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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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Next Sunday - 18th September the Bass Competition


Trophy for largest caught and largest caught / released (BASS Sponsored Trophy)


Court Jester  Neal + Crew TBA


Court Jester  Neal + Crew TBA

Alfresco         Charlie + Crew TBA

Kingfisher - Chris + Crew TBA

Tigerfish - Steve + Alun

Serenity - Tony + Crew TBA


Court Jester  Neal + Crew TBA

Alfresco         Charlie + Crew TBA

Kingfisher - Chris + Crew TBA

Tigerfish - Steve + Alun

Serenity - Tony + Crew TBA

Y-Knot - Mal + Trevor Thomas


Court Jester Neal + Crew TBA
Alfresco Charlie + Will
Kingfisher - Chris + Lester
Tigerfish - Steve + Alun
Serenity - Tony + Peter Russel (snr)
Y-Knot - Mal + crew TBA

Ella Bella mark + crew          


Hi, I'm a member who has yet to get out fishing. I'd like to crew for the Bass Comp on Sunday.  I know it is a bit late but would any boat owner out there like another crew member.  Please phone 07706 489 654 if you can help. Thanks, Neil


Court Jester Neal + Crew TBA

Alfresco Charlie + Will

Kingfisher - Chris + Lester

Tigerfish - Steve + Alun

Serenity - Tony + Peter Russel (snr)

Y-Knot - Mal + crew TBA

Ella Bella mark + crew

Reel Bizzy - Kev + Jacob+ plus non member




Court Jester Neal + Crew TBA

Alfresco Charlie + Will

Kingfisher - Chris + Lester

Tigerfish - Steve + Alun

Serenity - Tony + Peter Russel (snr)

Y-Knot - Mal + crew TBA

Ella Bella mark + crew 

Reel Bizzy - Kev + Jacob+ plus non member 


Solan Rob & Chris (jnr)


Court Jester Neal, Stuie, Dave
Alfresco Charlie + Will
Kingfisher - Chris + Lester
Tigerfish - Steve + Alun
Serenity - Tony + Peter Russel (snr)
Y-Knot - Mal + crew TBA
Ella Bella mark + crew 
Reel Bizzy - Kev + Jacob+ plus non member 
Solan Rob & Chris (jnr) 


Any one else who decides to go out on the day - just call up a committee member before fishing to sign in.


Court Jester Neal, Stuie, Dave

Alfresco Charlie + Will

Kingfisher - Chris + Lester

Tigerfish - Steve + Alun

Serenity - Tony + Peter Russel (snr)

Y-Knot - Mal + crew TBA

Ella Bella mark + crew 

Reel Bizzy - Kev + Jacob+ plus non member 

Solan Rob & Chris (jnr) + Charlie A


As I had Will and Trevor onboard today we decided to fish inshore as they love to do.


Off to an inshore rock mark to collect bait fish, before long the blue bin was filling up with a variety of scad pout and various wrasse


It wasvlate morning before we started bass fishing, all on the drift.


To be honest it was a struggle for half a dozen small ones


Will had 5 to 1lb 9oz and I had only one at 2lb 15oz,


Plus a first for me a large Ballen Wrasse of 4lb 4oz on a small live pout??


Still it was a great day to be out on the boat, rod in hand.


Alun and I had a pretty good day with the bass, we had 14 between us, Alun shading it on the numbers count but with me getting the biggest, most were in the 3 to 4lb range with a few bigger ones, the best went 7lb 3oz, another at 5lb 14oz and third at 5lb 10oz (to Steve, returned). With livelies hard to find and slack water at midday it was straight on the lures. We did pick up a couple of joeys at slack water and had a bass on each of them, all the rest came on lures along with some wrasse with the best at 3lb. I’ve never really targeted wrasse so that was a PB for me.


The livewell came into it’s own, the bass being upgraded as we went along with the 3 biggest happily all lined up when we got back to base, the macks we also put in there were rather less happy, sticking to the bass tail ends…


What with the splendid weather and catching plenty of the target species it was a really great day.


Excellent session Steve - well done. Much better 'STAMP' of fish than we were able to find, albeit not a surprise...

Neal took Dave and I out and similar to Charlie, we decided to stay inshore using livebait, rag and artificials. It was a struggle.

We managed six between us mainly small, but with one of 3lb 4oz on the first drop - sadly that wasn't a sign of things to come....

A  lovely day to be out - with good company - and pleasing that we all found the 'TARGET' species......

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