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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Fishing Tips, Rigs, Marks, Baits - etc

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Hi Guys,


New member here who has recently 'somehow' managed to convince the wife that a new boat is the best way to spend some recenlty acquired funds. Very much looking forward to attending the new club meeting.


My real problem is, I now have the boat (Quicksilver 580) the rods, tackle and bits but to be honest am a complete novice at how best to put this all togerther and catch some fish to prove to the wife that the investment was indeed worth it. (although I now doubt that will ever happen).


Can any member help in suggesting a good book, reference guide that basically cover's all aspects of sea/boat fishing particulary in the English Channel (No point in learning how to catch in the Med - boat won't go that far). I do appreciate that fishing Marks are often a fishermans best kept secret, but I'm really looking for a more general explanation of what rigs, baits techniques to use for certain fish, time of dat, tide etc.


Any suggestions would be most appreciated.


Tony (Camira)


Pic of new boat attached (I hope)



Hi Tony


For rigs and tackle talk "The Sea Anglers Guide to Bait and Rigs" by Mel Russ is a good book with straight forward explanations and pics. On the video front you could try "The Complete Guide To Offshore Boat Fishing With Bob Cox"


Over time you will glean loads of information from members including marks and technique tips. We could post lots of options here but you would be better either posting specific questions or asking at a club meeting.


If you do decide to buy books or videos please use the link to Amazon at the top of the page. The club benefits from a small commision on all sales through that link




Hi Tony,


Lovely new boat! - Cunning plan roping the wife in!...


As for learning new marks and tactics - the best ally you have is the club. Get invloved, fish the comps, follow other boats and have some of us crew for you - I for one am more than happy to come and give you a few pointers and you are always welcome to follow me to my marks and fish alongside.


Books will tell you rigs, but they cant substitute hands on experiance.


Look forward to seeing you throughout the year!


Adam (Blue Warrior)


I'lll lsecond Adam's comments - and can even prove it!


I got involved with this mob just over a year ago and, despite having had a boat for 10 years, am only now reasonably confident that I can take the boat out and catch fish...........(do please note the reasonably!)


In the last 12 months I have managed PB Conger, undulate rays, whiting, cod, tope, small eyed ray, spotted ray and all whilst targetting wrasse... sad.gif


Keys to me are not only the gradually aquired knowledge - which will take many more lifetimes to complete - but the big booster is the confidence thing; someone somewhere is out there catching or believing it's worthwhile to try and that drives you to take it seriously ( rolleyes.gif ) stick on your marks and fish to your best ability - this takes fish. Flitting around with a metality taken from the H&L advert giving excuses for not catching will equally guarantee that you will fail, be miserable and.......... well you get the picture?


Really good bet is to take out experienced anglers from the area (use the forum to meet up with club members) in your own boat, in company of other club boats. If you really want to see fireworks (and fish) take James (JIMBOB) when someone's bet him on the days catch.... ohmy.gif

Guest Guest_Manic Moore_Fisherman

Hi Tony


Welcome to the club. Very new myself and they all make you feel welcome. I have been out a couple of times with a member and just the saftey tips are worth it. Although I'm told we are are near the end of the decent fishing for a while.

Lovely boat. If you want a crew who also can't catch fish, I'm your man!! tongue.gif


Good luck and see you at the next meeting




Hi Tony,

As per comments above.......... the best learning is first hand experience........and there's loads here in the club, willingly passed on. Lots of us will be keen to join with you and help in many ways.


Is your lovely new boat on a trailer or on a mooring? If you trail, slips get very busy on summer weekends with the relative derth of them in the Poole to Christchurch area ..... but tides are very small.


If yoou are starting now, then it's not the best time to boost your confidence as fishing rapidly takes a dive through Feb. and stays quiet in March. Most of us have to wait until April when the first [ good sized ] black bream arrive .......... and from then on there's action and variety as far as the weather[wind] allows!


So......... when do you want to get afloat?? Post somewhere here and you 'll have many offers from members ............including me.


Let's go fishing,




Hi welcome aboard

I hope we can all help to get you started, while the coming months may not be the best for fishing and catching they are great for getting used to your shiny new boat and the toys that are fitted.


Last winter I fitted a new plotter and colour sounder and tested them on a couple of nice days in feb with decent fish as a result when the boat would normally be out of action.


So I would sugest you wait for a good forcast wrap up warm and get a few hours in getting to know the boat, if you need assistance ask, I am sure offers will flood in.



Have Fun, and dont forget to take the misses on the good days.

Charlie biggrin.gif


Thanks lads for all your help and advise, Can't wait for the weater to settle so that I may be able to take you up on your kind offers.


Look forward to seeing you at the next monthly meeting.


Tony (Camira)


Tony, you can search on the forum here for historic threads that other members have placed, try out Bob F's one on knots.......he managed to supply animated pictures of usefull knots, there have also been a few different ones on flattie rigs recently.


Best of luck....tight lines




And then there were three...(or am I showing my age)... Arctic Turn is a Quicksilver 580 too. I got her early last year and have been very pleased with her.


I would reiterate the earlier comment about taking the family out only on the calm days. We had a trip to the Isle of Wight last summer...the kids were sick on the way back when the tide/wind was unfavourable and it took them a while to get any enthusiasm back....it took my wife even longer.


All the best, Mike F




hi fritchy i have a quicksilver 640 and this is my 3rd quicksilver i have owned in 3 years first a 500 then the 560 and now the 640 i am very pleased with her but i had some problems with the 640 like the sunroof leaked the throttle cables ceased the door catch broke and now the window wiper has stoped working but all in all a very nice looking boat so how are you getting on with yours.


mark b


..I am generally very happy, but I have had some similar niggles. The wipers never worked from the day of the sea trial...or more accurately they won't switch off. Route cause appears to be some water ingress through the roof of the cabin into the electrics...the internal cabin light is now intermittantly struggling too. The throttle has also been rather stiff from day 1, but doesn't seem to be getting worse.


Other than that I have been happy. I have even slept on the boat and was surprised to have a comfortable night despite being 6'3".


Who did you get yours from? Mine was from Oceanique...


All the best, Mike F


yes mike i also got mine for alan at oceanique the problem with the throttle cables was the way they had rooted them though the boat but in the end they replaced them with platinium coated cables it made a big difference putting it in and out of gear (very smooth) we also have slept on board a couple of times me and paul j good size cabin yes we went to weymouth for a weekend fishing for bass so do you trailer your boat or moor it .



mark b


I keep it moored at Cobbs Quay. With the young family, time is pretty limited, so it is good to be able to just turn up, check everything over, and then go out...and the boat is small enough to fit out under the bridge in almost any tide condition.

So far this is working well, though it is a costly way of doing things...



have always done similar and agree it's worth it to keep the family involved.


look forward to seeing you around on the water - fishing or BBQing with the family in the summer.


gave up on that ages ago - cna't catch 'em anyhow so to attempt to do so 'to order' would be a disaster - sausages, chicken kebabs and burgers work just fine on the onboard BBQ; ice cold beer and warm red wine washing it all down..........hell when's summer.......... sad.gif

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