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Whilst out on the boat training on Sunday I took the oppertunity to try mt new DSC Icom VHF out.


Having never used the DSC function before I was a little unsure, but literly 30 seconds of reading the instructions I was away!


I entered Loyal Royals's MMSI number into the radios address book under 'Loyal'. Making a call to mark was then a simple matter of looking up his number ( 2 button pushes) selecting this ( 1 button) and making the call (2 buttons) so all in 5 pushes taking about 5 seconds. This then 'rings' marks VHF until he answers me. It then switches his radio to the one that I pre-designated (Ch6) - I then get a reply on my VHF to tell me he has aknowledged me. We can then begin normal VHF conversation.


A superb idea - much quicker than using a manual call, and it doesnt hog the radio waves, as it uses Ch70 and a digital call.


As the cost of DSC has now come down to the level of normal VHF and it is now law that ALL VHF's made now must have DSC - I would urge you all to consider this fantastic new technology.




The Navman 7200 has a "Track your buddy" feature which is a nice touch. So when Peter Senior disappears to his secret Ray mark, I'd be able to see where it is. tongue.giftongue.gif


Only trouble is, Pete would have to have one too. weep.gif





I can link mine up so that it achived the same thing - I havent looked into it yet, but the Garmin 182c has the ability I think.




The Navman 7200 has a "Track your buddy" feature which is a nice touch. So when Peter Senior disappears to his secret Ray mark, I'd be able to see where it is.  tongue.gif  tongue.gif


Only trouble is, Pete would have to have one too.  weep.gif




This also assumes that Pete can actually find his 'secret ray mark'! biggrin.giflaugh.gif


This also assumes that Pete can actually find his 'secret ray mark'! 


Pete came out on my boat once, armed with his secret numbers, we loaded them into my plotter and spent what seemed like an age looking and found.....nothing even tried his hand held and......nothing. A couple of weeks later came out and there he was sat on his secret mark about 4/5 hundred metres further south. Needless to say it aint secret any more biggrin.gif



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