Flyer 17' + 60 horses for the past 4 seasons, from Durlston to the Needles, and quite honestly had a ball!

I have a thought to upgrade and most likely to diesel inboard 18-24' ...... BUT WHAT?

Some of you chaps will have much more experience of this dilema so give us a idea or two. Don't be inclined to spend too much of my hard earnt.

What do you say?


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Hi Wedger, nice to have you aboard.


My vote would go to the Avor with the inboard 85hp Nani diesel. I think they are a beautiful looking boat and well laid out for angling. With the inboard engine the C of G is much lower giving a more stable ride at anchor.


But with 85Hp don't expect to be blasting across the horizon. Slow and steady will be the name of the game, but then it isn't that often that you can cruise over 16-18knts with an outboard, anyway.


The big benefit will be fuel economy, of course.


I'm in a similar situation, and that's what I would buy if the Misses would let me. Would prefer the larger diesel but then you're talking more dosh.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.







Hi Wedger,


Good advice from Bob


I had a Wilson flyer and upgraded to a 23ft with inboard 14 years ago.


The wilson was fairly stable at anchor but a spine shaker at speed in the chop.

so cruising in bad weather or at night was only slightly faster than my current 11/12 knots.


However I would rather be on GW any time, more solid, more space easily fish with 4 onboard.

Mine is a Duver 23 with 60 hp so the fuel used is about 1 gal hour, simular to the more modern arvor 215/230.


Happy Hunting



I am afraid it all comes down to budget and use.


You just won't find many s/h diesel fishing boats with much depreciation - mainly because of the extras that get added over the first couple of years.


If you aren't intending to be out past Durlston every weekend then you will probably find the best compromise on a 2-5 year old big petrol boat - and now is a good time of the year to buy. As an example the dealer finally outed my 4 year old 21ft Dell Quay 660 with a 175 merc 4 wheel trailer and loaded with as new covers/cushions etc for only 12.5K (that was my upgrade from a 17.5ft dory/90hp ob).


You don't mention if you plan to tow, or where you will keep it either.


I will second the Arvor's, and the keel also helps with stability, but few S/H and not cheap. Some really great SH French boats available in the 20 - 25ft peche promenade style and expect to pay 30% less than equivelent in UK.


Hi Wedger!,


Such a broad question!...I have also considered my next move (as you are/have done..) and to be honest dont really know.


On the 'smart' cruiser/angling boat front you have the inboard diesel Arvor, Quicksilver, Jeaneau Merry Fisher, Small Rodmans, Antares, etc, etc...


If you want to go more workman like then: Pirate MI21, Hellraiser HR223, Aquafish 23, Duver, etc, etc...


It really is a mine field and knowing your exact requirements would help. Personally if I wanted a cruiser (and the missues to use it as well for the odd trip away) then Id go for an Arvor 23/25 as others have mentioned. Secondhand the 23's go for about 23-26k bottom end with a decent sized TDI inboard..If it was soley up to me then Id be looking at the Pirate MI21 with a 240 Volvo Turbo inboard - 40 knots plus with 35 knots cruise all for about


Thanks for the welcome chaps biggrin.gif


As you can tell I am only at the thin end of enquiries about my potential upgrade, and I've purposely left my options wide open thus far.


I've not seriously looked at mooring charges yet, and as an ongoing cost this would have to be balanced with 'C.B.A.'


I should say realistically that I'm looking for 20-30 knots to make the best of half days and long evenings. Good sea keeping is a must as I will fish when Captain Pugwash is sick.gif . The yellow bucket at the stern has been used by several eminent guests!


So keep it coming chaps..... I need all the advice you can fire at me.


Who knows about the Leeward 18' particularly with Merc In. 1.7TD?


I've only seen the pics and would like to get alongside one soon.



Hi Wedger


Firstly welcome to the forum.


See you have a Wilson flyer, a very good stable fishing platform if ever there was one. I used to have a Pilot 17 that is a very similar boat to the Wilson and had loadsa fun on it.


Leeward 18 hum.... I looked at and wanted one of those when they were first produced. Very workmanlike and on a calm (very) calm day with a 120hp diesel inboard should fly for a guess about 30knts or possibly a little more. You will probably find the ride to be very hard, as all boats with no pointed ends tend to bash through rather than cut through the water. On the plus side with the beam being almost the same throughout its length it should provide a stable platform to fish from. To be fair I haven't been out on one, was tempted though and nearly bit the bullet until I saw the Warrior 195, which I finally bought. The Warrior has a pointed end and does cut through the water but unfortunately are no longer made.


I like Adam fancy the Pirate 21 formerly known as the Souter 21. Nice deep vee hull that will give plenty of economic speed and yet sits nicely on the water. If I had the cash I would probably indulge myself.


Regarding pontoon costs.. Up until this year I kept me Warrior on a pontoon berth. I started to trail my boat again, the reason being the cost to keep her afloat went over 2K, from my point of view just a bit to much. When you take into account antifouling, new anodes every year plus the other usual expenses related to a boat living on water it was nearer 2.5K


I am sure you will get many varying views that may only serve to confuse you, but hopefully you can cherry pick the ideas and make a decision that suits you


Good luck




Talking of the Warrior 195 no longer being available, when I was at the factory in mid-summer there was a pilothouse style Warrior mocked up in ply over what looked like a 195 or bigger hull. Paul was talking of making the London Show with the prototype, though that never happened. Worth keeping an eye in that direction though.

Also, no-one has mentioned the Orkney Day Anglers yet. Any opinions on those? The 20 that I looked at certainly had a very angler-friendly layout.




Talking of the Warrior 195 no longer being available, when I was at the factory in mid-summer there was a pilothouse style Warrior mocked up in ply over what looked like a 195 or bigger hull. Paul was talking of making the London Show with the prototype, though that never happened. Worth keeping an eye in that direction though.

Also, no-one has mentioned the Orkney Day Anglers yet. Any opinions on those? The 20 that I looked at certainly had a very angler-friendly layout.





When I spoke to Paul at the Soton Boat Show, he told me they were... "working on a 21' boat... which would be lanched at the London Show".


I guess that's what you saw.





Warrior have been working on this for a while now. I was also there in the summer and Paul said they were aiming for Southampton 04'....then at Southampton he said London 05'....then the other week at Schroders he said Southampton 05'....we will see!


It looks like it will be a 175 or 195 hull (175 I think) with a full standing height wheelhouse. Interesting to see the finished model, and how much it costs??


He said the 165 was as near to perfect as possible, so they are now looking at new projects and markets. They are stopping the 150 as it is too alike the 165 also.


Back to the original subject: I have looked at the Leeward 18's and liked what I saw. I'm not convinced the ride would be as hard as a normal cathedral hull as the bow is so flared and rises sharply...bit like a Boston Whaler. I spoke to them at Go Fishing NEC last year and they were very helpful - offering to arrange a test drive with a local Leeward owner to me if I wished. On the plus side at 18 foot you can have inboard power and still trail.....best of both worlds?


One for sale here: http://www.findafishingboat.co.uk/non_commercial.htm at the moment,(look for 'Gullimot) but outboard powered.

biggrin.gif Having got an Arvor myself I would'nt hesitate to recommend this boat to anybody else but would say you will require the 75h.p. or more to push it along as the displacement is quite large which is one benifit they have over some of the other models,they now seem to be using V.W.engines as seen at the London show, I do have the new price list in front of me (just dreaming) as an example the new 210 with 100h.p. V.W. turbo with all the toys is



Yes, you're right, we forgot the Orkney Day Anglers. Very nice boats, too.


But aren't they all either stern drive of outboard??


Not sure that they do inboard diesels...






They are and they arn't blink.gif


A true inboard has an engine inside the boat with a shaft terminating under the boat with a prop. All true inboards have a keel of some description that helps to protect the prop. Benefits of this is easy maintenance and usually good fuel economy. Downside is the prop is out of the way and not very accessible and manoeuvrability of the boat is not good at slow speeds


An outdrive has the engine inboard of the boat at the rear and is connected through the transom to an outdrive or leg which is a little like an outboard. Benefits are easy access to the engine, good manoeuvrability. Down side is leg can get in the way of fishing (same as outboards really) cost of maintaining the engine and leg


Probably loads more pros and cons and both have there followers





Hi all


There is one boat that no one has mentioned, it is the new 22ft Explorer smile.gif


I had a good look around it at the NEC last year, I admit it was the prototype but it looked very promising. ohmy.gif


It depends if you want a cuddy or enclosed cabin, there have been a number of adverts in the BFM and it has a number of engine options. For the price it seems very reasonable .................... if you have the money!


I have suggested a large boat instead of buying a house to the FPO but I wont repeat on the forum her reply! ph34r.gif







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The advantage of using the IMG tab is that you can have more than 1 photo in any post, whereas the file attachment can use only one.


To find out the address/url of a photo on the web (the photo must be on the web somewhere), right click the photo (must be in format of jpg or gif), select Properties and up pops a window with lots of info, copy the line where it say Address/URL, make sure you have the whole lot. And you can paste it anywhere. For example, if you right click on the photo/avatar of Sweet Honey on the left, select properties, the address/url will be



this is the line you input in the IMG box.


Sounds complicated, but it's really easy once you tried it.




Very impressive, I never realised you could do that.

How about a 520 like this one on Boats and Outboards ?


user posted image




I'm absolutely crap at fishing, but as least my time spend on message boards aren't wasted. (sad, I know tongue.gif )


Another advantage of piggybacking photos/jpg is cost. Not sure how the board is paid for/charged, file attachment, (well actually, everytime someone read this thread) cost bandwidth and therefore more people uploading attachment, it counts toward the bandwidth everytime a member click on the attachment (download), more bandwidth=more cost. However, since the IMG is a marker/pointer, it doesn't count toward the bandwidth and therefore is (more or less) free. cool.gif


So to add our photos like the ones above we first have to upload them to a host then we can link to that host for free..ish, nice one


All I need now is to find somewhere to dump my photos for free



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