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Don't forget the clubs first meeting of 2025 on Tuesday the 4th February ×

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I've just placed a deposit on the Orkney 520 posted in the Swap and Shop section. Hopefully I'll pick it up on Friday.It's about 2 1/2 years old and looks brand new.

I 'm not over familiar with these small nippy boats so hopefully I'll be able to tag along with a couple of club members this season. I'm used to larger fishing boats and I'm pretty rubbish with an out-board.

Any advice through the coming season regarding the capabilities of this boat etc would be much appreciated.

I bought a 15ft cabin boat at the back end of last summer ( nice boat for the harbour but quite old ) which we used quite a bit to take the kids to Long Island, Wareham etc. I' ll be placing it on here for sale as soon as I've got some photos.




Speak with Paul D - he has the same boat - Neo.


You are more than welcome to tag along with us this summer and learn the ropes.


Look forward to seeing her in the flesh!






I am sure you will not be disappointed with the Orkney. The one advertised looked a very reasonable price and seemed to be in really good condition ( mine was like that once smile.gif ) and I am glad you have bought it as I wanted to see how , what appear to be lockers along each side, have been made.


You are more than welcome to pop over and see how my Orkney is set up. I usually launch from Wick in the summer ( wont be launching from there at the moment as I found out this evening it is full of caravans ......


The handling on the Orkney is very forgiving and they are good in big seas as well ( the "V" hull coming into its own then ).

Gordon tells me it rolls more than a Warrior when at anchor but cant have everything I guess.


I would also be interested to see what speed yours gets up to and what propellor size/gearing is used.


The boat is self bailing underway, so when at the end of a days fishing I tend to pull the bung out ( bunged from the inside ) and let water into the boat to clean the deck, start engine and when underway all the muck drains out the back of the boat.


The boat is double skinned and apparently can float on the inner skin ( havent tried this ! )


PS: One thing to watch is the front inside hatch, when open, is easy to kneel on which quickly breaks the hinge..... The plastic strip ( assuming yours is still there ) on the lower edge of the front hatch comes off readily and sinks when it falls in the sea smile.gif

The rear seats tend to crack on the side ( nothing serious here ).

The front seats tip back when in the fishing position and really need some catches adding - as Rich found out smile.gif ( I think I recall yours had these )





Thanks very much for all the info. Once I get up and running I will definately let you know all the details; speed, prop, etc.

There are no side lockers, only the ones aft and the ones under the seats. There are catches on the seat lockers.

I 'm hoping to get out on Saturday, weather permitting just for a run. The weather will have to be pretty bad to stop me having a play with the new toy.


Thanks again,




Collected the Orkney 520 from Beaulieu today. It was first time I'd towed a boat on a trailer before. Quite a run back to Poole on a Friday.

Arrived back at BP base slipway at about 14.45 just as the snow was at it's worst. Decided to launch anyway; new toy and all that. Was very impressed with the boat; handling, speed etc. I'm going to have another go tomorrow with the kids weather permitting.

Sorry for the pretty uninformative post but I'm really excited about getting the new boat and can't wait to get the rods out.


Glad to hear you like the Orkney. I am sure you will really have some fun with her.


PS: If you fancy a trip out on Monday from Mudeford then let me know as I am planning to launch from there with Gordon.





Fancy 2 boats trip out on Monday with Rich and Gordon as crew ?


( I was considering trying the deeper water around the Needles )


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