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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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How short has the shaft got to be to be classified as a short shaft engine? If someone wants the length of the shaft where does the measurements come from? Top or bottom of prop etc?




I believe the following to be correct



  • Short 15"
  • Long 20"
  • X Long 25"
  • XX Long 30"

These are the standard measurements from the mounting bracket to the cavitation plate. There is adjustment on the bolt on type engines by using the various mounting holes and lifting the engine. Ideally the cav. plate should be in the range between level with the bottom of the hull and up to 1 inch below.


Cheers - Jack


im starting thinking about getting a small boat does anybody have any outboards about 15,20 hp knocking around anyway that they can sell at a reasonable price please





Chris (thats a biggun) is picking up one today that he is selling on, I think he might put it on here, or ebay. I dont know what he wants for it. OR Boat Jumble season is nearly upon us, normally get a bargin there.


year i suppose your write


i keep telling dad about boats i keep finding then he says you cant have a boat because you cant trailor it but he is happy to let me have a rib which would still involve him using the car im confused blink.gif


im going to keep looking if anyone sees one or knows of one please let me know thanks




It all depends on how much you want to spend on a boat. If you don't mind the hard work, you can pick up a sound boat for a couple of hundred now. A few weeks (or months depending how much time you can spend on it) of hard work, new paint and a few updates and a new boat you have.


i am happy to put in the hardwork on it i would like the challenge working on it.


i have seen a few for a couple of hundred but they need a good paint job and a bit of tlc.


if anyone knows one let me know



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