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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just removed a large anodised sliding window, the seals had gone and it wouldn't slide.


I have bought a new set of seals, and expected to do the job myself, however, it is proving rather tricky to do a decent job.


Could anyone recommend please where/who I might take the window to get it repaired?




As a start it might be worth a call to Dorset glass if they cant help they may know the company you need. Are the seals around the frame or around the glass?


The seals are between the glass and frame allowing it to slide.


I have removed all the old seals they were knackered. It is just the sliding glass does not come out from the frame. The fixed window is bonded in. I suspect the correct way to do it is detach the fixed window, fit seals and rebond fixed glass.


Another may be to slide the seals in place in situ, however I don't think it will end up as a very good job. And I don't want to end up with a leak.


Hence looking for an expert.


I will call Dorset glass, any other suggestions?


Jeremy Rogers are going to take a look but have not promised to do it yet, I didn't think it would be so hard.


There are loads of Marine Window company's but seemingly none round here, mainly Norfolk and Kent including South East Marine Windows, it is not something I want to ship.


Wessex Marine, they were my first port of call, nice people, super busy with new boat deliveries, can do it but not for 2 months 


Got quoted up to 5 hours to do the job by Jeremy Rogers, can't believe it will take anywhere near that long, So i got the window back and I'm having a go myself.


Windows seals replaced by unbonding the fixed glass on one side; slow job sliding a razor blade along flat, this allowed the frame to be flexed enough to fit the sliding glass back in after fitting the seals.


Used black Sikaflex 295 UV sealant to rebond the fixed glass and as a bed for the seals. All cured now and fitted on the boat sealed using Arbomask.


Took 3 hours to rebuild the window, most of that was removing the old silicon. I think a professional would probably take 2, so much for 'up to 5 hours'.


Whether this is an approved way of doing the job I'm not sure, it looks ok and the windows slides the full length for the first time since i've had the boat, oooo, the pleasure...


So Graham, no getting chilly when we visit a small island near France...


Some times it better to do it your self just had a new engine fitted had a quote for one engineer to remove and replace 8 hours ended up with 2 engineers 16 hours and still not finished could of done it myself in 8 hours im sure


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