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That was very difficult day, what seemed work on every other Bream day failed.

I tried every combination of beads, bait ( including my soooper dooper secret white isomme lures) .

First drop I got my only decent ( ish) fish , it all went Pete Tong from then


Things learnt from the day ? You can try too hard , this leads to frustration , endless hours of sod all followed by tiny moment of joy can lead to success


Not ONE other type of fish today on Fisheagle , not even a doggie or pout , weird ;


I'm sure David won't mind me saying the winning fish happened when he was in the cabin biscuit cupboard , his rod was in the holder , it had been a fair old while since his bait had been checked or changed , Alan's phone rang for the first time of the day , fish on , competition won .


Alan was also getting reall pissed off , his fish only came when is phone started ringing , , maybe that's the secret , get Frank to call you ?!!!

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