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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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If anyone is interested the Wessex Angling Trust are holding the yearly Boat Championship on Saturday 13th June 2015 out of Poole


The Entry fee is £72.50 (Juniors £42.00) and bait is supplied


1st Prize is £200 + other cash prizes and prize table.


£5 Optional Pool


Entries close 7th May 2015


Booking in 7 to 7.30am, boats depart 08.00


Presentation Venue TBA


Entry form attached


Boat Champ Entry Form.pdf




Thought this might interest George as good practice???



...and maybe a few others.


Reading the form, it's for individual AT members, the "club champion" and "club runner up", fishing to "Points Rules" (can't find a link on the AT site for the rules at the moment).


If we have lots of interested members who are prepared to enter for £72.50, then this implies having a preparation competition to the same rules, in local waters, to pick our club reps, and this might take a bit of 

organising (boats, stewards, scoring, etc).


So, chaps. Any interest?


Thanks Coddy.




Sounds dear for what you can win ? they must be low on funds?

i remember how proud you were to fish the final more years ago then i wish to remember., the cost is for the usall, boat,bait,prizes.


i remember how proud you were to fish the final more years ago then i wish to remember., the cost is for the usall, boat,bait,prizes.


 The club I was in use to pay for it in those days, and you had to be club champion and then fish two matches at different venues just to qualify for the finale.


There was a time when you had to be a Club Champion to fish this comp.


It was an honour to be selected to fish and represent your Club.


We do not have a series of comps any more and therefore no Club Champion,


Perhaps all of the winners of the various Club competitions should have a fish off, winner is then that years Club Champion.


Timeline in reverse order:


Saturday 13th June - the Boat Championship

7th May - Last date for applications



- any boat match competitions run within the club for selection purposes should be completed in April (letting people enter as an individual if they don't get 1st or 2nd)

- as the Boat Championship will be targeting "summer species", it makes sense to hold any qualifying boat match competitions as late as possible in April (with a reserve date still in April)

- any club qualifying boat match competitions should be fished to the same rules as the Boat Championships, to make the club representatives as competitive as possible in the main event.


I can't find the 2015 rules at all. Can anyone help?

However, I can find a pdf of the 2014 rules, but can't load it here. so...cutting and pasting, flagging the "interesting" bits in BOLD which we really should consider, if the rules are the same


1. Fishing to Angling Trust rules subject to the variations stated below.

2. Fishing to Wessex Region points System.

3. Poor cod and Pout count as one species.

4. The competition will be fished to no size limits unless otherwise stated.

5. This is a three hook competition. A treble hook will count as three hooks. No bait additives to be used in any circumstances including impregnated artificial lures. All other artificial lures are allowed. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A BAIT SUPPLIED COMPETITION. Anglers are not to bring any bait. Bait fish caught prior to the competition will be shared. Any fish caught during competition may be used as bait; tail must be removed before recommencing fishing.

6. The draw will take place for the boats at Wessex Committee meeting, position on boat to be drawn on the day on the boat.

7. Booking in time will be from 07.00 and no later than 07.30 at top of Pontoon Langstone on Saturday morning and anglers must be on their boat by 07.50.

8. Bait fishing is allowed before lines down.

9. Fishing times will be 6 hours from first lines down.

10.All boats will leave at 08.00 and be back no later than 17.00.

11.Fishing times may be changed subject to weather conditions.

12.A maximum of 5 fish per species will count for full points and 5 fish per same species will count as 1 point with a maximum of 10 fish per species allowed. 5 points per species will be awarded to each different species caught. Other species will be grouped together similarly first 5 count full points, next 5 1 point and maximum of 10.

13.There will be a nominated steward on each boat, which will be the person with the letter S against his name on the attached boat draw lists. That person will be responsible in liasing with the skipper in ensuring that all lines are up when lines up is called. There will also be a boat captain on board who will assist the steward in any disputes. The skipper’s decision is final on any fish.

14. The skipper will be given a match pack which will consist of a full boat draw, bag of draw numbers, score sheet, A3 clip board.

15.Up tiding will be allowed subject to the skipper’s discretion. LINES MUST BE OUTSIDE OF THE BOAT AT ALL TIMES WHEN CASTING.

16.The competition will be run on the % system with the boat winners being on 100% and others on that boat as a percentage of boat winner’s score. Where any % score are equal the most fish points determines overall placing


So for 2014 it was a species comp, letting you register up to 10 of any one type of pre-defined qualifying species - so variety and quantity count.

Like the "Worlds", your target is to win the boat to get 100%, and as many fish points as possible to compete with other "first placed" anglers on other boats.

So - even if you're second on your boat, with a huge number of fish, someone winning their boat with one fish will get to the prize table before you.

The "other" species category lets you register the by-catch and get something for them.

No bonus for big fish, specimen fish, best bass, ray, cod etc.

So, knowing the Poole Charter fleet, for an internal qualifying comp, I think 2 hours on each of Poole Patch, the Sadler lumps and one other mark (beaches, Ballard, dolphin sand?) would cover most bases.


It's not a normal way of fishing!




Years ago I used too fish for Wilts & Dorset bus company we got paid for the day and had a coach take us to and back from the comp 3 of us on a 45 seater great day's


Hi Mike


I'm not great at doing these things but what I would do is to convert your excel sheet to a pdf. Then upload the pdf like you would a jpeg photo i.e. attach it.


Not sure if it will work but that is what I would try,





Thanks folks, that seemed to work.


I've attached 3 files.

The first is blank, because I am not sure of the points per fish for this comp.


The second has points per fish, based on the Worlds (where mackerel, tope and shark are excluded), that George fished. I suspect it will be close, if not identical to this. I'll update this if someone can let me know the points basis for the Boat Championships.


The third is a worked example (with points in brackets):

- Angler A sticks to wrecks and has a cracking day with over 100lb of fish, with typical species

- Angler B sticks to Poole Harbour and has an excellent inshore day, with typical species

- Angler C has a great day live-baiting, catching specimen bass to 12lb and large numbers of tope

- Angler D works the rules and goes match fishing

Even if all anglers win their boats, it's the points that will win on the day, which is why I believe we should fish any club qualifying boat match competitions using the same rules basis to select our representatives.


PS When the points per species are finalised, I'll update here, and if you print off two of these, and laminate them back to back, then you have a scoring sheet you can use for up to 8 anglers (for the bigger boats). A chinograph pencil or similar can be used to keep score on the day, then wipe clean and use again and again.

Boat Championship.pdf

Boat Championship Example 2.pdf

Boat Championship Example 3.pdf


George hopes to be able to fish club qualifying boat match competitions, but is booked to be away on holiday when the Boat Championships are on.

As such, he's happy to fish any qualifying competitions and will relinquish his place should he come in the top two.

George needs to demonstrate active involvement in competitions for his angling CV - hence is keen to participate.


Anyone interested in giving this a go?


1. George Fox

2. Mike Fox

  • 1 month later...

Just had this reminder - together with entry form and poster.

Looks like Mike's idea of a qualifying event didn't happen. Perhaps the Committee should discuss a way forward for future years.



Dear Club Secretary,

Just a reminder of our Wessex Boat Championship out of Poole, Saturday 13th June. There are still a limited amount of spaces remaining.

Download the attached Entry Form and return to Kim Bowden asap.  You can contact Kim on his mobile at any time on 07879 894492.




Tight Lines,

Richard Prosser

Secretary At Wessex Region Marine

  • 1 month later...


Rules attached and score sheet - note no mini-species, and bait is provided (probably frozen mackerel and squid, plus rag).


It takes place next Saturday, I'm drawn to fish on Piscary with 7 others. Also fishing will be Boney M, Random Harvest 2, and Strongbow. Total anglers will be 32 max.


Ray Barron and Colin Searles from the current England squad are also competing, but not on my boat.


I've never taken part in this comp before and I'd appreciate any advice!


Based on last week's experience, I'll need 10 bream (worth 5x4 + 5x1 + 5 = 30 points max), 10 ballan wrasse (35 points max), 10 doggies (25 points max) and as many fish of as many other species as I can find - but I suspect I'm missing a trick,


With a bit of luck pout, pollack, gurnard, plaice, or mackerel (!) could well appear, and with the extra 5 points per species, at least one of each would help.


If I can squeak a bass, ray, or smoothound I would get 10 points for each (up to the first 5) but a bonus 5 points for an extra species - so one fish is worth 15 points.


A single conger or tope would add 20 points.


A focus on quantity as well as species variety, with emphasis on "big" fish seems to be the current Angling Trust approach for competition (as opposed to specimen percentage and dead fish at weigh-ins), and this might be something we could try as a club, to help develop the techniques needed to compete effectively at the AT Boat Championships in future years. 


I'll give a report after the event.



Wessex Region Boat Rules 2015.pdf

score sheets Wessex 10 man 2015 (1).pdf


If I were you Mike I'd talk to Matt your skipper and see if he has any spaces for you before next Saturday,he is a wealth of information and a trip before.....even just a half day or evening would be a great insight into what he is about

Will it still run if forecast stays the same Mike? Might even be restricted to harbour?


Good idea Niggle, but alas, I doubt I can do this due to work constraints. The perils of being a bonded slave :(


Current thoughts are to focus on the bigger species, and try to pick up a bonus smaller one on other hooks, while avoiding mini-species. 


I'll have to use my heavier match rod to cope with rays, smoothound, etc.


Bait constraints will mean careful bait management, and smaller bait usage.




Be adaptable Mike use your experience to start with and keep watching the others  to give you pointers on what to go for to maximise your catch. Different species always welcome but when there aren't any new ones go for what is about and max out.

Comp I had last Friday in the Solent was like that - not lots of species - only five for me - and only maxed on pout - but had enough of the others to do OK.

First in a comp. for me was to use the 12-30 class rod all day - allowing me to bully the smoothies to the boat in a hurry and still OK for the smaller species.


Thanks Stuie, you can only catch what's there after all, and maxing out while that species is present makes perfect sense.


I'm starting to get the framework for a cunning plan, based around a potential 15 species from the list supplied.


Any more for any more?




The bait fish to be shared thing could work well or not.


Do you suggest the skipper goes for bait fish first, how long for, do you baitfish at your fishing spot or else where, when do you suggest lines down, then you have a max of 6 hrs fishing, have to be back by 17:00, do you sacrifice fishing time to travel back from a further but more productive grounds?


Nice to see you can fish for your own baitfish during the comp.


I was hoping to get some mackerel or pout in the comp, and use them as bigger baits for conger or tope....depending on where we go. I've made a bunch of 100lb traces up this evening just in case it works out.


I'm just not convinced there are many mackerel out there!



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