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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Im planning a trip out to the shambles on sunday the 19th ,weather permiting ph34r.gif .

I think Domino is up for that weekend , But the more the merrier.If so post here. biggrin.gif



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Would love to come but I am away all week in Holland and we move house on the Friday 18th! sad.gif


Bad enough being away all week but to suggest fishing .................... ph34r.gif


I think I would be pushing my luck just a little too far. dry.gif


Hope you have a good time





Saturday night have a friend's 40th birthday party to go to.

4 AM Sunday morning have to drop Elaine off at school for her trip to Italy ( alright for some eh ! ).

So I could be up bright and early ( although knackered ! ) to go to the Shambles on Sunday.


Happy to take Neo, but will need someone to crew.


Any offers ?



paul if you need crew im happy to crew for you



seen as the boats coming out soon i need someone to go with


dad said i should start going with you guys on my own a bit more

seen as im nearly 15


tight lines




james i would like to come but i will have to get some crew may be paul if he is not to busy with he's new boat or if rich is not crewing with you then may be he can come with me or any one for that matter ring me in the week for final details.


mark b


Im in also! biggrin.gif


Have pulled a few strings and now I can make it. Its gunna cost me a day at a Wedding exibition but if it means fishing the Shambles then Ill do it!! tongue.gif


Need crew also - Gordon can you make it? If not, then Sam you are also welcome on BW.




Adam, I can't even begin to think about what you have had to give to wangle that. wink.gif Or what you have been up to today, sweet talking your way round!!!!!!!! ph34r.gif


Yes I would love to find out what the shambles is all about. With all these boats going they will be queing up to drift.


I will talk to "er in doors" mad.gif to see if she won't mind walking home from work


I will confirm early in the week








thanks for the offer adam but im fishing on neo on the sunday at the shambles


will proberly see you out there




Mark, would you mind if I tag along (With a crew member) . Camira ain't been out since she was fixed and as they are similar boats it would give me a good idea on how best to handle her?


Where will you be lauching from etc?


Tony H (Camira)


Ive booked in as crew with Mark B on Loyal Royal, and have arranged bait for collection 0630 sunday, from Weymouth Angling Center. They are open from 0630 sunday, so if you want bait ordered, give them a bell, 01305 777771.




paul what time are you picking me up in the morning?


ive made my bling traces with exactly 18 beads like said on the tiger lily website and made some turbot and wrasse traces seen as i no there is some big wrasse up that way.


so how many boats are going now i counted: dawn raider, blue warrior, neo, loyal royal and domino.


is anyone else heading up there aswell.




Paul, I am unaware of tide times this sunday out of weymouth harbour, i have a tide chart, so will check. I have orderred enough bait for Mark B and I to fish, but the lug wraps are cheaper from Andy than they are from Poindesters, so I checked on their opening times this sunday. They open at 0630 sharp, so thats where my 0630 came from. I'd hate to miss out on my prime quality bait!! I have orderred us a pound of Rag, as that will cover two for the day, although I shall be taking a few wraps of Black Lug, and a small box of frozen squid for tipping with. I'm afraid that the super douper christmas tree type beady rigs will be rearing their ugly heads from the bowels of my tackle box. I fyou wish to order rag, Paul, give Andy Selby a ring on the above number and place the order, and we can collect before parking cars. I'll speak with BB re car parking facilities..........god I'm good.....prior preparation and planning prevents p*** poor performance!!!!


See you guys Sunday, see you friday BB




for sunday i have got a couple of boxes of squid, mackeral and am ordering a pound and a half of rag is this enough?



tongue.giftongue.gif Rich, The weather looks set fair for Friday mate. Plan of attack is firstly a bit of Plaice and maybe Turbot. Bank and mussel beds. Then reefing for Rays, Bullies, Conger etc. Then maybe Wrassing to finish mate. Dont forget it is a species hunt so size is not important( No matter what they say). I would suggest a light rod for the drifting( Do you have a multi tip?) and a medium rod for the reefing. Bait will be rag, lug, mackerel, squid, anything you like really. Will contact you nearer the day to finalise details mate. BB cool.gif



That will do fine. Any more and my boat will sink smile.gif

I have got 3 packets of mackeral ( 6 of them ) and some frozen hermits leftover from last year + some squid.


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