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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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you aren't going to drift with 2 x 56lb weights over the side in much under a 5 ton boat!


i've heard the charter skippers want you to bring your own weights but that's pushing it surely? wacko.gif


The reason i need 2 x 56lbs weights is one is to help blance the boat as my boat weigh 7.5 ton's and leans to one side a little and the other one is needed for driffing reasons. i am happy to buy them just can't find any where. i have seen load's in the RNLI and the market traders seem to get them.


50lb of water? Will it sink or will it float? Is it any good as weigh for drifting? Or what about filling them with sand (or sand with water) from down the beach?


I have lots of 20 litre plastic drums if you want any.


I think Jack was recommending the water container for the boat ballast rather than the drifting weight!!!! smile.gif


If you can find a 28lb weight I will swap it for a 56lb for your drift weight - 56 is a little OTT for me! pm me if you need the swap.


  duncan said:
I think Jack was recommending the water container for the boat ballast rather than the drifting weight!!!!  smile.gif


You're 100% right Duncan !!! ie. some racing yachts are water ballasted.


But to also answer Newboy's question re will it float? Yes.

So; no need to carry a container of water just drag it thru the water. smile.gif


Cheers - Jack


i dont no about the drifting wait


it wrecks the bottom for the fish dad was telling me how there used to be loads of place on the shambles until somebody started dragging a wait then everybody else followed and wrecked the bottom and slowed down the number of place being caught.


i think it is a bad idea to be honest drifting with a big weight dragging across the bottom




dad was telling me how there used to be loads of place on the shambles until somebody started dragging a wait




Or could it be the actual fishing pressure. When fishing on the shambles there is always loads of boats taking plaice, once counted well over 40 boats all after the same prey.


Food for thought though




As Martin says it may just be that dragging a weight allows more people to fish it for longer and on bigger tides then Peter, and such a Mark must have a limit on how much stock it can hold relative to how many rods are targetting that stock.


Shame because it was such a good mark, that said I believe it is still well worth a visit or two.


I am sure that the Weymouth boats still do very well out there, and our trailer boats had some nice fish in 2004. biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


The Skerries mark is fished out of sight by hundreds of boats, and this still seems to produce fish every year. Last time I fished it, with Lloyd Saunders, we all had at least two Plaice each, and a local friend down there tells me it still fishes well.


Hopefully, sense will prevail, and spawners will be returned, with only one or two fish taken for the table. It would be interesting to approach Southampton University with a view of getting hold of average spawning ages/sizes for species around our coastline. I may E-mail them.




I've found that 25kg plastic sacks of playsand, which can be purchased cheaply from a toy shop, or Argos, are ideal. They mould to the shape of the boat.

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