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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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i saw the forecast yesterday and it said 20 degrees and light winds so its ment to be nice it should improve, the winds have been resonable all week.




I was about to disagree with you Adam, since I had looked up the forecast on windguru yesterday.

Just looked up the forecast and they are predicting 18knots southerly with waves up to 2.1 metres.


Will keep an eye as it seems changeable at the moment, but have to agree looks dubious at the moment.


Looks good for your Friday trip though Rich.


Hi Paul


I was going to order the worms today but with the forecast as it is, I have not done so yet


I will keep an eye on the forecast and if I can not order them at this end I will call the shop at weymouth in a day or so.


If its on what time are you aiming to pick Sam up?




Rich / James ,


Checked the tide times - LW is at 07:57 but it is 0.8 metres and HW is at 14:00 and is 1.1 metres. ( Hard to find the HW / LW on the graph ! )


So no problem launching all through the day I think.


7 AM launch to get to Shambles by slack water ?

or earlier ?



PS: At least there wont be much problem with wind against tide smile.gif





If I get to your house at say 6 AM - will mean Weymouth by 7 AM easily. Sound OK ( No problem for me as I will be up at 3:30 AM sad.gif ) ?



Can do Sam. If you fancy feeling queesy smile.gif


Lets see what the forecast brings and maybe get BB's opinion on the conditions before going.


No early night for me either as I have a friends 40th party to go to on Sat PM.



luckily paul ive never got sea sick in my life so i would proberly be ok if you dont mind staying out


i really want to go why does the weather always have to ruin it mad.gif


hope we go






i have just got my veals order come through of a load of hooks and beads and attracter blades.


hope we go seen as its cost me a few bob


ive been watching the trees slowly moving all day at school it doesnt seem too bad i dont no what every1 else thinks but looking outside i would be happy fishing in this.




Its getting a bit better - 5pm will tell when the forecast is updated.


F4 easterlies forecast now, so as long as it doesnt get any worse it should just be OK.




sounds good i was reading this magazine yesterday and there was a 4 page article in there about fishing the shambles i think it was total sea fishing i cant remember but it was really interesting.






Windguru is forecasting 14-15 Knot SE and wave height of around 1.5 metres and 1 "star" for surfing ( stars are bad for fishing smile.gif ).

Wave period = 5 secs ( = starting to chop up ).


Mind you better than Tuesday next week, which looks horrendous !!


Wouldn't the problem with Easterlies at Weymouth be the fact there is nowhere to shelter ? BB - what do you think ?




Metcheck forecast a reasonable wave height of 1ft for Portland Bill with an easterlies wind of 15 knots ( F4 ).

Looks OK I think, given the small tide ?


Is it not a case though of "wind from the east - fish are least" ( or something like that ?? ).



Oh and Sam - Stop looking at the trees and concentrate on your schoolwork laugh.giflaugh.gif



I Am going to leave at about 6/6.30 to get down there.I planned to meet up with Adam on the way.

I just hope the weather forecast keeps getting better they have dropped the wind speed on sunday by 10mph in the last 24 hours. fingers crossed. rolleyes.gif

I was going to take some other baits as well to maybe have a go for the wrasse

in the habour if the weather gets bad.



tongue.gif You are right Paul in that Easterly winds are the worst as far as Weymouth is concerned, no shelter mate. The wrasse are also thin on the ground this time of the year although there are a few 3 lbers about. If it is anything above a force 4 dont bother. BB cool.gif



I have spoken to Paul, we are both a bit concerned about the forecast for Sunday.

He is looking at a trip on Sat instead


Paul if you see this I have booked 1lb Rag, I will collect tomorrow evening.


Hopefully if others do not like the forecast for Sunday they may join you on Sat


Tight lines



Thanks for the info Billy,


I think others unable to move to Saturday ( I spoke to James ).

So will be going for Saturday and fingers crossed that the wind stays down ( otherwise early trip back ).


If 1) rough, 2) no fish by 12 AM , then will be heading back and going to football.


If 3) not rough and 4) fish are biting then football can take a back seat smile.gifsmile.gif


I will get to yours at 6 AM Sat Sam, so be up and ready.


HMmmm...I can do either day and I must say that Sat is by far the best weather wise. Sunday looks to be touch and go - I may join you yet Paul.




Ive decided on Sat. It suits Gordon better, and my collegue from work who is also coming can only make Sat.


Sun looks quite fishable, 16 knots F4 all day, but tomorrow is 3-6 knots winds and 1-2 all day!


So Ill see you in the morning Paul - James, I think Loyal Royal and Domino are still going out on Sun, so you wont be alone.


Bring on the plaice!!






I hope it is 1-2 winds. Forecast at moment is F2-3 ( 6 to 9 knots ) and blazing sunshine. ( Metcheck )

Winds still Easterly though.



Bring on the Turbot and Plaice smile.gif


yeah bring on the plaice and turbot.


i would love to catch a turbot i have never even seen one or a brill so ever of them would be great to catch.


and i havent caught a plaice for a couple of years


tight lines [ hopefully on saturday]




I wish I to could do sat but I have to work mad.gif

I do have monday of though and there giving F1-2 then , so I might well go then instead, I will make up my mind tomorow



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