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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Have added Sweet Honey pictures, extra Dawn Raider photos, Tresillian photo and photos of Danial and Sam Chapmans congers.


Also updated the front page picture smile.gif



I have caught mackeral bigger than that


I dont think that would be able to swallow a whole pout


surprise it could swallow a 6/0 hook


sam laugh.giflaugh.gif


Its not the size that counts biggrin.gif


24 ounces of pure muscle. fought all the way to the boat on 30lb gear.

[ didn't even know it was on really, thought it was a pout]


I told Sam it would get more comments than his 46lb 8oz one. laugh.giflaugh.gif




We currently have 101 members with 69 Boats and were still growing.


This has been achieved by you guys putting the name of the club around and catching some superb fish that we have been able to capitalise on.


We need to keep this momentum going so keep catching, keep reporting and keep talking about the best small boat A/C in the south




I think Kam was referring to the line on the front page which states we have in excess of 60 members with 30 boats.

I will amend this to read "in excess of 100 members with 70 boats."


Shows how we have grown.


PS: I am still working on the "superb fish" part smile.gif


Not all my fish are the tiddler sort Sam,


I think I had the first, most and biggest on Thursday tongue.giftongue.gif



But Charlie, you will be forever remembered for having a small one..... rolleyes.gif


anyone want to bet on it surviving the year? Not suggesting Charlie won't hold the new one but I think it's going to come under serious pressure if we get any decent weather this summer.


even heard a local tackle shop has had a run on larger scale sizes........ ph34r.gif


dad on thursday i caught the first one


i used james trace which got caught on the anchor rope the day before


some of the luck rubbed off




Its a shame my British Conger Club membership has lapsed.

They have a terrific Bronze trophy for the most returned eels in a year.


So far this year I have caught and returned 18


I won the trophy in its first year 1989. But they would not let it out of Plymouth, it would be nice to win it again.


I would add the photo, but that would open me up for some stick wink.gifwink.gif


Bit older and greyer now biggrin.gif






I should have gone for the Conger club trophy for catching and landing a conger on your own. On thursday I netted my 45lber on my own! !(Adam was playing anouther eel) It took a few attempts but I got him in the end biggrin.gif


Hi James biggrin.gif


Another good trophy from the BCC their Solitair Cup, heaviest eel landed without any assistance.


Actually the Club record fish won me that one a couple of years ago, my mate on the boat would go nowhere near it in the water or in the boat. So it was landed weighed and returned without his help.

That trophy also stayed in Plymouth, the keepsake is an engraved tankard which has an eel for the handle.


You get one for winning any of the annual trophies,

I have a few in the loft if you would like to see what you are aiming for wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Adam


Yes there is an annual membership fee, I am not sure what it is now but they have a website if you want to look it up.


To become a full Member you have to catch an eel above the qualifying weights of:

Shore 25lb

Reef 30lb

Wreck 40lb


Its a very good Club with a large Friendly and keen membership, and they have a wonderful set of Trophys.



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