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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Was snowed under at work this week, but with James pushing me for a trip and the weather / tides looking good I made the effort and took the day off.


The plan was either to head to the Rips or round to the west to fish a wreck for eels.


Heading off at 7.45am from Baiter in Dawn Raider, we were blessed with oily calm seas...with both boats cruising at 18 knots we reached the mark in about 45 mins.


As James is still electronic-less, we waited for Humphrey to set the anchor and then dropped in alongside.


Well, the action was red-hot from the outset!....on Ow Much the boys seems to be getting a fish a cast and many multiple hook ups from the off - but Ill let Dan report on their day.


On DW, James and I had just short of 30 eels, and lost the same amount again! Biggest went 45lb to James, but most of the fish were like peas in a pod at 25-30lb. Great fun - arms aching a bit now! We had numerous double hook ups, and at one point all 4 rods with fish on, but only the 2 of us to play them!!


Im afraid I didnt get any photos, was too busy - Im sure Dan will post a few!


Headed back in at a respectable time, and caught up with QT coming down the swash.


A great day out, in Feb when not alot else to do. Many thanks to Humphrey and the boys on Ow Much for letting us tag along.




Hi All,


What a great day.


After a day bouncing around without many fish yesterday, the plan was ether a haul out to the Rips to look for pollack or a trip west to a wreck for the Eels.


The Weather and tides were so good for an Eel trip that Humphreys arm was easily twisted into that decision. so with Dawn Raider in Hot pursuit off we went.


By the time most of you were finishing your first coffee at work we were anchoring the wreck, but the position was not to our liking so in came the anchor to be moved 50 metres South. [ The hydraulic hauler certainly helps].


By the time James had his anchor in, we had an eel on the way up and in less than an hour we had 10 on the boat.


As the tide slackened we were pushed south of the wreck to wait for the flood tide.


After moving for the flood the action really started and the size of the fish improved with several over the 30lb mark being lifted in to be weighed.


We were fishing one rod each to avoid tangles, and a couple of times had treble hook ups with the other rod out of action due to re-baiting re-tackling or having just landed a fish.


It was hectic on Dawn Raider and impresive to watch the lads in action with plenty of double hook ups, and at one time they were both playing fish with one rod and the other rods in James very smart rod holders going mental as another pair of fish waited for some attention.


In the end we had a total of 40 eels. before we had a couple of slow drifts over the wreck then a move inshore to try for other species. The best Conger onboard today was 46lb. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


But it was definatly a Conger Day as we saw James catch another in there as well, with a few Dogs and what may have been a Huss.


Great day and nice to be able to offer James and Adam a guide in such lovely weather to a wreck that fished so well.

I expect we had over 1000lb of fish onboard today and all went back, most without coming out of the water. biggrin.gif


I am going to have a sit down with a beer to sooth the bits that ache tonight.


tight lines




hi all


it was great fun today out with humphrey and my best wrecking trip yet


i had 11 congers biggest 35lb and enjoyed wrestling the congers back over the side


hopefully next time heading out for the big pollack


my aim last year was to catch a 40lb conger and i have done that this year it is to catch over a 10lb pollack


tight lines sam


What a Day biggrin.gif

Thaks again Charlie for letting us tag along, Made up for the poor day yesterday,

Its not often I get a days fishing like that. Numbers of eels and a few good ones thrown in I managed 2 40's biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I will post some photos in the pickys section.

Tight lines



Nice one - I sat all day at work looking at the flags hardly moving and the mirror state of the sea as I drove back home in all the traffic sad.gif

I was up for a Wednesday trip but weather today looked better.


Out of interest, on a day like today would my Orkney 520 been capable of getting out to the wreck marks in a reasonable time ? ( I can recon on cruisng at around 14 knots ).


Next calm spell I shall have to try harder to get crew !


yours not a tall envious - Paul.



PS: I never had a phone call either unsure.gif


I would have phoned You mark, but I fell asleep on the sofa at 8pm ,worn out from wednesdays sortie to the wrecks! biggrin.gif only to be woken up at 10.30 by charlie phoneing me To confirm todays session.I had 10 missed calls so I must have been out cold rolleyes.gif

We will just have to organise anouther day out with a bit more notice wink.gif





How much push do you have on your 520 ? I've only got a 15 hp 4 - stoke on my 4 40 but she whizzes along on a flat sea , like today, and when I'm on my own.


I took advantage of today's conditions and went from Mudeford out past the Needles , about 2 1/2 miles SE of the lighthouse, close to the spoil grounds.


10 miles from the entrance and took just about half an hour each way.


Unlike the conger club further west......... twas all quiet at the Needles marks.


Loads of dogfish, a flurry of pout [ some reasonable ones on the 5/0 hooks!], and one thornback .......... just big enough for a meal for two tomorrow!


Eerie sort of day.....lots of low, misty cloud...... really closed in about 4 and the trip back showed how useful GPS can be when there are absolutely no landmarks visible !.......... it would have been much longer if I had had to go up to Hurst and then hug the coast back !


Probably the last trip until Spring........so I'd better get on in the garden.



Guest Gordon Moore

Fantastic trip lads





Green with envy


Congerless Moore




newboy we were using mackeral and squid cocktail on a pennel rig


we also used one hook traces with the head of the mackeral on.


30lb class rods great fun



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