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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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wedger as said in an earlier post, the commercial groundbait in NZ is frozen in net tubing inside plastic which makes it better to handle.


I am sure that if yours was packed like that it would be appealing to the market. especially if the bombs then fitted inside 4" drain pipe that could be made into droppers or transom tubes.


in the RN we used plastic tubing of about that size as discharge hoses for vent fans to get fumes and smoke out of the ships.

so there must be a source somewhere, any ideas Adam??


Look forward to trying your mix ASAP the bream arrive




Hi Adam

I would be interested in a roll, of a size that when full of frozen groundbait would drop easily into either 3" downpipe or probably better in 4" soil pipe.

If you can get a roll at about 3 1/2" dia please get me one and let me know what I owe you


I will use it to freeze blood guts and bone and left over bait etc into groundbait and of course fish magnet.


I could then make up a transom pipe, like those in use in NZ to try in UK.


Happy to trail it and report on results







Guest Guest_Gazza_Fisherman

Have you ever heard of the berley bomb ? Try www.berleybomb.com

I believe the importers are from the isle of wight.email berleybomb@btconnect.com

Tight lines


how i ground bait especially when congering is put your ground bait i usually use chopped up fish in a old ice cream tub topped up with water put a loop of line or string through it ..then when your baits on the bottom simply remove frozen block from the tub and slide it down the linewhich stops on a swivel allowing the bait to thaw and drift over your bait .. for smaller amounts use a plastic cup as a mold..


Is this the sort of thing you mean Wedger?  Fatal Attractor. It looks like quite a good idea, read the reviews.



I have one of these "Fatal Attractor's" it is a bit messy to fill and storing in the FPO's freezer did not help! wink.gif


I can bring it down to the next club meeting if anyone is interested to look see.


I am looking to see if it works better in the warmer climate of the Southern waters than the Eastern this year if I can every get away from the housework due to the move. sad.gif


Still I am earning plenty of brownie points as I need them for May when I will be out almost every week-end rolleyes.gif (weather permitting)





i have heard of berley bomb it is all they use in new zealand it attracts all the little fish to the boat in the scent trail. then you fish just outside of the scent trail were the big fish are.


and it does work producing a 16lb snapper for dads mate.


they use it off the shore aswell same affect.




I have managed to source some clear plastic tubes, approx 2ins x 25ins with a plastic cap at each end. I am going to ask Wedger to fill them from his sausage machine and freeze them. I will then decant the 2ins x 25ins sausage into the pipe on the stern of the boat and, hopefully, hey presto. I will let you know how it works out and, if anybody else wants to try, let me know and I'll bring some down.


I sort of follow the plan, but am struggling on one point -


So you have these plastic tubes mounted on the stern, pointing down...you simply then just load up a sausage of Magnet and send it down the tube to the bottom?


Presumably the magnet will be frozen? - if so, here is my problem - ice floats, hence when you drop the frozen magnet into the water it will not sink??




Not quite, Adam. The tube on the stern, say 3in white drainpipe (looks better than grey) has a couple of metal or plastic rods across the bottom to stop the long sausage of magnet from falling through. This allows it to slowly break up with the action of the waves and disperse slowly. When the sausage is used, replace with another.


To further elucidate, the sausage is pushed out of the clear plastic tube straight into the other tube on the stern. It is only used to freeze the magnet into a useable shape.


Well, I don't know, Martin, and I'm hoping not. When I fished xray, I was hand feeding groundbait and I know it worked as the fish had it in their mouths. I therefore assume it would work similarly for bream, but I could be wrong. This is similar, I believe, to the method they use in Australia and New Zealand. Obviously, a method that put the bait about 10-12 feet off the bottom would probably be ideal, but I think this could work. Watch this space!


Last year when I started GB witht he bream, I mixed some GB put them in a 4 litre milk carton, freeze it, and tie it to a house brick (with a nylon rope cleat to the stern) and sink it beneath the boat. This worked really well except when the tide swing, I would have to lift the carton and drop it beneath the boat again.


PS using a knife cut a couple of small hole in the carton to let the bait out.


When we were fishing xray, we were catching whiting off the bottom, with our g'bait in their mouths. Enough must have got down to hold the fish, surely. It may be that my inexperience has caused over enthusiasm, but I'm willing to give it a try. Being an optimist, I have trouble seeing the negative side of things before trying them.


All seem to be variations on one theme.


In NZ they use berley bombs that are unwrapped then droped while frozen into a transom tube, which are closed at the base but the base has lots of holes to let the Sea water in and berley out.


This flows away and sinks, attracting the small fish, which in tern attract the larger fish.

A fairly large bomb was lasting about 3 to 4 hours, which seems to be about how long they fish for out there at Dawn or Dusk.


That is why I asked Adam if he can source a supply of polythene tubing to be stuffed with groundbait and frozen, that would fit in its frozen state into a transom tube.


Please be aware that in NZ they fish deep areas using this method but they do not have the tides we have , a big wieght to them is 2 oz.


If we can set this up I am more than willing to try it. If the Transom tube does not work, or the groundbait just gets washed out to quickly there are other options.


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






I misunderstood you on the tubing issue - I thought you were talking about polyuerthene tubing - i.e rigid...polythene tubing? hmmmm im not too sure Ill have a think.




Hi Adam


Easy to get mixed up with all the plastics around. we need to try and source polythene tubing if we [You] can.


We used to get it flat in rolls for exhausts of vent fans.


Thinking about it the Polyuerthene tube of the right size could be an option, cut into lengths, insert a plastic bag and then stuff with Groundbait and pop in the freezer.


once frozen it should slide out easily plastic to plastic.


I may try this theory using a few short lengths of downpipe when the mackeral arrive.




Isn't it strange they get very little tide down under. Down at South Australia they have what it's called a dodge tide where there's little movement of water.

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