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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Second year for me and I love it

I'd made lots of rigs for species hunting and 4 Tope rigs for a prospect session either day of the comp.

Drove down on Thursday pm and met up with the crazy gang already pitched up.

Zebedee put my child's sized tent up for me and after escorting a very pissed snapper around the campsite , and when it started to rain I hit the inflatable for a clausto nights sleep.

Friday I'm in love.


What a place. With three east coast companions we headed out for deep water and BIG rolling sea. The swell was on the limit of my comfort zone, but as it wasn't breaking I dropped my anchor in 68 feet of water on a gentle slope. The chaps found there own marks and we were soon fishing.

There was plenty of maccys around and I sent two to the bottom with a 10/0 Owner circle hook debarbed.

These were head hooked.

In 5 minutes I had a run. Here we go.

Gone. On the retrieve I had a bare hook.

Then I had a nod on the other one and wound into a ray. It was obviously a good one and with the tide it was a slog, but eventually a thornback around 13lb guesstimate was on the yak. I didn't take a photo but I think Alex got one that would be good to see.

Baits back down and another run after an hour.Dropped. This was getting annoying. On the retrieve I saw the head and tail of the maccy with a great big bite out of the body.

The next one I hooked through the bottom of the jaw, up through the nose, and right through its back, wicked tuna style. The weather cheered up and so did my chums as they all started hitting good Thornys, especially Snappers which was a lump.

Another hour and then..click click click ,


We're on. What a fight this thing put on.

I had my 6lb Kenzaki and penn525 mag extra and a Diawa taper shock leader. This Tope went like a train and as I had debarbed I had to keep the pressure on.

Eventually it came up under the yak and I had a "gulp" moment.

Huge in the water. Can I get it on my lap or cut it off? In for a welsh penny, in for a pounding.

After much struggling and the fookin thing nearly pulling me in it was up for a photo. What a lump. Big fat belly.Small head.Huge tail.

The photos don't do the size of it justice imo.







Tried to keep these away from important bits following Richis trouser incident




That was it for me apart from dozens of dogs.

I watched snapper connect with a Tope as it tore line off, but snapped him off.

Back to the campsite a very happy Lofty


Competition day and everyone had their game face on







Everyone had a secret plan to head for the wreck first.

I had a demon on my shoulder whispering "tope,TOPE"

I started well intentioned with a small plaice and a dab, but as I looked at them all I could see was fresh tope bait.

I decided to have a crack at them but staying in the comp area.

I had one light rod with a 1/0 hook and a bit of maccy on and a Kenzaki 6/12 with a 10/0 on.

The lrf was double over into a nice thorny





I also found a smoothy and a Huss





5 species and nothing on the Tope bait and I headed back for the long slog up the beach and the prize giving.

Some great numbers and the usual suspects among the prizes. I take my hat off to these boys. Proper anglers using fabulous skills.Well done all that placed.

Back to the campsite and although I looked a bit unsociable at first, I was actually gearing up again for the Sunday morning. No small hooks for me.

Later on I joined in and had a great time with friends old and new.


Another night in my Lofteepee and woke on Sunday to sh1te weather.

I packed up, said goodbye and headed to the beach. It was doable so I done it.


Out to the 70 foot mark and although the maccys were thin on the ground I found 8 so into my live well they went.

Sat out there on my own, thinking about life and ,click click click


Another incredible fight and I had her by the yak

I looked around and saw James( the Yakler) and his mate paddling nearby.

He kindly came over and took the pop shots for me. This one was a bit smaller than Friday's one but I was chuffed to bits






The sun shine now and apart from another bull Huss that was my lot.

I said my goodbyes and landed.

What a weekend! 2 good Tope ,2 good Thornys, great fishing, banter, and chums

Here's to Oxwich 2016




Well done Steve


I am afraid that the lure of the tope has beaten us a few times too, aborting species comps once the Tope start feeding used to be a regular thing on my last boat.


Some great fish and terrific pictures

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