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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


As part of getting the boat prepared for the season I am considering putting on a pair of hydrofoils as my 15' dory eurosport struggles a bit to get on the plane. (flys once it's up there). Any tips or advice (or a pair sat in someones garage!) on make and size, as I understand from the forum history that the original large ones Paul tried made the boat a little unstable.






Manic congerless Moore





60 HP Johnson 2 stroke


I think Martin has a set - speak to him.


I would suggest trying a set before you buy them...if they dont work - you havent lost anything. They worked a treat on Tara, but as you say Paul D didnt have the same luck...




My smaller ones work fine but the larger ones Martin had made the boat extremely unstable ( plenty of lift mind you as I could actually feel the boat bouncing on them ! ).


I suspect the problem with using the larger hydrofoils is the fact the Orkney is a semi displacement hull so lifting the back up too far affects the handling ?.


One other use for the hydrofoils I found out last autumn..... If you plough into a pot rope they push the rope away from the propellor which is quite handy !! ( but I wouldnt rely on them for this purpose smile.gif ).




In the past on outboard powered boats I've had I found Doelfins to be the best. They actually did what it said on the packet!

If you've not got power trim then you might find that the pin in the transom bracket needs moving by a setting either way.

If you've power trim then you'll find it'll be a lot more responsive. As always boat loading still influences the way the boat handles.

I'm even considering fitting them to my outdrive on my Tremlett, but having a volvo drive is making things a bit more difficult.


Nope sorry don't have them anymore sold them at the last boat jumble.


There are + and - of having them.


+ can lift the boat onto the plane quicker

+ make the boat more stable

+ plane at lower speed


- could knock a couple of knots off top speed

- ask Paul ph34r.gif scary ph34r.gif


I had them on a 50hp evinrude outboard on the back of a Hardy 17' and they certainly made the ride more stable whilst getting onto the plane at around 11/12mph. It did however suffer at the top end a little, but then driving a Hardy 17' with 50 horses on the back can feel a little like driving a high powered builders skip laugh.gif




I fitted Hydrofoils to my 25hp engine on a Dijon 14, I once had.In a strait line from a standing start ,it went like a "Bat out of Hell". But the slightest deviation from a strait line was death defying {or provoking ] I hadn't the nerve to keep them on,and gave them away to a more deserving lunatic.




That is exactly what happened when I fitted the hydrofoils that Martin had ( Dolfins ). A slight bank to the left/right and the boat gained a mind of its own !! - Adam and Bob saw the full effect in Christchurch harbour when they thought I was mucking around veering to the right and heading for the bank smile.gif


However, I have since fitted smaller ones which are not flat like aeroplane wings but which go up at a slight angle . These have less lift and I am unsure if they really make much difference ( although the ride seems smoother ). Still better than being forced to go around in circles !

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