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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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How did that turbot get off


No idea - but it looked like one hell of a bite on the rod!


WaterWolfHD is designed to be mounted inline for fishing. It can be cast etc. 


The key thing is to ensure the distance from camera to lead \ lure is right and then lead to hook, to ensure that the bait is in shot.


Those rays would have given once hell of a scrap and lead to thoughts of a 20lb turbot!




Very interesting Rob, thanks for sharing


lots of rays at that first mark, that seemed more interested in the boom than the bait, which explains why Sam caught a blonde on a sidewinder as we drifted a bank on Sunday.


amazed to see the turbot take the bait while inverted, and get off. I wonder how many we lose that way then just think that we snagged the bottom


very interesting to watch and will have a look into the camera, however I can see it becoming very frustrating fishing with the setup all day and then returning home and seeing how many fish you lost. it would ruin the fishermans tale of the one that got away.


does explain why I caught the blonde on the sidewinder the other day, first for me.




Can't drag it all the time Sam as it creates quite a bit of drag and reduces the sensitivity of the rig, due to heavier lead and heavier rod used.


I sent it down to a mid channel wreck, but at 150ft it is pitch black! 


Unfortunately, due card malfunction, the footage of Nannels Pollack smashing my lure didn't come out! Which was a big shame as something bit my lure in two! (I am guessing a wrasse)


That's really good rob if you have any more it would be great to see as others have said we could learn and adapt



Yes Dave, my thoughts - a great tool to learn an adapt.


I always assumed and so did others i have spoken to that the bait was fluttering between the lead and the boat, but in most cases i have seen, the boat on the surface is moving quite a bit faster than the bottom layer of water,


Oh, one note, is that live Weaver bait has a 100% success rate! (well, tried twice and landed 2 turbot)!!


what is the range like rob, are you restricted to close visability, is it something that could be set up on a heavier rod close to the boat to look back onto other rods?


I wouldn't mind having a look at it and discussing a bit further, could you bring it to the next meeting?


Hi Rob


I was going to ask about the weaver, will remember that in Weymouth as we get plenty on the shambles.


What editing program do you use?


I have loads of holiday Go Pro footage that I still need to edit.


I use MS Movie maker. Not the best but free in MS 2012 Essentials pack ( if you install choose advanced and untick all but moviemaker).


Surprised at how fast the bait gets dragged along and the difficulty some creatures seem to have in catching up. Seems like the Weymouth charter skippers,trick,of,dragging a lump of iron to slow the boat drift speed might well be a good idea.


...... And I thought sea fishing was just putting a lump of mackerel on the bottom and anything there would,take it.... Thinking cap now on



Thanks for posting these Rob, very interesting and thought provoking.


Re the missed turbo it seems to me that it was moving off with the bait after you let the line go slack. Then when the camera stopped the line there was a bolt rig effect that spooked it and off it shot shaking off the hook hold as it did so . So maybe the camera cost you the fish....


You wouldn't have seen that turbot on the fish finder.

He was " dug in "

It looked as though he was appearing from no-where - - - - -almost.


Well it just shows there are some fish out there and my feeding skills are helping to increase the size & numbers of them !


It's the catching part I need to work on !  :)


Now if you had a tv on your boat Jim, you would not worry about fishing..............I know of a lovely stand for your television, fits all make of boat !! :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

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