Coddy Posted January 28, 2016 Report Posted January 28, 2016 Those who wish to see the official status It also states what species are prohibited to retain Dave charlieannear 1 Quote
gaffa Posted January 28, 2016 Report Posted January 28, 2016 That is some document I am basically scrolled out Quote
Paul J Posted January 29, 2016 Report Posted January 29, 2016 That'll be my defense, i tried to read the rules but fell asleep Stuie and Jim 2 Quote
Stuie Posted January 29, 2016 Report Posted January 29, 2016 Certainly not an easy read - typical Eurobureaucracy. Rest assured every loophole known to man - and a few more besides - will be covered somewhere in there. Quote
Jim Posted January 29, 2016 Report Posted January 29, 2016 PJ : Sounds like a bloody good answer! " Show me where it says I can't keep a couple of Bass " We'll all be asleep before they get to it ! ! But as I've said before: I never manage to catch any Bass anyway. StanS 1 Quote
Stuie Posted January 30, 2016 Report Posted January 30, 2016 Angling Trust suggested questions for Fisheries Minister - Those members who feel strongly about the issue can contact him by letter or e-mail I will not respond on behalf of the club. Dear Club Secretary, RE BASS LIMITS Please find attached 20 suggested questions for your Club to aim at Fisheries Minister - Mr George Eustice MP at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA and or DEFRA. These questions have been compiled by our Hampshire Conservation Officer, Dick Stubbs and he says the more we bombard the Government re Bass Control, the better. It is in everyone's interest to do this, as you will have seen in Angling Trust's earlier Press Release today - Petitions have been set up all around our coast. We urge you to submit your letter on your Club's official headed paper. You can even urge your Club's Members to do exactly the same. Best Regards, Dick Prosser Secretary AT Wessex Region Marine Questions for George Eustice MP and or Defra What is the justification for increasing the limit on gill netting from 1 to 1.3 tons for bass when scientists recommend a reduction in the overall catch for 2016? What is the justification for anglers having a six month ban and commercial fishermen only being banned for two months? By how much will the overall change in rules reduce the total catch of bass in 2016? How much damage do Defra estimate will be done to the sport fishing industry with the introduction of the new restrictions? The current estimated value of the bass sport fishing industry in the Uk is £200,000,000 per year. What is this expected to be in 2016? What is the predicted growth to the economy of increasing the gill netting limit to 1.3 tons? There are estimated to be 800,000 sea anglers. Why discriminate against this number of people for the benefit of so few? This is bad law and as such will be held in contempt by many who will regard with contempt. The more a law is held in contempt the more likely it is to be broken. What steps will be taken to enforce this law? How do the EU and MAFF justify such discrimination against one section of the community to the benefit of another even when it is against economic sense and common justice? Can Mr George Eustice MP please justify his actions and statements to sea anglers? What is the estimated saving in the number of bass caught by the introduction of the new rules applied to anglers? What is the estimated increase in the number of bass caught as a result of the increased allowance for gill netting by commercial fishermen? By how much do Defra estimate the sport fishing industry will be damaged by the new regulations? How much longer will it take the bass fishery to recover in UK waters as a result of the increase in gill netting limits? How will Defra enforce the new law given the very low level of fisheries officers and IFCA resources? Is it in the public interest to prosecute somebody for taking just one fish given the time and cost of bringing the case to court? How much effort and resource will be redirected to enforce the new regulations by Defra or the local IFCA's? Will a compensation scheme be introduced to compensate commercial charter fishermen for their loss of earnings? Sport England are trying to promote angling as a pass time. Have they been consulted regarding this issue and is the result likely to be that fewer people are liable to take up fishing as a result? Will the Minister be campaigning to restore angler's right to catch three fish per trip and only be restricted to a closed season of two months for 2017? charlieannear 1 Quote
plaicemat Posted January 30, 2016 Report Posted January 30, 2016 For those who are interested in writing, the Ministers address is:George Eustace, M.P.,Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs,Nobel House,17 Smith Square,London, SW1P 3JR.I have also appended a personal preface to the letter which I think is important to avoid the 'snowstorm' approach; it actually has to be read. Here is mine:Dear Sir,I would be obliged if you could answer the following points for me please. This stems from my personal disgust at the way that the Government in particular and the EU in general have treated the matter of bass stocks around our shores. It has been stated that they are in a state of serious decline yet absolutely nothing will be achieved by the new regulations to change this. As a recreational angler who spends a lot of money on his hobby, I feel that we are being forced to limit our catches, which I have no problem with, to ensure greater catches by the fishing industry. Not fair, not justifiable and definitely not in the interests of bass stocks! gaffa, charlieannear, Stuie and 3 others 6 Quote
charlieannear Posted February 6, 2016 Report Posted February 6, 2016 Here's a slightly more easily-digestible version, from our own Government. Doesn't make it any easier to swallow though... Please consider writing to your local and national elected representatives, as described in the above posts. More on that in this thread: Quote
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