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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Quicksilver Boat

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Guest fish finger

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and am planning on joining the club. I am planning to get a quicksilver 640 in April. Does anyone know anything about these boats?




Hi Alex


I think Mark who is registered on this forum as "Loyal Royal" has a quicksilver 640. He bought it new last year, I believe he loves the boat and I'm sure he will post here if he finds it. You could look him up under the members button on the bar above and email him for his thoughts.




Yep, Martin is correct, Loyal Royal is a 640.


Have a look under 'Members Boats' on the top navigation bar - he has just been added.




I am the proud owner of a Quicksilver 580 and what a nice boat she is. Brought her new about 4 months ago, haven't had the chance to really test her but up to now she handles well, has loads of room and the Nav kit that came with the boat she is a nice package.


If I can help you out with anything, happy to take you out so you get to see one work, then just PM me.


Good Fishing




Yeah the very same guy? Seems like a nice guy, although do ask him about Ballast for the boat. I only found out a couple of weeks agothat they forgot to put ballast in the boat before it left the factory.


Butt in fairness they did sort it as soon as they found out there was a problem.


My Boat is currently on Dolphin Marine if you want to take a look. If you do go ahead with the purchase of the boat, let us know and we can motor out together some time weather permitting.

Guest fish finger

Where does the ballast go in the boat?

Is your boat on a trailer or are you having it moored?

hopefully we can meet up for a quicksilver outing

i am planning to get the boat the beggining of april


To be honest I'm not actually sure where the Ballast is, I guess it's in the front of the boat but not sure. My boat has no trailer, currently it's on a walk on walk off mooring on Poole Quay, I'm due to move it to a swing mooring at the end of March.


Had a call from Allan at Oceanque this mooring, they have just fitted a new part to the steering as well. Again not sure what but apparently it will improve the boats handling.?


Let us know when you are on the water an we will arrange to meet up.




Paul had a problem with the steering cables on his 640 which took them a while to sort out.


I guess they've learnt the lesson and are putting yours right aswell.


May not be the same problem, though.


By the way, what's happened to Paul? Haven't heard from him in a while and he wasn't at the meeting last night.





Hope ou are correct Bob, I did notice some pulling to the left but just thought 'that's another thing in my life that pulls to the left'


Will be taken her out this afternoon for a run so will let ou know if there is any real change. All in all, still think she's a nice boat.






I think Mark suffered with stiffness in his steering that was why his was changed.


Most boats will try and pull to the left this is due to the inertia of the prop trying to throw the boat to one side. The larger the engine and prop the greater the effect. I have got hydraulic steering on my boat and this pretty much negates the feeling even thought the engine has 150 gee gees




Now you mentioned it, I get that on Sweet Honey too. It's easy to turn one way and it takes twice the effect to turn the other way. The mechanicl reckon the cables are a old and probably need replacing but there will always be a problem turn one way but not the other. The only cure is like you said, hydralic steering but they don't come cheap. weep.gif


I only have a 60 on BW, but have never noticed the pulling to one side. I have the no feedback steering, and would recommend it. I can steer lock to lock with just a couple of fingers even at slow speeds and the boat never deviates.


One trip this winter on the way back from the island I never touched the wheel all the way home.


Mark had normal cables and upgraded to Telfon coated jobbies to make them smoother.




There is a small fin on your cavitation plate that is there to offset the effect of the direction of prop rotation.


It is also an anode to protect the gearbox.


If the steering offset is being caused by the bite of the prop, then slacken the bolt reset the angle of this fin to counter effect the prop rotation, tighten bolt and try again.

Its trial and error but a bit of time getting it right is worth it.


Be sure to have the boat balanced correctly and upright when doing the test runs. if you have the boat listing it will turn towards the low side.

if you do not think that the listing effects your boat, run it in a striaght line hold the wheel and get everyone else to transfer their weight to one side and see what happens.


I can set mine going in a straight line at sea and leave the wheel to go outside, then "Steer her" by moving from port to stbd.

usually done when on my own and looking for a few mackeral. Can be useful trick to know if your steering fails to get her on her way home while help arrives.


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




The no feedback system works on a friction principle which is used to give an effect a little like hydraulic steering.


Basically the cables run stiffer in the linings, meaning that any 'feedback' from the engine or caused by waves putting the boat offline have minimal effect. It makes the steering a little heavier than normal cables, but not noticably so - as I said I can steer BW with just a couple of fingers.


Not too sure on the cost - it comes as std on the Warriors.



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